August Runfessions–July Corrections

August felt like a long month, and I’ve amassed quite a few runfessions. I’m more than ready to make my way to the runfessional at Marcia’s Healthy Slice to bare my soul soles and get a fresh start for September.

Thanks to Lacey and Miranda for the Fairytales and Fitness Friday Five link up.

Make plans to join the September Ultimate Coffee Date next weekend — Deborah and I will open the (link-up) doors on Friday, and keep the coffee brewing.ย 

August Runfessions–July Corrections

Iย runfess that I barely have done enough running to be worthy of runfessions. Not counting treadmill intervals at Orangetheory, I’ve barely run 25 miles this month. In July I told you I was OK with “only” running about 10 miles/week, but now my paltry mileage is weighing on me.

August Running Data

I’m hoping to add a few more miles this week ….

In July, I told you that I was going to start running long again to train for the Reston 10 Miler in September and the Richmond Half in November, but I runfess that after one brutal 6-miler I went back to my 4 mile loops. I runfess that the Reston 10 Miler is looking less and less like a good idea as it gets closer–maybe I should sign up for the 10K instead?

August Cycling Data

Half of those miles were over my vacation week!

I runfess that I have enjoyed biking much more than running this summer. It’s so much easier to enjoy in the heat–and who wouldn’t love a sport where you can take an ice cream break mid-ride and not have to pay for it with a tummy ache?

2019 farm To Fork Fondo

Ice cream at the third rest stop halfway through the Farm to Fork Fondo

There’s one July correction I am proud of–I finally did make that mammogram appointment and got that taken care of this week. ๐Ÿ™‚

Are you rethinking any of your fall racing plans?

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26 Responses to August Runfessions–July Corrections

  1. I so feel you on the reduced running mileage. I did the same and even though it was my intention to do so, it still felt so weird. My Garmin didn’t care for it either. But WHY struggle through the summer heat when you don’t have to? That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Thanks for linking!

  2. Wendy says:

    I’ve completely readjusted my fall racing plans. I’ve got a DNS coming up in 2 weeks! Got the race packet in the mail yesterday. The shirt is way too small and I’m taking that as a sign that I did the right thing.

  3. Laurie says:

    Hope you enjoyed the Farm to Fork Fondo and your visit to Lancaster County! That ice cream looks yummy!

  4. I don’t have any fall racing plans, but I really need to start thinking about that! I haven’t been running much, but just enough to maintain my base.

    There seems to be a lot of talk about enjoying other fitness activities than running in the blogosphere . . . which is not necessarily a bad thing.

  5. Kim at Running on the Fly says:

    I’m not quite the avid cyclist (yet), but I do wish we had some rides in my area like your Fondos. There’s probably something similar in Des Moines, but that’s an hour drive and would cut into my training runs (#excuses). I bet your endurance is strong enough for those races, and your legs have plenty of strength from all the other training you do.

    • Coco says:

      You are riding your bike a lot these days! I did make cycling my priority for the summer, and that wouldn’t work for marathon training.

  6. kookyrunner says:

    I think that the overall theme for runners this summer is finding joy in other things besides running – cycling, strength training, etc. That makes total sense to me considering the crazy humidity and rain this summer. Although I’m marathon training and have to log a good amount of miles, I find a lot of joy in my OTF and spinning classes.

  7. Even though you haven’t been running much, you’ve been keeping busy so it counts! Anything to stay fit and active is a good thing to do.

  8. Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says:

    I didn’t run as much this month as I hoped either, but hey – cycling is great and ice cream is even better! I’m sure you’ll still do great in your upcoming races, no matter what you decide.

    • Coco says:

      Thanks for the vote of confidence. This time I really don’t deserve it, but I’ll make the best of my races and have fun even if I won’t set any PRs.

  9. I am totally rethinking all of my fall running races. I don’t have anything on my calendar for real yet. I sure hope I can get my running mojo back soon

  10. I’m enjoying biking a lot more than I expected and for the same reasons you mention. I mean seriously, ice cream mid-workout. What’s not to love about that?

  11. Kaila Proulx says:

    Don’t be upset about the lower mileage!! I am getting back into running after 2 years so my mileage is super low too. It all just ebbs and flows!

  12. agsignor says:

    Aw, I’m sorry it’s been such a rough month. But you ran 25 more miles than I have all year. Maybe in all my life! Lol. I’d definitely go for cycling with mid-workout ice cream breaks!

  13. Biking and ice cream are a perfect match in the summer!
    I know it is hard when mileage is lower than what we want, but you are still rocking it girl! A 10k is still a great goal ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Cycling and ice cream sound like a good combo to me ๐Ÿ™‚ Honestly, running through this summer heat has me thinking I will seriously rethink fall plans in the future!

  15. runswithpugs says:

    I’m sorry that your August wasn’t what you hoped, but I’m here for that ice cream! My August had terribly low mileage (although I think I made up for it with 9Round), but I’m feeling pretty down about it.

    I was going to sign up for a race tomorrow morning but it’s cancelled because of the hurricane, so…. need to figure something else out.

  16. Cari says:

    I don’t cycle much, but cycling nad ice cream seem like the perfect combination to me Life’s too short not to do what makes us happy

  17. Great goal, Coco! I love biking than running and I’m so much inspired from your post. โ™ฅ I’m thinking to set a goal again. ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. I think its normal for our mileage to be lower in the summer and our interest in running to be less because of the heat and humidity. I don’t know if my summer running this year has been hard because I’ve not done it regularly or because of the heat and humidity, so I am anxious to see what it will be like this fall!
    Glad you got that appointment in. I always tend to put stuff like that off! -M

  19. Organic Runner Mom says:

    A 10K would be nice! I would do that instead. Sometimes it just feels good to switch things up a bit!

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