Spring Fever

I know it isn’t really even winter yet, but I went a little crazy this week and now am signed up for three big spring races.

1.Β  The Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon in Washington, D.C. on March 17

2. The Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run in Washington, D. C. on April 1

Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run

(I entered the lottery. The drawing is next week. Please keep your fingers crossed!)

3. The GW Parkway Classic in Alexandria, Va on April 22

Maybe I’m trying to put the horrible Hot Chocolate 15K behind me.

Maybe I’m making sure that I keep up my training through the coming winter months.

Maybe I’m not very good at saying “no” when one of my friends suggests that we sign up for a race!

Have you signed up for any spring races yet?

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11 Responses to Spring Fever

  1. SuperBabe says:

    Not yet! I've been sick for 2 weeks now so I haven't been able to exercise at all πŸ™ But I got a bike trainer because I'm excited about the prospect of doing a triathlon next year, so I'm hoping to get some good use out of our community center membership and go run on the TM (or outside if there is not a lot of snow and/or freezing wind!) and swim there, and just bike at home… I don't really care much for smaller (<21K) races anymore, so I'm just planning to do the September half marathon… and the triathlon (I think that one is in April)… it's a smaller one, nothing crazy like even a half iron man πŸ™‚

  2. Carly D. @ CarlyBana says:

    I'm signed up for RnR USA 1/2 (3/17). And I'm signed up for the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler (4/1) because I volunteered last year and get guaranteed entry this year (I highly recommend this).
    I also want to sign up for the B&A 1/2 on 3/3… but I'm waiting to see how training goes. It's not necessary but I'd love to throw it onto the schedule πŸ™‚
    Also, did you get the picture I sent you?

  3. Kim says:

    I am all set to stay motivated thru 2012. I am signed up for Team Ortho Monster Series. 10k Jan. 1, 1/2 Mar 17, 1/2 Jun 3, Du Aug 28, 1/2 Oct 28. I will add a few bike races too:)

  4. Jen & Jess (@iru says:

    I love that it's "snowing" on your page! That's so neat. Not signed up for any spring races, because I'm getting ready to deploy. Good luck with the lotto – hope you get it!

  5. I was looking at Cherry Blossom but decided against battling the crowds/traffic. (in my pre-kid days I always got a hotel room the night before) Maybe I'll check out the GW classic? I think also there used to be a Reston 10 miler? I need to get something on the calendar to get me motivated!!!

    PS: is it spring yet?! πŸ™‚

  6. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    What's the distance on the GW one?
    I'm a little bummed that I won't get to do any spring races other than my marathon because I'll need a month to recover.
    Good luck on the lotto!

  7. Pingback: I Don’t Need Excuses | Running With Perseverance

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