Easing Into October With The Lifeline Metric Half Century

When my doctor called me Monday morning to follow up on my DVT diagnosis, I wasn’t surprised when she clarified that, while I am encouraged to walk, I should not run for at least three weeks. I resigned myself to easing into October, canceled my Orangetheory classes, and accepted that I won’t be running the Richmond Half on my birthday in November.

I didn’t double-check that easy cycling was OK–the doctor on call last Friday approved it as long as I wear a helmet, which I always do. I figured spinning was out, but I decided the metric half century distance of the Lifeline 100 ride would be OK.

Weekly Run Down

For the first half of the week, my left calf and foot were still swollen, although it was worse at the end of the day. By Friday, it was 99% better–yay! Fall weather finally arrived Friday, which made it hard not to run, but nice on my bike.

Monday: 1 mile Scooby walk + strength workout

Tuesday: 1 mile Scooby walk + strength workout
I debated going to spinning and “taking it easy” but I knew that would be easier said than done so I did a different strength workout.

It was our 31st anniversary!

Wednesday: 1 mile Scooby walk
I hit snooze too many times for even a short workout. While I thought I could do something after work, by the end of the day my leg and foot were really swollen, so I rested on the sofa instead.

Thursday: Corepower Yoga
It was really tough getting back to yoga after three weeks away, but it felt good. My foot was still a bit swollen, so I didn’t spend too much time in single leg poses on my left leg.

Friday: 1 mile treadmill walk + strength workout + 1 mile Scooby walk
I was speaking at a conference in North Carolina, and started the day at the hotel gym. I warmed up with a one mile walk on the treadmill, and then did a strength workout. When I got home, I took Scooby for a walk to stretch my legs after the (short) plane ride.

It’s not as nice as a #runrise,
but the sunrise view from the hotel gym caught my eye.

Saturday: Corepower Yoga
I found Ann at her new “home” studio in Ballston. This studio uses infrared heat for the hot yoga classes, which heats objects (people) in the room, but not the air. It felt different but I liked it. I got warm enough to get sweaty, but the air around me was much cooler and more breathable.

Yay, I can see the bones on the top of my left foot now!

Sunday: Lifeline 100 Metric Half Century ride
When I saw that the Lifeline Century had a metric half option on bike paths, I thought it would be a nice, safe, easy alternative to another ride on the W&OD trail. We did the full century on our anniversary two years ago (see my recap here), so I knew the trails would have some pretty scenery.

Of course we wore our lederhosen kits!

Most of the ride was on the Baltimore & Annapolis Trail, which is part of the rail-to-trail system. It was wide, smooth, and mostly through shady woods. The total elevation change for the ride was 750 ft, and that included a few overpasses, so it definitely qualified as “easy.”

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up
–join in for motivation and encouragement!

What’s your favorite non-running fitness activity?ย 

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15 Responses to Easing Into October With The Lifeline Metric Half Century

  1. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    Glad you’re able to continue with your cycling for now. Congrats on your anniversary! I said it on FB, but those lederhosen kits are too cute!

  2. kookyrunner says:

    Happy belated anniversary! So happy that although you aren’t able to run, that you’re still able to cycle. I get such a kick out of your lederhosen kits!

  3. Wendy says:

    We celebrated our 31st anniversary too! ๐Ÿ™‚ But we did not wear matching leiderhosen, lol. You guys are too cute. Glad you’re feeling better.

  4. Hmm I am not sure that the cycling is acceptable. I worry! Only bc I like you ๐Ÿ™‚ Take care of yourself friend

  5. Happy Anniversary!

    Glad you’re able to get some cycling in. Take care of yourself!!

  6. Cari says:

    Happy anniversary!
    I’m glad you’re able to cycle, so you can still be active. My foot did that after a Colorado trip a few years ago — I was so worried it was a DVT. It still swells on occasion adnd they never figured out the why.

  7. Chaitali says:

    Happy anniversary and glad your foot was feeling better by Friday. I’m sorry you’re going to have to miss Richmond too ๐Ÿ™ But here’s to getting healthy and Richmond will still be there for next year ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Laurie says:

    So sorry to read about your DVT, Coco. Glad that you can still get some fitness activities in. Happy anniversary!

  9. Probably my favorite non running activity, which I rarely do these days (ugh! Not at all this year so far) is swimming. It makes me feel really peaceful.

    I’m glad you were able to get that bike ride in. I’m so sorry that you’re having to scratch Richmond. ๐Ÿ™ But Happy Anniversary! We celebrate 34 in a couple of weeks. You must’ve been as young as me when you get married (23 for me).

  10. Renรฉe says:

    such a bummer about not running, I so get it!! glad you have other things you can do though – I always feel like I want to bike with you whenever you talk about your rides!

    wishing you again a happy anniversary! 31 years is nothing to shake a stick at!

  11. Bummer about missing out the race next month. Perhaps maybe you can do a bike ride to celebrate your birthday? When I don’t run, I get on the Peloton.

  12. Birchwood Pie says:

    Whew, it sounds like your foot is making progress. Fingers crossed that the trend continues. Happy 31st!

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