Peloton-ing And Running In Chicago

I often stay at the Westin when I go to Chicago, but I’ve never been able to get a “Peloton room” until this week.

Peloton Room Westin Chicago

Yes, that’s my very own Peloton bike in my hotel room! 

Peloton-ing In Chicago

I got to my hotel mid-day—maybe that increased my odds of getting a Peloton room. It was so hard to resist getting on it that day, but I had dinner plans and didn’t have time for both a workout and a shower. I committed to using it in the morning, and didn’t even hit my snooze button once.

Peloton Bike screen

Post-ride suggestions

I usually turn the A/C off in hotel rooms, but I remembered to turn it on before hopping on the bike. I was grateful for the free water bottle in my room—and the water bottle holders on the bike. I felt kind of silly asking for the bike and only taking a 20 min ride, but I had some running to do—and planned to take another ride the next day.

Running In Chicago

It was broad daylight by the time I headed out at 6 am. As usual, I ran along the Riverwalk to the Lakefront path, but since I had the Lawyers Have Heart 5K coming up on Sunday I resisted doing my usual long run to the planetarium and stopped about halfway there.

Chicago Skyline

Some of my favorite views!

Chicago Ferris Wheel

When I was back in Chicago on Sunday I headed north on the Lakefront trail for a change.

Having a beach in the heart of the city—well, I guess at the edge—
is so foreign to me.

The fog was rolling in.

Weekly Run Down

The big Peloton news this week is that they are starting to let people take classes in studio now. Friday was the first day, with an invitation-only guest list (mostly press). I haven’t had a chance to take any of those live classes, but I’ve heard the energy is through the roof.

Monday: Core + LB Strenth + Peloton Ride
I got in a little bit of everything with a walk with Scooby, core, LB strength, and Intervals + Arms ride—at home on my IC4.

Peloton workouts

Tuesday: Core + 4.0 Scooby Miles
With an 8:45 am flight, I had time for some Scooby miles before heading to the airport.

Scooby selfieSo humid!

Wednesday: Core + 20 min Peloton Ride + 4.5 mi Run
This was my big Peloton-ing and running in Chicago day.

Thursday: Bodyweight +25 min Peloton Rides + UB Strength
I knew I’d be able to run in Chicago again on Sunday, so I used the Peloton bike in my room and then went to the hotel gym for a strength workout. After seeing someone use the bike in the gym, I was glad I was able to huff and puff in the privacy of my room.😝

Friday: Core + CB Strength + Strength for Runners
I tried to take it easy on the eve of the Lawyers Have Heart 5K, but I was still feeling that 10 min Chest and Back workout on Saturday.

Saturday: Lawyers Have Heart 5K
Stay tuned for my recap—that smile does not tell the whole story!

2022 Lawyers Have Heart 5K

Sunday: Core + Bodyweight + ~7 mile Run
My legs were tired after Lawyers Have Heart—my quads in particular are shot—but I kept my pace easy and enjoyed the scenery.

My Garmin had me at 7.2 miles, but it gave me some extra distance crossing back and forth across the river when I was running along the Riverwalk. You would think Garmin could use algorithms to eliminate instances of running across  water.

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Would you travel to NYC to take a Peloton class?

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23 Responses to Peloton-ing And Running In Chicago

  1. I haven’t drank the Peloton Koolaid like you, so I would use my time in NYC differently! But cool to try it out in a hotel, even if it was only one ride.

    Such beautiful views of Chicago. I think we only got to the lake once when my SIL still lived there. And I wasn’t a runner then (although my ex-BIL was).

    Sounds like a great fitness week, Coco!

  2. jenny says:

    I have a friend who took a live Peloton class (back in the day) and she said it was incredible. She got a selfie with the instructor, and now she can take that class and see herself. I think it would be a VERY fun thing to do, for the Peloton fanatics out there.
    I didn’t know that was a thing- getting a Peloton bike IN your hotel room! That is cool. Sounds like you had a good time in Chicago, and a good week overall.

  3. Glad you were able to finally snag a Peloton room! I can only imagine the vibe of that first live class back in the studio. Congrats on your 5K AG – looking forward to your recap!

  4. deborahbrooks14 says:

    Congrats again on your speedy race! when I first got my bike over 4 years ago all the classes had people in them. I’ve taken classes twice in studio on the bikes and 1 yoga class w Denis. Can’t wait to do that again soon!

  5. Catrina says:

    Do you have to pay extra to have a Peloton bike in the hotel room? In any case, it’s very cool.
    Using it for 20 minutes in the morning is better than nothing! I’m sure there are people who order one and then don’t use it at all.
    Looking forward to the 5k recap – it sounds ominous! 🙂

    • Coco says:

      They might charge a premium sometimes, but not this time. Maybe the other people staying weren’t very fitness minded — although it looks like there was a Merck meeting going on. 😀

  6. Wendy says:

    I was running this morning with my trail group when that fog/cold air rolled in off the lake. Isn’t it crazy? I wish you could have joined us! It’s a nice group of women.

    I had not heard of a Peloton room. Who knew?

  7. Darlene says:

    My hotel in nyc has a Peleton but not in the room. Very cool.

    I will be in NYC for work. No time for Class.

    Can’t wait to hear more details about your race.

    Chicago looks like a fun city to run in. Maybe someday.

  8. kookyrunner says:

    I’m so impressed by your ability to stick with your workouts while traveling. It’s so cool that the room had a Peloton bike – I didn’t even know that was a thing! I know of hotels that have Peloton bikes in their gym, but having one in the room is awesome!

    Congrats on the Lawyers Have Heart 5K!

    • Coco says:

      One advantage of morning workouts is that I can usually fit one in before my meetings.

      Having a bike in your room really fits the Peloton model of working out at home.

  9. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I was wondering about the pic you shared (with our chat group) with the bike in the room, LOL. I had no idea that was even possible. You have all of us curious about your race!

  10. Marcia says:

    A Pelo room sounds like a cool concept. Does the Westin still have their Run concierge service? Glad Chicago treated you to some decent weather for once! Sorry I wasn’t here to meet you!

  11. runswithpugs says:

    Such a great week!

    I love Chicago and miss big cities so much. We went to a small town for vacation, and while it was great, it was just a different vibe. Congrats on the Peloton room! That’s fun!

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