Maybe Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of May, so maybe it’s time to gather at the runfessional hosted at Marcia’s Healthy Slice so we can cleanse our souls soles before we head into June.

You also may be joining the Fit Five Friday Link-Up with DarleneMichelle, Renée, Jenn, and Zenaida.

Maybe Runfessions

This month’s runfessions are all about uncertainty. It’s not a comfortable place for me to be, but in many ways it may be better than certainty

I runfess I am nervous declaring that my hamstring really may be healing, but all signs are pointing to recovery. Once reason I am still hesitant is that just a few weeks ago it was not better and hurt a lot after a long car ride and a few hours in stadium seats watching a baseball game.

I was on the verge of checking back in with my orthopedist, but then it quieted down and has mostly stayed that way. I’m still being cautious but it it tolerating 3-5 mile runs without complaint.

On the other hand, I runfess I am still mostly ignoring the issue with my ankle. I refuse to call it an injury because I don’t recall doing anything to it and it doesn’t bother me walking or running. It is tender to the touch in some spots and sort of bothers me cycling, but I think that’s more from my shoes than any stress or strain. Maybe it will get better on its own?

I runfess I was surprised Lawyers Have Heart sent me a real race bib with my virtual race entry. Maybe I will be able to run it for real next year—I sure hope so!

I runfess I am dreading packing for my business trip next week. I have one night in Chicago followed by three nights in San Diego, with a sit-down business dinner or reception each evening. At least there’s only two events with the same people, so I can multi-task my outfits—but not my sweaty running gear. Maybe if I go for a run before my flight on Monday I can run in three different time zones next week!

What are you runfessing?

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9 Responses to Maybe Runfessions

  1. Catrina says:

    A dinner or a reception for 4 nights in a row would stress me out no end, I’m hope that you’ll be able to fit in a run or two in Chicago and San Diego!
    Injuries are so stealthy – just as they creep in, they creep out again. I’m sure your hamstring is well on its way out!

  2. Marcia says:

    I swear I STILL feel my partial hamstring rupture sometimes. For a long time there were issues with scar tissue. My sports chiro dealt with that.
    I agree with Catrina, all those receptions would be no bueno for me either. At least you can repurpose what you pack. Enjoy all the running though!

  3. Jenny says:

    That trip does sound challenging! My son and husband are in CA this week, and I’m appreciating how far away it is! Three hours difference is a lot.
    What is this about a sore ankle??? It definitely doesn’t sound like a running injury, so that’s good. Now my hip is hurting- always something to worry about.

  4. Michelle says:

    4 nights of receptions and dinners sounds like a lot! Reminds why I don’t miss business travel anymore. It’s a good thing you can repurpose your outfits. Hope you get to run in all the time zones 🙂

    Yay for being cautiously optimistic – I hope your hammy continues to stay quiet!

  5. I bet you are an expert at packing at this point. The west coast time change hits me hard on the way back for short trips. Glad you hamstring is finally cooperating. I switched to the virtual race but never got any bib or any info so not sure it ever went through. Oh well!

  6. Awesome (optimistic) news on the hamstring! I know that feeling, though… feeling mostly healed, but afraid of saying it out loud. Your trip sounds exciting, but all those receptions would be stressful in terms of attire. But, all the potential running… 🙂

  7. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    that’s cool about 3 runs and 3 time zones. Do it!

    Good news on the hamstring… just have to avoid sitting for long periods.

    I also ignored my thigh pain but glad I didn’t and now it’s normal.

    But somethings you do have to ignore. How do we know??

  8. Jenn says:

    That requires so much social battery! I think I can do two nights back to back before I start to get edgy.

    I really hope your hamstring and your ankle both sort themselves out! I hate this for you.

  9. Cari says:

    Packing logistics aside, running in three time zones is a fun goal. Travel safe!

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