Fun At The Valmont Bike Park

We had a great time visiting my daughter in Colorado, and packed a lot of fun into our weekend visit. One thing she had been planning for a long time took me way outside of my comfort zone–going to the Valmont Bike Park.

Valmont Bike Park Trail Map

So many trails to explore!

Fun At The Valmont Bike Park

The fun started when we rented mountain bikes from a bike shop near her house. It was a huge shope, and was really hopping. Even so, we were helped right away, and fitted with bikes and helments for the day. From there, we rode along quiet roads for a few miles to get to the bike park.

Coco in front of Valmont Bik Park Trail MapWe started in “The Glades” where I cautiously acclimated myself to riding on a single-track dirt path over uneven terrain. After a few laps, I was ready to try the teeter-totter bridge–after watching everyone else do it a few times. It was pretty scary the moment it flipped.

I thought my husband was taking video, but he just got fuzzy pictures
of me (left) and my daughter (right). At least you can see how the teeter-totter bridge worked.

After that, we headed over to the section with more challenging terrain–to watch more experienced bikers take the jumps. The whole time I was soaking in the gorgeous scenery.


Kristin and Max At Valmont Bike ParkI got my daughter and her boyfriend to pose
with the mountains in the background.

Coco and Kristin at Valmont Bike Park with blue skies and mountains in the background.
Before heading back, we took a group selfie on the podium.

Family On the Podium at Valmont Bike Park

Weekly Run Down

All that fun was on Sunday. The rest of my week was pretty mundane. After struggling to run in Boulder on Saturday, I was afraid to try to run this week. My Garmin status has gone from “unproductive” to “detraining,” which is pretty discouraging!

Garmin Face With "Detraining" Message

What the heck does that even mean?

Monday: Rest Day/Travel Day
Calling a day you get up 4:15 am a “rest” day just seem wrong!

Tuesday: Orange Theory Fitness
My husband had his kidney stone (outpatient) procedure early in the morning. After we got home and he was settled on couch, I went to a midday 2G OTF class.

OTF Heart Rate DataThe first half of class was a row/weights combination–we did a 100M row after every round of a strength routine, doing two different strength routines (about 7 min each). On the treadmill we did a lot of short “all out” intervals.

Wednesday Orange Theory Fitness
I decided to work at home to keep an eye on my husband. After an 8:00 am conference call, I headed to a mid-morning 2G OTF class.

OTF Heart Rate Profile

The focus of this class was the treadmill, We did three segments of “run for distance” for 5:30. We did the first two back to back with a short walk break in between, and the last one after our last strength workout.

Thursday: Corepower Yoga
Our peak pose was eight-angle-pose which I can barely do, but it’s a thrill when my legs get up off the ground! Unless I skip the last day of a confrence at the end of the month, this may be my only yoga class in September. ๐Ÿ™

Friday: Orangetheory Fitness
I really didn’t need to go to OTF again, but it’s hard to resist a class with Coach Brandon. This was my usual 3G class, with time split between the rower, weights, and treadmill.

OTG Heart Rate Data
Saturday: 22 mile Old Town Conte’s Ride
My husband was still on the mend, so I braved the Old Town Conte’s ride on my own. The weather was great and I rode hard to keep up with the group.

Coco Wearing Yellow Farm To Fork Fondo Cycling Kit


Wearing my new Farm To Fork Fondo Kit for high visibility!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up
–join in for motivation and encouragement!

Do you do anything fun on Labor Day?ย 

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13 Responses to Fun At The Valmont Bike Park

  1. Laurie says:

    Man, you are killing the OTF classes! Way to go! That teeter-totter bridge looks like it would be fun. Scary, but fun. Hope you had a wonderful time in Boulder. I am hoping to get back out to CO again before real winter weather sets in. I am a chicken when it comes to driving on those snowy mountain passes.

  2. That bike spot looks tough in Colorado but seems like everyone looked very happy. The altitude is no joke out there. Travel can be exhausting huh?

  3. I bet that was fun biking with your daughter in CO! I can assure you, my daughter in PA would never think of doing an adventure like that. She’d want to take us golfing…and well, UGH. I love the biker chick jersey the best ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. kookyrunner says:

    I love your biker chic shirt! I also did OTF on Friday and it was such a great workout (mine was Orange 60). How do you like the 3G classes? I’m really not a huge fan of them.

    • Coco says:

      I prefer 2G classes for more treadmill and less rowing, but around here the prime time classes are all 3G because it’s so dang popular.

  5. Wendy says:

    That bike ride looks fun! I love that you did that. Killing your OTF classes…

  6. Marcia says:

    What a fun park! I got out on some different trails than my usual ones over the weekend and the mountain bikers were speeding around and it seemed SO unsafe for pedestrians, A bike park is perfect! Hope your husband is recovering well!

  7. Cari says:

    Mean Garmin! I’m glad mine doesn’t say that – or hasn’t found a way to say it to me.
    Congrats on all the OTF
    That cycle park looks amazing
    Hope your husband is on the mend

  8. We have a park with a teeter totter near us. I’ve tried it once. I agree, it’s a scary feeling when it flips!!

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