Putting Things In Perspective For 2023

I am keeping up with my annual tradition of joining the first Tuesday Topics link up of the year hosted by Kim and Zenaida to share my word for 2023: perspective.

Cloud GateCloud Gate (Chicago)

It looks like choosing a word for the new year has expanded beyond the blogosphere—this article in the Washington Post calls it a nudge word.

My Nudge Word for 2023: Perspective

I always think of Cloud Gate when I think about perspective. Maybe because it reflects the skyline in so many different perspectives. There’s a place you can stand underneath and not see your reflection across from you—it’s intriguing and a bit disconcerting.

Cloud Gate

That’s a reflection of me in the center—I wasn’t that far away.

True to the word, I am focusing on perspective from three different perspectives.

Most challenging, I want to keep work in perspective. I realize that balance is not a realistic goal for me. Sometimes my work demands long hours—there’s no way around it. But if I can keep work in perspective, maybe I can keep my stress level down.

I also am committing to considering other people’s perspectives. I’m pretty good at this most of the time—I try really hard to understand the other side of issues—but I catch myself judging others in the moment. Jess Sims says you can’t always control your reaction, but you can control your response. I’m going to apply that to how I respond to people who don’t agree with me, do things I don’t understand, or don’t do things I expect them to, and try to see the situation from their perspective.

Maybe as challenging as the first, I want to keep any running set-backs in perspective. They seem devastating when they happen, but I should know by now that they are temporary. Even if I need to skip a run, take a week off, or seek medical treatment, chances are I’ll be back in my running shoes eventually—and sooner if I don’t postpone the inevitable.

What is your nudge word for 2023?

What are you trying to keep in perspective?

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21 Responses to Putting Things In Perspective For 2023

  1. Catrina says:

    Ah, this is a great one, Coco.
    I need to keep my injury in perspective, too. It’s temporary, even if it takes several months.
    I hope your stress at work will normalize somewhat this year!

  2. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Love this. Great word and important one.

    My work is very stressful. Tough to keep things in perspective. I need to let things go.

    And as you said with running. I hear runners talk about their runs and paces. It’s hard not to respond with how I feel.

    Good luck with 2023.

  3. Perspective is a great word, on so many levels. I wrote a blog post on Perspective many years ago, as well, more from an “artistic” approach, though (I am an art geek, don’t forget, LOL). I think you hit on a key element with your consideration of other people’s perspectives. While we all may share different perspectives, making an effort to understand those differences is a valuable skill and learning experience 😉

  4. Debbie says:

    That’s a great word, especially considering the stress level of your job. It’s always important to keep things in perspective.

  5. Kim G says:

    Love love love this word! This is also a reminder to me to keep things in perspective, especially when it comes to work. Like you, I have certain times of the year where I will be logging longer hours which often times causes me immense amounts of stress, but this year I can help myself keep this in perspective by reminding myself that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  6. Deborah Brooks says:

    I like this for you. I also worry about your work stress and hope that you can find perspective to help you ultimately find balance. Looking forward to learning how you do it

  7. Wendy says:

    Hmmm, nudge word. I think I need to focus on staying positive and not letting things I can’t control get me down. My goal for this year is to have fun!

  8. Michelle says:

    I love this so much on so many levels! I really appreciate your realization that “balance” isn’t necessarily possible when it comes to your job, but keeping things in perspective can help. I need to try that myself! I’m looking forward to learning more about how you put this into practice.

  9. Jenn says:

    I love this.

    As an empath, I am pretty wired into other’s perspectives. Sometimes, a little too wired in. It’s so important to keep perspective – for me it makes everything a little more manageable.

  10. Susanne says:

    This is an excellent word. I can see how it could help learn to handle stress and reactions to negative events (and people) – and get more balance in life generally.

  11. Denise says:

    What a great word. I continually trying to keep things in perspective.

  12. Another great word! Everyone has so many great ones. Your comment about work got me thinking too.

  13. Shathiso says:

    Brilliant word – I need to keep in perspective that I can’t do it all and that’s okay.

  14. Cari says:

    I love all of this, especially reaction/response. I may think it, but I don’t need to say it. Also loving Olivia’s frequent, “just because someone gives you a cactus doesn’t mean you need to sit on it”
    Perspective is so key. Let me know how it goes on the work one

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