What Energizes You?

I love my morning coffee, it’s true. But I love my morning workouts more. Nothing wakes me up and gets me going as much as running outside, but even an indoor cycling class or strength training session can be energizing.

What Energizes You
My morning usually starts with a walk outside with Tiger Lilly. We’ve braved cold, wind and snow, but she doesn’t like to out in the rain. On the rare day that I don’t set an alarm, she usually wakes me up shortly after daybreak by putting her face in mine and wagging her tail with that “it’s time to get going” wag.

Tiger Lilly (face)

Who could resist that face?

When we get back, she gets her breakfast and I get my workout. While I often run in my neighborhood, my favorite place to run is on the Mount Vernon Trail between Old Town and Mt. Vernon. I think these pictures from my run last weekend say it all.

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It’s hard to beat the glorious sunrise I chased at Dyk Marsh a few weeks ago.

Seeing the sunrise over the water energizes me, and fills me with gratitude. No matter how hard it was to get out of bed, it was worth it! 

Of course, after my workout there is coffee, but no amount of coffee can make feel as energized as a morning workout.

Starbucks Stars

How’s the new Starbucks rewards program working for you?

Today’s Wednesday Word is energetic

Deb Runs

What energizes you?

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20 Responses to What Energizes You?

  1. Carla says:

    hmmmmm it all is so different for me depending on where Im starting from.
    If Im not starting depleted then people and TALKING and walking and chatting and laughing?
    If Im wiped then one person and walking and laughing and chatting ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Coco says:

      I think I need to ramp up with some alone time, and then time with one person, and then I’m ready for a group. I need to shake off my inner introvert I guess.

  2. Sonia says:

    Gorgeous photos! I have yet to see how the Starbuck pgm will change…I don’t get there very often. Being outside energizes me.

  3. I completely agree with you. If I don’t workout in the morning, people really notice! I just don’t feel as energetic.

  4. Kelly says:

    Coffee is the first thing that popped into my head. Also talking about social media, cooking and photography are things that energize me. Can’t get enough of those things! Love the post. Beautiful photographs!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks! Talking about – and doing – things you love certainly is energizing! That’s one way to tell it’s a good fit.

  5. Working out definitely can energize me!

    I tend to do my yoga in the mornings when I get up, and then ST or running are later in the day. Lola gets walked in the mornings when it’s warm, in the afternoons when it’s cold, and I work in my runs around that.

    I don’t drink coffee. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Kelly says:

    I’m not a runner, but I agree with the idea of a runner’s high. Exercise endorphins are the best.

  7. I need my morning workouts too but I think my morning starts a little later than yours ๐Ÿ™‚ I am not sure about the new Starbucks thing yet I have not quite figured it out

  8. Darlene says:

    Running energizes me so why don’t I do it more often before work????

    And Starbucks – 125 stars until a free cup! It seems like forever. So the verdict is out.

    • Coco says:

      I can never manage to run after work, so it has to be before! I’ve earned a reward, but had some stars carried over from the old program and two business trips — which always means more Starbucks!

  9. I’m not one for morning workouts (except in the summer when it’s too hot to not do it first thing in the morning) but you are right, there really is something special and peaceful about seeing the sun rise above the water!

  10. Karen says:

    Tiger Lilly is a very cute name and she is adorable!
    I love my morning runs, but I am often back while it is still pitch dark. This time of year I start getting to see some of the sun rise and that is something to look forward too. I think I feel most energized when it is cool and there is a slight breeze. A day off does wonders for me too lol

  11. Beautiful pictures! I am a morning runner too- nothing like it!

  12. Cassi says:

    Working in my garden energizes me. I hate the winter! LOL

  13. Meagan says:

    I hate getting out of bed early when it’s dark and cold. But on the mornings I do get up early, once I’m out there running and feeling the cool air and watching the sunrise I feel amazing. I also love getting to run for a couple of hours and then still have the whole day ahead of me. But even with that as motivation, I still struggle with getting out of bed in the first place.

    Your morning run pictures are gorgeous!

  14. I agree – nothing gets me energized and going like a good workout, especially bringing up the sun with a run.

    Thanks for linking up, Coco!

  15. Crystal says:

    Running! Sadly I have not gotten into the morning run routine … just yet. I am trying. I was doing crossfit at 6 a.m. for the last two years and decided to take a break. I was missing my sleep and it was affecting my running. Now I am doing afterwork bikram hot yoga and running.

    I am going to aim to get a couple early morning runs in and soon …… IN the meantime, I am drinking my black coffee to add a little zip to the start of my day.

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