
This week Amazon sent me an email promoting the Bob Harper “Total Body Transformation” DVD:

As much as I enjoy my Bob Harper Pure Burn Super Strength DVD, my first reaction to this email was, “I don’t need to transform my body.” (I’d be happy with a bit of fine-tuning.)

My reaction got me thinking about the transformations I’ve already been through.

The physical changes happened first:

(August 1998)

(August 2001)

But it took 10 more years to quiet those self-image demons and develop enough self-confidence to say (to myself) that I am just fine the way I am (and mean it).

Tell me about your transformations.

(Does anyone have this DVD?)


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4 Responses to Transformations

  1. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    whoa, who knew you had "before" pictures?! You've come a ways, good job Coco!!

  2. I have this dvd! It will kick your aRse!!!! So far I can only do 20 min's of it its that intense!

  3. Oh yea and by the way…Bob cant tell time cause the quick 10 minuet workout is clearly15 minuets lol

    Great dvd though!

  4. Pingback: Monday Announcements: 1.23.12 | Healthy Living Blogs

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