Tim Hortons Coffee Date

Thanks for coming by for our October coffee date. I’ve been brewing my coffee with a few generous shakes of cinnamon mixed in with the grounds, but I may try adding a bit of nutmeg for more of that pumpkin spice flavor. 

Virtual Coffee Date

If we were having coffee together, I’d be surprised because I’m finally on vacation with my husband in Toronto, but luckily this is a virtual coffee date, so we can still get together and catch up. πŸ˜‰ 

So, what’s on my mind these days? 

First, I can’t believe we just celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary! We started dating when I was a senior in high school and got married after I graduated from college, so I guess it really has been that long. 

Speaking of which, I just went to my 30th high school reunion last week! The first night there was a reception for all alumni, with a special focus on classes celebrating a 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, etc. reunion. I had forgotten about that until I saw my daughter’s best friend at the reception. Talk about a reality check on the whole aging and time-flying thing! 

Have you been to any of your high school reunions?

Since I’m in Toronto, I should tell you that I have been loving the Tim Hortons coffee discs for my Tassimo. This is the first brand of coffee discs I have really loved since Starbucks dropped Tassimo for Keurig.

(click image to buy your own on via my Amazon affiliate link)

According to this Wikipedia article, Tim Hortons is Canada’s largest food service operator, and accounts for 76% of the Canadian market for baked goods. Despite those numbers, there are still more Starbucks than “Tims” in Toronto, and since I can use my Starbucks App in Canada …. 

Do you have a favorite brand of coffee shop coffee?

I’m trying to keep my mind on my vacation, but the stress of the hectic work calendar that awaits me when I get back is creeping in. Somewhere between my conferences and business trips I need to get up to Pennsylvania to visit my son and plan a trip to Colorado to visit my daughter.  

Do you have any fall travel plans?

Well, it’s been great catching up, but I had better get back to my husband! 

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11 Responses to Tim Hortons Coffee Date

  1. i haven’t tried that coffee yet but I am always looking for fun flavors for my Keurig. Toronto is on my list-supposed to be gorgeous. Enjoy your Anniversary celebration.

  2. Kiran says:

    Enjoy your well deserved break! Happy anniversary to you both! Enjoy Toronto and look forward to catching up soon…

  3. caren says:

    I miss Timmy Ho’s!!! I’m from toronto, but I live in LA now. Far away from Tim’s and ketchup chips. So sad….

    But great to meet you!!!

  4. Coco, thank for having coffee with us. I will be attending my 30th reunion next summer. I don’t have a fave coffee shop as I really don’t go out for coffee, I am just happy making it here at home and if I want a latte or something fancy, I do my own without all the sugar and calories.

  5. Sagan says:

    Happy anniversary! I don’t think my high school has had any reunions yet (although our 10-year reunion, if someone does end up arranging it, is coming up quick!) – I ended up reconnecting with some friends from high school after we had all parted ways for a few years, and it’s really nice to see how much closer we are now after time passed and we went our separate ways.

    I’m not a fan of Tim Hortons coffee – but I DO love a nice Pike Place from Starbucks πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      I won’t argue with you about the Starbucks, but the Tim Horton’s dark roast wasn’t too bad — or maybe my taste buds were too overwhelmed by the sugar from the donut!

  6. Julie says:

    I’m still waiting for Tim Horton’s to come this way.

  7. Carla says:

    TOmato toMAAAAHto right? πŸ™‚

  8. So great that you are on vacation with your husband and not traveling for work!! I’m headed to Austin this weekend to visit my best friend. I cannot wait!

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