2016 Lawyers Have Heart 10K Recap

The Lawyers Have Heart 10K is the only 10K on my race calendar year in and year out. I prefer 10 mile races and don’t like racing in the summer, but because I am a lawyer and like to support the American Heart Association, I usually dedicate a Saturday morning in June to this event.

2016 Lawyer Have Heart 10K

Thanks to everyone who donated through my fundraising page–
I earned this great hat by raising over $250!

Although this week’s Friday Five theme is “favorites,” I’m going to give you five reason why the Lawyers Have Heart 10K this is not my favorite race. I’m sure Courtney, Cynthia and Mar won’t mind. πŸ˜‰

1. It’s too hot. The weather this year wasn’t as bad as it’s been–like the year they switched everyone to the 5k–but even as I headed to the venue at 6:30 am there was no hint of coolness in the air. It wasn’t oppressive, but I don’t like feeling warm before I’ve even warmed up. 

2. The course is brutal. OK, I’m exaggerating. It’s only a 10K and the maximum elevation gain is only 70 feet, but except for the long climb at mile 9 (!) all of those “hills” are overpasses and underpasses, because this course is run on the freeways of Northwest D.C. Not only is the scenery completely lacking, but most of the route is in the blazing sun, which reflects off the concrete making sure you look forward to the bit of shade offered by the next underpass.

2016 Lawyers Have Heart 10k

Garmin must give me a “red” HR zone much more easily than OTF.
My average HR was in the low 160s.

3. The course is not designed for PRs. For a number of years, the course was basically an out-and-back along the Whitehurst Freeway and Canal Road, with one hairpin turn getting on and off the freeway and one at the turn-around point. They changed the 10K course last year and tweaked it again for the 2016 Lawyers Have Heart 10K so the course included four hairpin turns.

2016 Lawyers Have Heart 10K

4. My pacing sucks. Maybe I can’t blame this on the race, but I do think the heat and the route make it particularly hard to pace myself. The first mile is slow because of the crowded start and that first hairpin turn, and the last three miles show the toll the sun was taking. I feel like I ran better at the Reston 10 Miler even though its hills were real.

2016 Lawyers Have Heart 10K

5. The post-race party was lackluster. In the past, there’s been a great post-race vibe along the waterfront with music and vendors with giveaways, but it seemed lackluster this year. I think the usual offerings were there–information from the American Heart Association, boards to make and post dedications, the always-popular snow cones, and face-painting–but the way they were set up (crammed around the small fountain area or spread out around the buildings) made them hard to get to or easy to miss.  

2016 Lawyers Have Heart 10K

I had to hunt for the water and bagels–although once I found them I got the most amazing salted pumpernickel bagel. Luckily my office was serving a post-race “brunch” with bacon.

2016 Lawyers Have Heart 10K

As I was running the last half of the course, I wondered if I should switch to the 5K next year, but as much as I complain about the 10K, it seems to be a race I love to hate. I can’t see myself not doing the 10K even if I know I’ll probably have the same gripes next year. 

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Is there a race you don’t love but can’t seem to quit? 

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31 Responses to 2016 Lawyers Have Heart 10K Recap

  1. It always does seem to hot for that race. I hope I am in town one of these years to do it with you.

  2. sounds like a great cause! I definitely don’t think I’ll be adding this to my calendar anytime soon. Running is June is already challenging enough!

  3. Congratulations on your finish. Sorry to hear that the post party wasn’t anything special. That’s usually the best part of most races.

  4. I run a 6,7 K race, La Parisienne, every year with my colleagues. I like it because it is 100% women, and really lots of fun but there is one thing I hate about it. The cost is 50 Euros (VERY expensive for a 6K race !) and only 1 Euro goes to breast cancer research. I think it is a money making machine and if it were not for my colleagues, I would never do it.

  5. That does not look like a fun combination of the heat with those ramps. Yay for post-race bacon at your work though.

  6. Hmmm. I’m not sure I really have a race I love to hate! I would have melted in your racing outfit — and I don’t like summer racing much either, which is kind of hard, as it’s prime racing season up here.

  7. I don’t have a love to hate race, but I certainly understand your reasoning behind this one. Summer races are rough and lots of turns or elevation changes make a race even more challenging with heat and humidity. I’ll be waiting to see if you run the 20k again next year.

  8. Rachel says:

    I don’t mind running in warm weather but it’s tough to race when it’s already warm out! Sounds like you have a good, solid love-hate with this race. πŸ™‚ Keep it up!

  9. I so struggle with summer races too, but despite that I find myself every year debating a 10K on July 4th weekend. That race course does not look like fun – especially with the 4 hairpin turns! Nice job getting it done!

  10. Army 10 miler was always that race for me. I finally broke the habit when I started running half marathons. One of these days I’ll run the LHH10k…

  11. I always dread these mid summer races! Yet, I keep signing up for them…

  12. Congrats on your race, you didn’t do too shabby considering the conditions! Summer races are SO hard, I’m not a big fan and going into June is really pushing it for me! I do want to do another 10K before the year is out, but this year is just so busy!

  13. Its always hard to race in the summer heat, but when its a difficult course and a lackluster post race party, that makes it even less tempting. I can understand why you chose to participate in this race (I’ve made similar decisions for other races based on who the race proceeds benefit), but that doesn’t mean that the race shouldn’t still be runner friendly, regardless of what the cause is for.

  14. Carmy says:

    I usually avoid summer races to avoid heat!

  15. Definitely not selling this race haha. The Queens 10K is one of those races for me. The course is flat but meh and it’s always the most hot and humid day of the year haha.

  16. Stephanie says:

    That looks like a tough 10K, I love them but I am also not a fan of summer races. I ran a half on June 4th and even then I was too dang hot! Great job and I’m glad you found a yummy bagel πŸ™‚

  17. Debbie says:

    My first race ever (and second) was a 10k, but I really don’t like them either. I always feel like I’m putting out almost as much effort as a 5k but for twice as long. Summer races are tough in any event, so good job on your race, even if it wasn’t your favorite πŸ™‚

  18. Running (or any workout) in the heat is so tough. Congrats on your race! Great job!

  19. Not sure if there are any “hated” races that I ever go back to LOL. There are races that I love, but always seem to have “hateful” race day conditions. The local 13.1 I did a week ago, for example….I have run it three times, and every time the weather has been horrible (it starts at 8:00, and really needs to start much earlier), but I do it to support the local cause.

  20. The Women’s Race in May here is for a great cause, but there’s always bottlenecking on the 10k because of the way the race is planned. I love running it, but I won’t sign up for the 10k because of it.

  21. funny that it is a race you love to hate! With you being an attorney it would be a hard one to miss! You made great time even with the heat! I hate night races but every once in awhile one pops up and it is hard to say no!

  22. Jenn says:

    Aw, I’m sorry this wasn’t your favorite. But it does sounds like a good cause and so it makes sense for you to keep doing it.

    There are a few races around here that are just tough. I don’t know if I hate them, but I do wonder sometimes why I insist on getting back out there. Runners are stubborn, I guess πŸ™‚

  23. Annmarie says:

    Congrats on your race! I have races that I love to hate too…no matter how hard or how much I complain, I always keep going back!

  24. Congrats on the race and running for a good cause despite not loving it. I think the Virginia Beach RNR was that for me. We went every year with my in-laws for their time share and I ran the half. It is always hot and humid and despite being on Virginia beach only a very small portion is actually on the beach, but I still did year after year. Now that I moved to Florida I wont be joining them for that week anymore because school is in session here.

  25. Being hot and sweaty before even starting to run is the worst!! I remember I did the Oakley 10k in NYC one year and it was SO hot and humid, I knew right away it would be a tough race. But alas, I guess summer and summer training is upon us!

  26. That is so great that you are still willing to run this race for the Heart Association even though it’s not your favorite.

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