Oversharing At The June Coffee Date

Welcome to the June Ultimate Coffee Date! Deborah and I are so glad you are participating in our virtual get-together by linking up your post about what’s going on in your life and visiting and commenting on other coffee date posts. We know it’s a busy time of year, so we’ll keep the link up open all weekend.ultimate coffee date

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We know many of you will be sharing your runfessions and also joining the Friday Five link up at Fairytales and Fitness.

Oversharing At The June Ultimate Coffee Date

If we were having coffee, I would have so much to tell you! First, I would share that I am once again fundraising for the American Heart Association through the Lawyers Have Heart race. You know this cause is important to me for personal reasons (like these, and this one), and you know I like to share the different heart attack warning signs for women and the current warning signs for stroke in women.

As informed as I think I am, I was shocked to read in this article that women aged 35-54 accounted for nearly 1/3 of hospitalizations for heart attack. Aside from the usual risk factors (high blood pressure, diabetes) poverty and stress seem to be at play. To support more research and outreach to help prevent heart disease, you can donate to the American Heart Association through my Lawyers Have Heart fundraising page or my Facebook fundraising page.

If we were having coffee, I would runfess that I signed up for the Lawyers Have Heart 5K again this year, instead of the 10K. This is a race I love to hate, because I love the cause but hate the course. Doing the 5K makes it easier to love the whole event.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I have been taking my glass to the recycling center, and share another recycling dilemma. I have been a daily home delivery subscriber to the Washington Post ever since I had my own address. Until recently I’ve been lucky to receive my paper before I head out to one of my early fitness classes, but lately it’s not being delivered until after 6:00 am, so I have to head to work without it.

On those days, I’ll usually read a few articles on the app, and I’ve discovered that articles are published on-line days before they appear in print. So, when I do get to read the paper, I find I’ve already read the most interesting articles. I still enjoy browsing through the whole newspaper, use the weekly grocery store circular for inspiration, and rely on the plastic bags for walking Scooby, but the newspapers do take up the most room in our recycling bin. Should I cancel home delivery and go digital?

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that although my daughter’s veganism has me eating less meat, she has not managed to turn me off dairy. That said, when I got a coupon for a free carton of Planet Oat oat milk I was willing to give it a try.

I tentatively tasted a sip, and I am hooked! It has the consistency of milk and barely any taste. It’s the first milk alternative that I can drink by the glass and not notice a difference. It has about the same calories as skim milk (90 per cup) but only 2g protein, so it’s not an even nutritional swap. If you want to give it a try, look for this brand in particular. When my store was out I tried Silk brand oatmilk and while it wasn’t offensive, it did taste oat-y.

If we were having coffee, I would share that I enjoyed tending to my son’s patio garden–and caring for his cat–over the long weekend. I picked enough lettuce for several salads and am jealous that he will soon be able to pick squash and green beans for dinner.

If we were having coffee, I would share why I don’t enjoy gardening at home–I got a big mosquito bite on my elbow during the 5 minutes it took to water my flowers. I’ve got my basil in a small pot so I can pick leaves inside where I won’t be devoured.

Do you like to garden?

Have you tried a new product you love? 

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41 Responses to Oversharing At The June Coffee Date

  1. Marcia says:

    I’ll keep that Oat Milk in mind. I always notice a taste with alternative milks too. I’ve been getting the Chi Tribune forever as well. Now that we don’t have geriatric dogs, I don’t need the paper for those purposes. I feel like I’m one of the last holdouts on not going digital. I love to garden but I’m having reservations about going for a big plot in the community garden this year. SO. Many. WEEDS! Thanks for runfessing!

    • Coco says:

      Walking Scooby early in the morning, I’ve noticed how many houses in my neighborhood still do get the newspaper. I guess we are all behind the times. 😉 Weeds are the never-ending chore of gardening!

  2. Laurie says:

    I have to say that I enjoy reading the physical newspaper much more than reading it online (especially on my phone), but I have thought the same thing – environmentally, it seems like cancelling my subscription would be best. I would miss the dog poo bags, then too!

    Good luck on your upcoming 5K. I have returned to running them and I love that distance!

    • Coco says:

      I feel the same way about the paper. I think it’s the whole experience, including skimming pages, turning pages, etc. At least I’m keeping the delivery person employed?

  3. I haven’t yet tried Oat Milk. I tend to drink Almond milk mostly — the one I drink actually has 10gm protein per glass. It’s not the cleanest, but it’s not terrible ingredient-wise.

    Luckily we don’t usually have a lot of mosquitoes here (it was awful in TX!). Although after all this rain . . . we did a trail run this week & it was incredibly buggy, but thankfully not the biting kind.

    I definitely did not have enough lettuce to create an entire salad, just enough to add a few leaves!

  4. While I love to garden, I stick to mostly flowers and herbs – my forays into veggies and have been wildly unsuccessful!

    With the exception of our town’s weekly newspaper, we’ve gone to digital subscriptions for everything. I admit I do miss lingering over the Sunday paper, but the digital version is so much more convenient!

    • Coco says:

      If I do make a switch, I think I’ll hang on to the Sunday paper. I feel like I miss things in the digital version.

  5. We’ve had a small raised garden for several years, kind of a “salsa garden” or sorts. It always starts out well, then once the weeds start popping through, I have a tough time keeping up. I do love munching on the cherry tomatoes, though!

    • Coco says:

      I really wish we could grow tomatoes, but we don’t have enough sun. I can’t wait until my son has too many!

  6. kookyrunner says:

    OMG, those stats are so scary! Thanks so much for sharing and bringing attention to this. As women, we really need to be sure to take care of ourselves, especially our hearts.

    I’ve seen that Oat Milk in the supermarket but was hesitant to try it because I was worried about the taste. Glad to know that you liked it – I’ll try it now!

  7. Try the Califia Farms oat milk. It’s SO good. And Oatly (but that one is harder to find).

  8. Wendy says:

    We gave up the Chicago Tribune years ago–it was mostly ads and then it shrunk. I don’t miss it at all. You can read all the content online–plus I like the New York Times.

    My son came home from college vegan and I too am trying to support it. Mostly, it fits my need to clean up my eating. I can’t totally give up dairy and eggs, tho. My son’s girlfriend loves oat milk; I’ll have to see if she has had this brand.

    • Coco says:

      Oh, wow on your son being vegan too. It’s a pretty drastic change. I’m not eating as many eggs as I used too (just got bored I think) but I am eating a lot of fish.

  9. I’ll have to try that oat milk! I’ve seen it in the store, but I faithfully buy almond milk every week and hadn’t heard much about oat milk. I use almond milk for all my breakfast protein green shakes, so I’ll give the oat milk a try!

    • Coco says:

      If you like almond milk, there may not be a reason to change. I bake with almond milk but don’t like the taste straight-up as much.

  10. Organic Runner Mom says:

    I love gardening. I need to put in a new raised bed to get my garden going this year. I have never tried oat milk. Sounds intriguing. I love that you are raising money for such a great cause!

  11. I would love to have a garden but I know how much work it takes and I know I probably wouldn’t take care of it. I do have a basil plant inside thought and that is doing okay (only because my husband waters it).
    As someone who writes for a newspaper, It warms my heart that you still subscribe to the paper version. That surprises me that articles are printed ahead of time online. I assume they aren’t exactly “timely” news articles?

    • Coco says:

      I think almost everything is published on-line first — whatever happens on a given day is on-line that afternoon/evening and in print the next day. It is the lifestyle articles (restaurant reviews, essays, health articles) that are on-line days in advance.

  12. HoHo Runs says:

    I still like to sit down with “paper” newspaper simply to work the crossword puzzle. But, I haven’t had home delivery in ages. I found bracelets called Buggy Bands that seem to help with the mosquitoes. I have tons of the pesky biters now. Thanks for the linkup!

  13. Rabbit Food Runner says:

    I have the same problem with my newspaper delivery and actually have called them a few times to ask them to deliver it sooner. I like the paper for the crossword puzzle, but I am moving more and more towards digital print (mostly because I feel bad getting a paper for the environment, even if it is recycled). I had no idea they print the articles sooner online though!

  14. Hanna says:

    I’m vegan like your daughter and my mylk of choice is rice milk and coconut/rice milk! When it comes to limiting plastic consumption I read newspaper online but I have the luxury to read the paper version at work.

  15. We used to get the Chicago Tribune delivered daily, but found that we oftentimes didn’t read it because we were too busy or whatever other reason we came up with. I listen to the news in the car and watch it on TV, so I really don’t need to read the paper on top of all of that. We still get the Trib delivered on Sundays, though. Mostly because we like getting the sale papers. I haven’t heard of oat milk. I will have to give it a try!

    • Coco says:

      I get my national news from NPR, but I do rely on the Washington Post for local coverage. And I like the columnists, but I can read those on line.

  16. Jenn says:

    Aw! I missed the link up this time 🙁

    I do not garden. I am terrible at it and afraid of snakes.

    I can’t recall trying a new product in the recent past so nothing has made a huge impression lol.

  17. missyjb17 says:

    I love to garden! This is the first year in a long time that we don’t have a vegetable garden. The people who lived in our current house didn’t take care of their garden so there are several invasive insects that need to die before we can plant a vegetables again. So this year it is just flowers.

    • Coco says:

      We take a pretty laissez-faire approach to our garden, or maybe it’s a “do not harm” approach because I don’t trust my husband’s ideas …. We do take care of our lawn and trees and such, and don’t have enough sun for vegetables.

  18. angela@marathonsandmotivation.com says:

    Oh yes, love the Planet Oat milk!! I use the Vanilla Planet Oat milk in an overnight oats recipe and it is delicious!!

  19. Farrah says:

    Best of luck to you on your fundraising and your race!

    I’d go for digital just to help with one other step in keeping the planet greener! Oat milk is awesome! I haven’t tried that particular brand yet, but one of these days, I plan to!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks! At least newpapers do biodegrade pretty quickly relative to everything else … but, yeah, I do have a big pile every week.

  20. We get the Washington Post in print as well because my husband likes to read/browse cover to cover. We contact the circulation department anytime it doesn’t arrive by 6am. I think that they are tired of hearing from me because it’s gotten much better again lately.

    I’m running to the Lawyers Have Heart race, running the 10k, and then running home. I may regret this…

  21. I love gardening, but the squirrels, groundhogs, and deer got to my produce before I had a chance to pick it so I gave up. Now I only grow flowers in pots on the deck and know which ones the groundhogs don’t like (so far the deer haven’t walked on our deck…).

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