Welcome to the November Ultimate Coffee Date! Did you know Deborah and I both have birthdays this month? That’s an extra reason to get together for coffee, don’t you think? The perfect gift for us would be for you to stop by other coffee date posts throughout the weekend and share the comment love.

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November Ultimate Coffee Date
If we were having coffee, I would apologize for the cliche and then wonder how it can be November already. I’m ready to celebrate my birthday in two weeks, but I’m not ready for Thanksgiving at all. Let alone Christmas.
If we were having coffee, I might wonder if my ambivalence about the holidays is stemming from my nest becoming empty again. My son is finishing graduate school with a Master’s Degree in December, and threatening to planning on moving out for real. At least he’s planning on staying local–for now.
Speaking of birthdays and coffee, do you know the Starbucks Birthday Reward now expires the day after your birthday. They used to be good for the whole month.
I guess with 15 million rewards members that can’t afford to be as generous. Never mind they reported “record revenues and profits” for Q3 2018. 🙁
If we were having coffee, I would tell you about the crazy bike lanes they’ve created near my office. To pull out of our garage, I have to look both ways for pedestrians on the sidewalk, bikes coming from either direction in the bike lanes, and then cars. Turning left to pull in in the morning, I have to remember to look behind for bikes coming from the same direction I was while also looking ahead for cars and bikes coming from the other direction.
Further down, there’s a single lane of parallel parking between the bike lanes and the driving lanes. I think that’s supposed to keep bikes safe from cars, but people get so confused!
If we were having coffee, I would remind you that our next Ultimate Coffee Date will fall on Saturday, December 1, but we’ll open up the link-up on Friday, November 30.
Thanks to Lacey and Miranda for keeping the Friday Five Link Up going at Fairytales and Fitness.
What would you tell me over coffee?
Any Scorpios in your life?
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Happy birthday month, Coco! I also have a November birthday! In fact, it’s the same day as Deborah’s birthday!
Thanks for the linkup!
We should get together and celebrate!
Happy Birthday month! Starbucks should not expire the birthday drink the day after! It should be the whole month!
I know, right?! Thanks for the birthday wishes.
I found out about that Starbucks’ birthday thing in September. I made a trip to Starbucks that day for my treat! I’m not one to pass up free Starbucks!
Good thing your son is staying local. I don’t care how big they are, they are still our babies. It’s so hard!
Luckily (?) I have to go to work on my birthday, so I’ll be at Starbucks anyway.
My son’s not a “Mamma’s Boy” but it is nice that he doesn’t mind hanging out with us once in while.
Happy Birthday month! I’m a little exasperated with Starbucks, not that I’d stop going but they make the bingo game SO hard for me I don’t bother to play anymore. What’s the point? But I runfess I’ve got 19 free drinks I need to use. 😀
What! I should come back to Chicago and help you “spend” them!
I did not know you both had birthdays this month! Thanksgiving is not really my thing, but it’s fallen to me anyway. The upside to that is I get to stay home & potentially run a Turkey Trot.
I don’t see how anyone rides bikes on the roads, anyway. I’d be petrified!
I’m scared of riding in the road for sure, but I like to once in a while so I can go faster than I can on the bike path.
i can never do a Turkey Trot because I need to start baking the pies!
I find it just helps me handle the craziness of the day. I host, and I’m just a nicer person if I’ve run.
And most things are mostly done by that point. 🙂
I have no Scorpios in my life, but one Sagittarius. Hubby’s birthday is at the end of the month. Happy birthday to you and Deborah!
Aw, happy birthday to him! My husband is soon after in mid-December. 😉
Happy Birthday month! Yes, I didn’t notice that about Starbucks when I had my birthday in April and I was not happy about it, lol.
Those bike lanes by your job sound really treacherous! I wonder why they picked that spot??
Our street sort of connects two bike paths, but the bike lanes were a surprise and jacked up bad traffic even more. That’s why I need to either leave work early or late.
They have similar bike lanes like that in downtown Des Moines (or at least they did…maybe they got rid of them?). Total confusion there as well (I don’t live there, go there frequently). Congrats to your son!!!
It would be one thing if they were all over town, but they are just in random places and suddenly end!
We have some similar lanes near my house. Makes it so confusing and so hard to turn. I’m more afraid of hitting bikes now than I was before.
Yes! Especially at dawn/dusk when they are wearing all black with no lights. Turning left across them when I have to look back really scares me.
That sucks about Starbucks. I didn’t realize y our free birthday treat expired so I lost out last year and now the day on…. I’m am sure I will miss it. I am flying home from Fla.
Maybe you could redeem it at the airport? It does last one more day ….
Usually the airport Starbucks don’t let you redeem stars.
Pingback: November Ultimate Coffee Date – travellingcari.com
Happy birthmonth to us! Thanks for that heads up re: Starbucks expiration. I’ll be in Albany but hopefully the one on Western is open.
We also have a similar bike lane — I looked quickly and wondered when you visited as ours is also under an overpass
LOL. My photo is in D.C. for sure. Maybe the lanes are becoming more common and we will get used to them.
Happy Birthday Month! Those bike lanes sound ridiculously confusing – just reinforces why I would be terrified to ride my bike in the city!
When they were new people would drive down them, ignoring all the striping and the little dividers!
I have a birthday in November as well. I will have to remember the Starbucks drink!
Yes, make plans to be there now! 😉
I love it when it’s birthday month! mine absolutely flew by. I bet yours will too especially with all the holidays coming up! My best friend is a scorpio; she just turned 50 3 days ago 🙂
If we were having coffee I would say don’t even get me started about Starbucks. I worked at the Regional Support Center and Roasting Plant for 7 years. I’ve been gone for about 4 now but it was a huge part of my life, to be honest. Even though they seem to be doing well they are making cuts like crazy. As in, all of my ex-colleagues will no longer have a job in Amsterdam soon. of the 200, only 4 will remain, the coffee roasters. It’s insane and I don’t even know how to process it. This is not the Starbucks that I knew and loved. Really lame that you can’t use your birthday reward the whole month. Geeez.
If we were having coffee I would definitely say I’m not ready for the holidays. I never am.
If we were having coffee I would say I think it’s great that more and more bike lanes are being introduced in the bigger cities. It’s tough for drivers though. Here in NL it’s just a part of traffic. We are used to it. We learn how to drive in all these bike situations. But it’s a real learning curve for you guys.
I would also tell you that I’d be happy to have the ultimate coffee date with you next month as well 🙂
I’m sorry to hear about Starbucks! i really enjoy spending 1/2 hour or so at “mine before I head into the office. There are a few of us who do the same thing and it’s nice to chat.
I’ve been to Copenhagen a few times and am amazed at all the bike traffic. When I’m running I have to remember to respect the bike lanes. 😉
Pingback: Ultimate Coffee Date – November 2018 Edition - Getting Fit to Find Myself
I wonder if you would feel more ready for Thanksgiving if there wasn’t such a build up. I mean, it’s in like three weeks, so it’s okay if you’re not ready yet. BUT stores, commercials, EVERYTHING is out there reminding us “thanksgiving and christmas are COMING!” Perhaps if it wasn’t on the radar until like a week beforehand, we would feel more ready because it was actually coming soon?
I really love the holidays and I’m normally always ready. I’m one of those people who gets giddy when she sees Christmas decorations in the store, even if it’s before Halloween. However I have been in a bit of a funk for the past month and I’m having a hard time getting excited. I can’t wait to be out of my funk!
Happy Birthday!
Those bike lanes seem confusing but hopefully cyclist will be safer (?). Most drivers have difficulty with basic laws/rules so we’ll see. I wish the cities near me would put in those lanes that are separated by a curb. That would be ideal. 🙂
That’s great that your son wants to stay local! I haven’t lived near my family in almost a decade. :[ Hoping to eventually move back nearby though!
Sad to hear about the Starbucks birthday reward–I never knew it lasted for the whole month! (I thought it was maybe a week, haha.) Happy birthday month though!
the free coffee on your birthday is kind of a fake gift. Friends always offer to take you out for coffee on your birthday so I never end up using it. Looking forward to a real coffee date again soon. Happy birthday early!
You have better birthday friends than I do. I will be using my free drink on my birthday this year. 😉
Happy birthday month! That bike lane thing looks v confusing. We have new bike lanes going into the central reservations of some of our main roads here, where the trams used to run. I can’t work out how they get onto them, though!
Sometimes I wonder if the traffic engineers think all those things through!