July Pandemic Runfessions

In July, my church started holding services outside. We wear masks, set up our own lawn chairs more than 6 feet apart, and participate in the order of Holy Communion–with no one partaking of the bread or wine. Our service includes a confessional prayer, but I still need to visit the runfessional at Marcia’s Healthy Slice in order to cleanse my soles. July has been a long month, so there’s plenty to runfess.

july runfessions graphic

Thanks to Lacey and Miranda for the Fairytales and Fitness Friday Five link up.

Deborah and I are pushing the August Ultimate Coffee Date to August 7/8/9. We’ll open the (link-up) doors next Friday, and keep the coffee brewing all weekend.

July Pandemic Runfessions

I runfess that for the second time since my work-from-home status started I went on a shopping spree at the SkirtSports website. I thought I’d bought everything left in my styles and size the first time, but Judy’s reminders convinced me to check one more time.

SkirtSports shopping spree

There are two skirts and a pair of capris under those tops.

I runfess that after I picked up some new socks at my local running store, I was pretty happy to see how perfectly they matched the new Brooks Ravenna I’d bought in June.

Matching Brooks Ravenna and Feetures socks

Did they share their color schemes? 

I runfess that I went through a bit of drama with my new Brooks Adrenaline. You may have noticed in my post-run photos that I’m wearing grey ones instead of my original purple ones. That’s because the first time I put on my purple pair, I noticed the soles already showed a lot of wear I hadn’t noticed when trying them on in the store.

new shoes with wear on soles

Comparing them to the Ravenna I’d already worn for a few week made me wonder how many miles my “new” Adrenalines had already seen.

ravenna with clean soles

After stewing for a few days, I reached out to the store manager. I asked if this was the price of shopping from a store with a generous return policy, but she reassured me they do not re-sell returned shoes, and looked up the SKU number to make sure that hadn’t happened accidentally. She said people have been allowed to take shoes on a run “around the block” before purchasing, but I find it hard to believe that many people tried out these shoes before I bought them. Anyway, she offered to ship me a brand new pair. They didn’t have any in purple, so instead of waiting on a special order, I opted for grey.

new brooks adrenaline soles

I checked the soles before I wore them,
but didn’t take a picture until after my first run.

I returned the others–what will they do with them?

I runfess that I was glad Garmin came on-line long enough for me to see how my July miles were adding up. With July’s heat and humidity, I gave up on my longer runs, and started a run streak with Scooby instead. We ran ~3 miles most days, but went a bit longer when the weather felt nice. Over the course of the month I also did a few Peloton Bootcamp and Treadmill Workouts that added a few miles to my daily distance.  While I could scroll back through my watch and add up 31 days of miles, I runfess I didn’t want to.

July 2020 Garmin Data

Adding my miles for July 29-31 brings me to 135 miles!

This definitely is my highest mileage month in ages, but I runfess I’m not planning on continuing my 5K run streak in August. I think running the same loop every day is adding to the Groundhog Day malaise I’m already experiencing from mostly staying at home for over four months now, so I’m going to try to mix things up.

Would you have exchanged those running shoes? 

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28 Responses to July Pandemic Runfessions

  1. Wendy says:

    If I had paid full price for the shoes, I would have been pretty upset about the dirty soles! Road Runner sports has a tent sale every year and they sell those kinds of shoes at half price. It’s a great deal.

    I runfess that I thought today was also the coffee talk. I’m suffering from pandemic malaise. Heck, I’m suffering from blogging fatigue. I guess is good I got them both done… 😛

  2. Catrina says:

    Your Ravennas match so well with your socks!
    I runfess that I only learned last week that they were named after a city in Italy.

    How strange about those well-worn “new” Brooks Adrenalines! Something obviously went wrong there. I would have returned them too!

    Well done on your July miles despite the heat!

    • Coco says:

      The colors match exactly and they are both unusual shades!

      I actually got used to the heat and humidity – I didn’t think that was even possible!

  3. Darlene S. Cardillo says:

    Glad things worked out with the shoes. I’m still looking for the perfect ones.

    I resisted and did not order any Skirt Sports. My drawers are full.

    • Coco says:

      I was late to the party! I don’t like running in skirts — too much material — but the pockets are winning me over! I was a Mizuno girl until they made them too narrow. So far Brooks is treating me well.

  4. kookyrunner says:

    My church is still doing live streaming via Facebook which is always a hit or miss (I think their Wi-Fi signal isn’t super strong). I would love the option of outdoor church if they ever make it available!

    I’m glad that you were able to get a new pair of sneakers! Like you, I’m skeptical about people testing out shoes before they buy – I normally don’t. Awesome job on your mileage this month 🙂

    • Coco says:

      Thanks. I’m ready for a break, but I’m not sure what Scooby will think. 😉
      I really like our outdoor service (which is streamed on Facebook live) and we are willing to gather in our coats, hats, and gloves when we need to. Our priest really wants to be inside by Christmas, though!

  5. You did have some high mileage this month! Ha this month was my lowest mileage of running thanks to the heat and my hip. Glad you got a new pair of shoes. I am sure they will just use those as a demo in the store.

  6. Birchwood Pie says:

    Nice on the 126! That’s a lot of miles to add up so thank goodness Garmin came back on line. I go back and forth on mileage, sometimes I don’t care and sometimes I get in a phase where I want to pile up a bunch of miles for the sake of piling up a bunch of miles.

  7. Chaitali says:

    Glad you were able to exchange those running shoes! That does not sound right for them to have so much wear on the soles.

  8. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I totally get the Groundhog’s Day thing…remember those 12 weekly 5K time trials I did? Of course, that was my own doing, and I was determined to finish what I’d started. But still…I was glad when week 13 arrived and I didn’t have to run that route anymore LOL That is really odd all the wear on those shoes! Maybe they’d been giving the same pair of shoes for everyone to try, but the customers had gone with different shoes for their actual purchase? I need to check the Brooks site for a deal on the Ravennas…I know they’re good companion shoes to the Adrenaline (for me, they’re better for short distance or speed work).

    • Coco says:

      Yes, the Ravenna have less support, but I like them for short runs and the treadmill. Plus, they match my socks. 😉

  9. Marcia says:

    Boo to used running shoes at full price! I’d definitely have exchanged them as well. I’ll bet they’ll show up on a clearance rack somewhere. Great miles for you this month! My walk miles are high but run miles are low. Thanks for fessing and I’ll see you for coffee next week!

  10. Lisa says:

    That’s weird about the shoes! I think I would have only returned them if they felt noticeably worn out. Otherwise I would have just avoided the hassle lol. Nice mileage this month!

  11. I probably would’ve returned the shoes — if I’d noticed it!

    I like to track my mileage, but luckily I really don’t care about my monthly mileage (which has been pretty low all year).

    Glad you found some more SS in your size! I think they’re pretty much out of mine. There are a few skirts I really kick myself for not getting, but c’est la vie. I certainly have enough already!

    I think all the early mornings in the heat really wore me down. A lot. I know I want to take it easy in August — seriously, absolutely no reason to push — still not quite sure what that will look like.

    • Coco says:

      You’re right, there is no reason to push, except to have a diversion! I noticed the dark wear on the shoes the first time I put them on at home — it was very noticeable. I have a ton of SS stuff now!

  12. That’s an awful lot of wear for a pair of “new” shoes!

    Nice job on your miles!

  13. Yes, if I’d paid full price for the shoes I would have returned them. I’m glad the store manager worked with you! And your new Feetures match your Ravennas beautifully!

  14. runswithpugs says:

    I would have absolutely exchanged the running shoes. I used to work in a running store, and yes, customers were allowed to take a loop outside, but we would have cleaned the soles afterwards. Additionally, we did have a generous return policy, but we would not have taken back shoes that looked like that without some kind of reason, and then they would have been sent back as damaged.

  15. Twyla A Luke says:

    I haven’t been impressed with my Brooks Adenaline’s. They seem to have worn out really quickly! I don’t even have 200 miles on them and the I can hear the soles snap when I walk or run in them. My other Brooks are fine. Not sure if this is a one-off?

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