What Is Your Motivation Today?

So much has been written about motivation, and for good reason. It takes consistency and discipline to reach our health and fitness goals, and motivation is what drives us to make those choices that keep us on a path to success. Some are motivated to lose weight. Some are motivated to avoid chronic health issues that run in their family. Some are motivated to be a good role model for their children. But today I’m focusing on a different kind of motivation–a more practical, less lofty kind of motivation.

what is your motivation today
My primary motivation for getting up a dark o’clock to exercise is because I know it will make me feel better. I know that I will feel sluggish mentally and physically if I snooze through my workout time–no matter how much Starbucks I get later. But sometimes that knowledge is not enough. 

This week, between recovering from the Army Ten Miler (check out my “happy endings” recap and link up your October race recap here) and a string of late days at the office, my motivation was running low.

I was on the fence about going to my 6:00 am indoor cycling class on Wednesday, but my car was almost out of gas, and I like to go to the Shell station that’s around the corner from the cycling studio, so I went. How’s that for motivation? 

I was even less enthusiastic about getting up at 4:15 to go to Orange Theory Fitness at 5:00 am on Thursday, and hesitated before confirming my reservation. But traffic has been really bad this week, and heading into the office at 6:00 am would give me more time to relax at Starbucks before diving into my work day, so I went. More Starbucks time as motivation to workout?  Whatever it takes!

Washington Harbor Motivation

I was rewarded with this foggy view along the Georgetown waterfront

I was looking forward to a long run on Saturday–the weather has been perfect this week!–but the cool temperatures that make it great for running also make it great for snuggling in bed. My friend had time for a run before she had to get her kids to soccer/lacrosse/swimming, but only if we met at 6:00 am. After failing to negotiate a 6:15 start time, I willingly set my alarm for 5:00 am. Having a friend to meet is a common source of motivation, but not many friends will meet before sunrise on the weekend!

Captiol Motivation

As messy as our political system is right now, the Capitol is still a beautiful sight!

I haven’t put it to use yet, but when the weather gets a bit warmer next week, taking my new InkBurn cherry blossom shirt for a test run will be a great source of motivation. 

InkBurn Cherry Blossom Shirt

So, while my usual workout schedule is motivated by my desire to be healthy, sometimes it takes something more practical to get me out the door. 

If your motivation is running low this week, check out the Weekly Wrap Link Up hosted by Holly and Tricia and see what others are up to. 

What’s the silliest thing that’s motivated you?

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40 Responses to What Is Your Motivation Today?

  1. It’s like you know me. I’ve been struggling with motivation this week too. Today’s run helped me so much.

  2. Well this weekend I was motivated by chocolate πŸ™‚

  3. Hey whatever works right? I have a hard time getting motivated to get up at o’ dark thirty to get any workout in. Great job!

  4. Wow, it must be so inspiring to have such views and monuments all around you. How neat. I’ve been struggling with motivation lately (a lot), but the looming New York City Marathon is helping keep me on the straight and narrow πŸ™‚

  5. My motivation as of late is to see how much more I can make my body do, and I don’t mean that in a self-destructive way LOL I’ve had three very high-mileage weeks (for me). Amazingly, I’m still standing (well, I’m feeling a bit tired and achy tonight). I do get motivated by seeing what others are doing, and realizing if they can do that…I can probably do it, too.

  6. Carla says:

    Silly to others πŸ™‚
    not to me.
    and so so so very often gits me through my day!

  7. Debbie says:

    I had most of the week off running (or any other type of exercise) because I was taking a course that started early each day and finished when it was about 95 degrees (I was in Tempe, AZ). So my motivation is pretty high this week. One, because I missed running, and two, because I managed to eat like a runner all week long!

  8. It is definitely hard to get out of bed on these chilly mornings, especially when you plan to work out! I like working out in the morning but getting up at 4 am? I don’t think I could do that! Kudos to you for sure!

  9. Karen says:

    Whatever it takes- if Starbucks motivates you, that is good πŸ˜‰ I am not sure I would call myself motivated lately lol but I do get done what I need to for training. I am letting other things slide, but I figure it is okay for a short season.
    I love that shirt! I have looked at it many times and thought about buying it πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      Priorities are essential! I tend to prioritize what I am enjoying most in the moment, and recently it has not been dark o’clock runs.

  10. Chaitali says:

    I agree, sometimes the daily motivations need to be a bit more concrete! I’ve resorted to rewarding myself with food in the past. You have some beautiful views on your runs πŸ™‚

  11. Margo says:

    I have my issues with motivation lately. I feel as if I have been spinning plates lately so your post is helping my get my head on straight. Thanks!

  12. I’m motivated by a lot of different things, but having a group of supportive women and reading things like this really help! Thanks!

  13. I am the same way — my motivation for exercise is how great I feel because of it! It’s not always getting started early in the morning, but once I do I’m always so glad I did.

  14. Making plans with friends always motivates me. I don’t want to bail on them, so it keep me accountable.

  15. HoHo Runs says:

    I’m finding it a little more difficult to get out the door lately. It sounds silly, but if I lay my running clothes out — they seem to keep me more accountable than if I leave them in the dresser. If I can see them, I feel they are mocking me. LOL. Whatever works, right? That is seriously a very charming cherry blossom shirt. Thanks for linking, Coco!

    • Coco says:

      Yes, those workout clothes have quite a powerful glare! But, hey, you deserve a break after marathon training and asphalt-kicking at Chicago!

  16. Jenn says:

    It’s amazing how motivating a low tank of gas can be!

    I am pretty self-motivated. Sometimes, I actually do skip a workout because even though I am tired and will probably regret it on some level, I need the rest or I don’t want to miss out on that extra snuggle time.

    • Coco says:

      It’s really hard for me to recover mentally when I don’t workout. But, if I can do something else later – even a walk – that lifts my mood.

  17. I love your Cherry Blossom shirt. That’ll be perfect for CUCB!

  18. new workout gear definitely motivates me! Just not at zero dark thirty. I admire anyone who can get up that early to workout but I will have none of that!

  19. We may not admit it but there has to be motivation behind anything we do or at least stick too! I think my motivation has changed and sometimes even week to week. I’m currently motivated to hit all of Holly’s paces. πŸ™‚

  20. Wow getting up at 4-5 AM for classes is motivating ME! I always say I’ll go to my studio’s 6AM class but haven’t yet…earliest I can do is 7:45 as of right now lol

  21. So true!! It’s often the only time in my day to move so I do it because I know I will regret losing that option to move and boost my energy. Love the gas station and traffic motivations- whatever it takes!

  22. Lauren says:

    I totally know that there’s a slim chance for me working out after work so that helps those 4:30 AM alarm days a bit easier! I love the cherry blossom shirt!

  23. I am so impressed with your motivation to get up, get out and go! Such drive seen in others is one of the things that definitely helps to motivate me! Ps. Love that shirt on you!

  24. Sometimes I am motivated, because I usually feel pretty good in my workout clothes, and sometimes that boost of confidence and reminder to treat yourself right is just what I need.
    I don’t usually have too many problems with motivation to workout, only during the really tough workweeks where my head is not in the game (of fitness)…. which is stupid because that is when I probably need it the most.

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