February Runfessions

During Lent we are called to engage in self-examination and repentance, which means not only acknowledging our sins, but also turning away from our sinful ways. As we gather to make our monthly runfessions, we not only forgive ourselves for  what we have done (like that too much too soon long run) and what we have left undone (like that foam rolling), but commit to doing better in the days ahead. 

February Runfessions
While our Ash Wednesday service included a long Litany of Penitence, I’m focusing on five runfessions for Marcia’s link up so I can link up with Rachel and Lacey and Meranda for the Friday Five. 

February Runfessions

In the tug-of-war between #runrise runs and the snooze button, the snooze button has been winning. I used to be diligent about getting up and out the door for my weekend long runs in time to catch a glorious #runrise but lately I’ve been hitting my snooze button multiple times, and staying in bed until sunlight floods our bedroom. I’ve been savoring the extra snuggle time with my husband, but I do miss seeing the sunrise! 

It doesn’t help that I can enjoy the sunrise from the coziness of my bed.

I’m dedicated to my physical therapy routine but ….  I have been doing my physical therapy stretches and exercises every day, but sometimes I forget to do all of them. I should make a list and check it twice, but the routine changes after each visit.

I spent a fortune on my Garmin Fenix but I won’t take its advice. After every workout, my Garmin gives me an overview of my training progress and a suggested recovery period. Even though I suck at rest days, I usually mix it up enough to keep my Garmin happy by spreading out my intense cardio days. Apparently I overdid it last weekend, because it suggested over 2.5 days off! 

Garmin Rest Day Advice

I runfess that I did not heed its advice.

I try to plan my business travel to maximize my opportunities to squeeze in a run. Most of my colleagues have kids at home and plan their travel to minimize their time away, but since my kids have flown the nest, that’s not my priority anymore. Instead of taking a red eye home, I’ll try to stay one more night and catch a mid-morning flight so I can squeeze in one more run. This week, though, I had a brutal travel schedule with three really early morning flights–maybe my Garmin got its rest days after all.

I gave up shopping for Lent–do race registrations count?  I bought a race pace to cover my March 4th race, but didn’t register before Lent. Since I didn’t have to spend any money to sign up, I don’t think it counts as a purchase, right?

Luckily I snapped up these cute Lily Trotter compression socks before Lent–
and they even arrived on Valentine’s Day.

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What are you runfessing this month?

Are you observing Lent?

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26 Responses to February Runfessions

  1. Wendy says:

    I’m a bad Catholic. I’m not giving up anything for Lent this year. I’m weak…

    Those socks tho…

  2. I almost always do something specific for Lent, whether it’s giving up something or doing something “new” during the season. I saw those socks, and was so tempted…but I prefer sleeves over full socks, so…#nopurchase.

  3. Kimberly G says:

    For the past few years I have given up something for Lent. This year I gave up chips. I noticed I was eating them entirely too much which is bad habit I needed to break!

    I don’t travel that often for work but when I do I usually try to squeeze in early morning runs!

  4. Marcia says:

    Now there’s a pair of compression socks I can get behind. So cute! Planning business to accommodate is just plain smart. Priorities, right? Thanks for linking!

  5. I do not use my Garmin to it’s full capacity. I never really too the time to learn all that it can show me. I don’t even know how to access that screen you show there. I might need a lesson from you πŸ™‚

  6. Farrah says:

    My snooze button has definitely been winning this week too (I’m trying to fight off a cold though, so that’s my excuse for the time being. ._. Still haven’t been successful!)

    Those compression socks are adorable!! <3!

  7. Darlene says:

    I am definitely not a morning runner. I want to be…but just can’t get out of bed. Maybe in the summer.

    I only use my Garmin for races and I feel lazy on rest days.

  8. Chelsea says:

    Oh yes, my snooze button gets me every time! No matter how hard I try, morning workouts just totally never happen for me but once in a blue moon. I got up for a 6AM spin class this week and totally gave myself a pat on the back! HA!

    Definitely doesn’t count as a purchase in my opinion! πŸ™‚ Those socks are adorable by the way!!!

  9. Those socks are too cute!

    Yeah I have pretty much abandoned pre-sunrise workouts. I keep saying I’ll get back to them, but the snooze button is totally winning πŸ™‚

  10. Rachel says:

    I’m with you on the whole PT exercise thing. I’m trying to be a good patient and keep up but they do change every week and it’s hard to keep a running tally of what I’m supposed to continue doing at home!

  11. Lesley says:

    I normally have done runs on Saturday mornings, but I’ve been enjoying taking my time during the weekend mornings. I don’t want to force anything. I’m getting my oil changed tomorrow morning, so right away I know I’ll be doing my run in the afternoon.

  12. My husband also spent a small fortune on his Garmin Fenix and does not use it the way it is suppose to be used,,,ahem!

    Those are cute socks!

    Thanks for linking up!

  13. Teresa says:

    I feel you on the snooze button …but I’m going to have to give it the boot pretty soon as the summer temps descend upon us!

    I’ve observed Lent in the past but the last several years I’ve decided not to give up anything …the only thing that would be a real sacrifice for me would be to give up my evening glass of wine and I’m just not willing to do it! So there’s a runfession for ya!!

    Those socks are fabulous though!

    • Coco says:

      LOL, yeah, I’m not giving that up either! Giving up shopping has been freeing though – no need to read any of those emails trying to tempt me with bargains!

  14. lewisfuneralhome says:

    Thanks! And thanks for sharing your great posts every week!

  15. Esther says:

    Snoozing and I have had to mostly break up. Sometimes on the weekend I can take advantage.
    I didn’t officially participate in Lent but I have been giving up things for the year or a month here and there.
    Those are cute socks- perfect for Valentine’s day!

  16. HoHo Runs says:

    I made an extensive list of PT exercises on my phone. Every time they added one, it’d go on the list. But now I runfess, I don’t even remember what some of them are. Your Garmin is crazy. πŸ™‚

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