Logging Miles Again

The highlight of my week came when my physical therapist asked me how many miles I was going to run this weekend. She quickly retracted the question and gave me her advice, but the good news is that we both thought my ankle was ready for running again.

I didn’t start the week feeling so optimistic, but it’s amazing what a bit more time and a few more days off can do. It’s also telling that my ankle started feeling good exactly 2 weeks after I injured it. If I knew then that’s what it would take, would I have stressed less about taking time off?

Logging Miles

I didn’t log any miles Monday, except for my walks with Scooby. I used the J&J 7 Minute Workout App to design a 25 minute Smart Workout with exercises that wouldn’t strain my ankle.

By the end of the day Monday I realized that my ankle wasn’t bothering me at all.That actually led me to skip spinning on Tuesday. If I was on the verge of recovery I didn’t want to risk a set back. Ironically, now that recovery was in sight, I was being more cautious. I opted for a strength workout at home, including a few more exercises putting weight on my foot.

By Wednesday I was antsy for a sweaty workout, and couldn’t resist Francina’s 80’s Throwback theme ride.

I love that you can get your Cyclebar class playlist on Spotify

Wednesday afternoon was my PT appointment. Which I left with encouragement to try a 3 mile test run. The weather Thursday morning wasn’t enticing (24F) but I couldn’t resist.

The D.C. War Memorial

My legs felt great, my ankle felt 95% strong, and 24F didn’t feel that cold.

When I realized we were changing our clocks forward this weekend I debated another short #runrise run on Friday, since mornings will be dark again this week, but then I remembered that my Orange Theory studio had gotten new treadmills I wanted to try out.

This is the monitor, which I can’t see over!

The treadmill was so sweet! The “ride” was so smooth, and it speeds up and slows down really quickly! The monitor synchs with your heart rate monitor and displays your stats, as well as the usual pace, incline, and distance data.

The rest of the workout was tough. I earned a few splat points on the rower, thanks to 400M intervals and squat thrusters that kept my heart rate up.ย  I probably should not have done the curtsey-step downs during the floor segment, though. They definitely bothered my ankle, although the soreness didn’t linger.

Saturday I decided to try for 6 miles. My ankle was OK (still feeling 95%) but the rest of my body was incredibly stiff. I felt like the Tin Man and every.single.step was hard.

We got a tiny bit of snow on Friday night!

I spent a lot of time stretching and foam rolling afterwards, but I still felt really stiff. I was able to book a last-minute sports massage and that seemed to help.

All week I had been looking forward to the nice weather promised for Sunday–67F!–and planned my weekend around a Sunday afternoon bike ride. But Sunday morning started rainy and cold, and the clouds and damp lingered. It was perfect weather for hot yoga, so I gave in to my impatience and headed to Hot Power Fusion.

I’m not going to lie, this class was hard. In retrospect, it might not have been the best thing for whatever was jacking up my body Saturday–which had felt better Sunday morning, but wasn’t ready for some of the single leg poses. And, of course, when I got out of class it was sunny and in the 50s–but still not 67!

I hope more stretching and rolling tonight will having me feeling better again. If not, my PT will have something to work on tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for hosting the new Weekly Run Down. Join in!

Have you ever booked an emergency massage?ย 

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37 Responses to Logging Miles Again

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m glad to see you back on the road! Ankle sprains are no joke. Hopefully you’ll be able to get back to form quickly!

  2. Cari says:

    Yay on the ankle feeling so much better
    I had a Tin Man moment the other day – never figured out what caused it. So weird. Hope yours passes uqickly

  3. Yeah for getting back to running. Always a good sign!

  4. Not really an “emergency” massage, but I did book a deep tissue massage after my husband thought it might help me. OMG, that was so painful!! He certainly has a greater tolerance to pain than I do. I thought it was miserable torture!! I do know a sports massage therapist that is awesome. She was at a 24 hour race I participated in (as a relay team) and after running 19 miles, her massage made me feel good to go again! Speedy recovery to that ankle!

    • Coco says:

      I’ve gotten painful massages before, but this one wasn’t–it was just right. I had one that sidelined me for days!

  5. Ugh, I’m feeling a bit Tin Man-ish tonight. I did an easy run this morning (and things felt fine), but after a couple hours in the car this afternoon (and more sitting), things are feeling cranky. I went for a quick power walk, and that helped, but I think I have a date with the foam roller tonight. I’m glad your ankle is rallying back….there’s a 10-miler coming up ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks so much for joining us for the WRD ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. I am so glad to see you are back to running. Having an ankle thing going on myself. Yes if someone could tell me I would be ok in 2 weeks I would be less stressed. Right now I am wondering how I will do CB. Good call on the yoga today! Thanks for linking up

  7. kookyrunner says:

    I’m glad that you were able to log some miles last week – yay! Also, we have the same sneakers ๐Ÿ™‚ How do you like them?

    I hope that some more stretching and rolling tonight will help you feel better after today’s hard class.

    • Coco says:

      LOL. I was studying your blog pic tonight wondering if those were my shoes! They’re my first pair and I really like them!

  8. Liz Dexter says:

    Glad your ankle is getting there. I expect the stiffness was from being able to resume normal activities. I’m always stiff after yoga if I’ve even missed a week!

    • Coco says:

      Good point. I did miss yoga during the week. I feel OK today, but have to be conscientious about not sitting for too long at work.

  9. I’m happy to hear you are doing better! Joints are no fun, when they are injured. I’m personally sometimes having problems with my knee, so I know what are you writing about!!

  10. Marcia says:

    I’m so glad your ankle is feeling mostly better. Oh wow I can so relate to feeling like the Tin Man right now. Tokyo did a number on me.

  11. It sounds like the ankle is doing really well & that’s great news!

    I really hate it when they promise us nice weather & then it’s yucky & cloudy & never gets as warm as promised. Ah well, before you know it we’ll definitely be complaining about the heat!

    Here’s to another great week of recovery, Coco!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. My ankle is at 98% now. ๐Ÿ™‚ I told my husband that if he turns on the a/c the first warm day I will punch him. I want to be WARM — at least until my nexy hot flash. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • 98% is great! You’ve worked really hard to make that happen — good for you!

        I tend to feel the heat more than my husband. I don’t think we’ll be turning on the AC anytime soon, though, LOL.

        Although we do tend to turn it on early just because our bedroom is on the second floor & it really heats up — if we let it get above 75 (which it can do on a not so hot day), we don’t sleep well.

  12. Organic Runner Mom says:

    I am so happy to hear that your ankle is getting better. I am sure those first miles back did feel super creaky. It sounds like you had a very full week. And that 80’s themed ride sounds like it was fun! What a great playlist!

  13. Chaitali says:

    That’s great news that your ankle felt pretty good during the runs! Fingers crossed that the stiffness goes away too.

  14. Darlene says:

    I know how you feel. I get really excited when my chiro says I can run. Hope we are both on the mend.

  15. I bet that playlist was awesome!

    Glad to hear your ankle is feeling better.

    Tell me again but which app is the one you use for your photos that look like a painting?

  16. runswithpugs says:

    No emergency massages for me! I just don’t like them that much LOL!

    i’m so glad your ankle is feeling better. I get what you mean about being more cautios towards the end so as not to risk a setback. Funny how that works, sometimes.

    Love that little bit of snow you got!

    • Coco says:

      Oh, wow, I love a good massage. Of course a not good massage is pretty awful. I think we’re done with snow for the season – it was the last bit of it!

  17. Renรฉe says:

    So glad you are running again! I really despise those Tin Man runs though. I have those every time I try to run early in the AM.

    I wish I could book a last minute sports massage. But … I only have a massage friend and my massage boss and they are usually always booked up. Ron trues to massage but itโ€™s just not the same.

  18. Black Knight says:

    Glad you can run again. A good weekly massage and a thermal bath after a workout are now part of my routine.

  19. So so glad to hear your ankle is doing better! I hope it continues to improve and you are 100% soon!
    Also, I love your spin shoes! So cute!

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