You’re Perfect For The Job

There’s a nonprofit organization in the D.C. area–Melwood–that provides job training and employment opportunities for people of “differing” abilities.  They run commercials with the theme “I’m Perfect For The Job.” They are a moving reminder that everyone has something to offer, even if they don’t fit our preconceptions of the “perfect” job candidate.

Perfect for the job
But the message goes further than that. Not only are these people capable of doing the job, they are perfect for the job. Hiring them wouldn’t require you to compromise your standards. They will meet your expectations and make valuable contributions to your workplace.

Perfect For The Job

I thought about this advertisement–and the idea of being perfect for the job at hand despite your imperfections–when our post-communion prayer included this line:

May God make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is pleasing in his sight.

The prayer doesn’t ask to be made perfect, but to be made perfect for the job of doing God’s will.

I thought about this again when our readings reminded me how imperfect the people God chose to do his will have been. King David is known as being the humble shepherd boy elevated to King of Israel, but if you quit going to church after Sunday School, you may have missed out on learning that he fell for one of his soldier’s wives, got her pregnant, sent the soldier off into a dangerous battle where he knew he would be killed, and took the woman (Bathsheba) as his wife. At least the Bible tells us that this “displeased the Lord.”

The story of David and Bathsheba is in 2 Samuel 11.
David faces dire consequences for his actions in 2 Samuel 12.

I keep thinking about this when I am overwhelmed by the BIG problems in the world, and my inadequacy to solve them. I find myself guilty of not doing anything because I can’t do everything. But that’s not the job God has in mind for me. I am not perfect for the job of establishing world peace, solving world hunger, or curing cancer. But I am perfect for other jobs–smaller jobs–that help God’s will be done. I need to remember that even if I can’t help everyone, I can help someone.

I am perfect for that job.


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7 Responses to You’re Perfect For The Job

  1. Wendy says:

    Even for those of us who aren’t religious, the message is the same–we just have to believe we can do the job at hand!

  2. Really interesting perspective! I think we all feel helpless to help at some point.

  3. kookyrunner says:

    I totally love your perspective on this. Definitely a message that I can relate too.

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