Christmas Wrap Up

Merry Christmas! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Kwanza, or just having a day off, I hope you enjoy the day, have fun with family and friends, and stay warm and safe.

I’m so glad we got our tree up Thanksgiving weekend—
the rest of the month was a blur!

Christmas Wrap Up

Work continued to be brutal this week—I swear a client sent us something Friday afternoon they want done “by the end of the year.” How did they type “Happy Holidays” at the end of their email with a straight face or clean conscience??? I was planning on working some next week, but with a goal of catching up and getting organized, not doing actual work. Oh, well.

Rest assured, work isn’t going to stop me from enjoying the holidays—Friday I squeezed in another round of holiday baking before an 11 am conference call.

This Upside Down Cranberry Coffee Cake isn’t as hard to make as my apple pie,
but you do have to beat egg whites into stiff peaks.

Our neighborhood is just as festive for Christmas as it was for Halloween. This corner lot display is a favorite—especially since they keep the lights on all night, so I can enjoy them walking Scooby at dark o’clock in the morning.

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They’re not inflatable, so I wonder where they store them the rest of the year? 


We had our office holiday party at our office this year. Yes, it was fun to see the newly remodeled conference room space, but this fireplace video doesn’t have quite the ambiance of a nicely decorated venue.

It wouldn’t be Christmas without a run with Scooby, but I had to get this run in on Thursday, before the frigid temperatures rolled in.

I thought I was smiling?

I know this was more of a coffee date post than a weekly run down, but I hope you don’t mind that I took a holiday from my workout recap. Merry Christmas!

Bitmoji Xmas Computer

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

What’s the best or worst venue you’ve had for an office holiday party?

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13 Responses to Christmas Wrap Up

  1. Wendy says:

    What is it with work this year? I don’t ever recall so much pressure and stress in my already crazy job. I’m glad you were able to squeeze in some baking and running this week. Have a merry Christmas, Coco!

  2. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Yeah I to sub in a training until 4:30 on Friday.
    Work ugh!

    Luckily we have running for the stress.

    Hope you have a relaxing holiday.

    At my last job we had an open martini bar and people had to be carried out. Lol.

  3. I procrastinated any (and all, LOL) holiday baking until this past week. I got several batches of sweets done, though, in between non-stop knitting. That cranberry coffee cake looks amazing! Enjoy your day!!

  4. Jenny says:

    Merry Christmas Coco!!! I’m glad you’re not letting work stress ruin the holiday. I hope you’re having a relaxing day (do you have tomorrow off??? I hope so!)
    We have a house like that in our neighborhood- I think they must seriously have an entire extra bedroom in their house where they store holiday decorations.
    That coffee cake looks delicious! Enjoy your day.

  5. Debbie says:

    Merry Christmas, Coco! Your client is very inconsiderate with that request. I hope you can still find some down-time this coming week.

  6. Catrina says:

    Yes! Who writes “happy holidays” after obnoxious requests like that? Just ignore it and do your catch-up things instead.
    I panicked for a second when I read “kwanza” because it sounded African and I have never heard of it. Google enlightened me. Thanks for the info, Coco!

  7. Susanne says:

    Oh my goodness, your client! In my world, ”by the end of the year” should mean ”by the 23rd of December” if you’re a human being! Hope you can still relax some in the coming week!

  8. It seems like you get slammed at the end of the year every year! Maybe schedule your days off for these weeks and let your clients know way in advance you are not available! Hope you had a Merry Christmas

  9. Marcia says:

    I’m shaking my head at the eleventh hour work requests. I mean come on.
    The video fireplace is hilarious. I’ll live vicariously through you on the holiday baking because other than a cheesecake, I did none! Hope your Christmas was wonderful!

  10. My company will be having a holiday party in early January, as usual. Our location has grown too big to have a get together, although I bet a few departments to their own thing. I hope you had a great Christmas!

  11. Kim G says:

    I hope that you had an amazing Christmas – your tree is gorgeous!

    I’m so annoyed at the clients that keep sending you work to do, especially on Christas Eve Eve?! That’s insane. Some people really have no holiday spirit.

  12. I’m sorry that customers considered to be incredibly inconsiderate of your time — although you handle it all like a pro! Sounds like there’s no Grinch at your house. 😉

  13. Jenn says:

    I hope you enjoyed the holidays, even with that nervy client email. who does that?

    We celebrated and then took A to Tampa and Busch Gardens for a few days.

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