July Runfessions

It’s the last Friday of July, which means it’s time to bare our soles with our deepest, darkest sweatiest Runfessions. Make sure you head over to Marcia’s Healthy Slice so you can help absolve your fellow runfessors and we can all start August with a clean slate hydration pack.

I’m also joining the Friday Five link up at Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness.

I runfess that I have not done much running this summer. After the Denver Urban 10 Miler in May, I switched my focus to cycling to get ready for the Farm to Fork Fondo that I am participating in this weekend.


Even counting my ~2 miles a week at OTF, my weekly 45 min indoor cycling classes keep those cycling minutes higher.

I runfess that while I missed running on the few relatively cool, not oppressively humid mornings we had, it is so much more enjoyable to be on bike in the summer heat. Granted, we pick shady routes on the hottest days, but no matter where we ride we make my our own 14 mph breeze that helps whisk away the sweat before it drips down our faces. 

The Google satellite image shows how shady our Prince William Forest ride was.

I runfess that despite my lack of running, I feel bored by my neighborhood running routes. I think all the great places I’ve gotten to run on business trips and vacation have spoiled me. For now, it’s light enough in the morning to run from my office, but there’s a stretch by the river that makes me uncomfortable when it’s dark at dark o’clock.

Views like this never get boring!

I runfess that I’ve also been slacking on strength training. I know the 10-15 minutes of strength training in my weekly Orange Theory Fitness class is not enough, even when coupled with the 5 minutes of upper body moves I might do if I go to a Body Ryde class at Revolve. I’m trying to do one full strength workout a week and 5 minutes of planking most days, but I runfess that it’s the first workout to get dropped if my schedule gets crazy.

I runfess that I’ve been oversharing with the Relive app. I just think it’s so cool. I also think its’s creepy that it knows wherealong your route you took your photos, but that makes me want to do more “running tour” runs–when the weather is a bit cooler.

I admit, I took more pictures than usual to complete the “story.”

Have you been running less in the summer heat, or
does a fall race have you logging miles no matter what?

Please mark your calendars to join Deborah and me next Saturday–August 5th–for the Ultimate Coffee Date link up!

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49 Responses to July Runfessions

  1. I’ve been out there all summer–those run walk intervals have really helped me move through the heat and humidity! I’m kind of surprised by that but I’m not going to complain.

    I need to get on my bike. I keep saying it but I never go. Maybe I’ll go on Sunday instead of running. My legs would probably like that.

  2. Marcia says:

    I wish I could be running less because it’s been such a tough summer heat/rain wise. Wow your Fondo is this weekend! All the best with it! I agree the apps that show where I run creep me out. I’ve had strangers recognize me when I’m out running. That’s freaky.

    • Coco says:

      This app pulls the running data from GarminConnect, but it pulls the photos from your phone library and knows where to show them! I am cautious about sharing runs from my house ….

  3. AmyC says:

    I’ve been running less…it is so hot and humid, but I’m not training for anything so I have all kinds of flexibility!

  4. I was going to suggest to you that we do a running tour of D.C. W photo stops. You would have to run very slow for me to go w you but it would be fun to do I can’t wait to hear all about your ride event this weekend. Have fun!

  5. Hmm tell me more about that app.
    Summer heat definitely has me running less, even more so than last year.

    Good luck with your ride this weekend.

  6. With two upcoming fall marathons, I’ve definitely been running more this summer, and it’s killing me! The heat and humidity in Chicago has been absolutely brutal. I, too, have been slacking on my strength training. Always a goal to add more to my weekly routine.

  7. Darlene says:

    Biking is great exercise. I don’t have the hot weather excuse but we have had rain.

    Relive app? I may need to take a look.

  8. Lesley says:

    I do run less in the summer, and even though I’m happy to be back running, even on the treadmill, I have skipped some workouts this month. I’m not in training yet, so if I’ve had a rough day, or I’m really tired, I don’t mind skipping a day. I’d stress about it if I was in training, but I’m embracing those extra rest days.

    • Coco says:

      Extra rest days can be essential to saying healthy! I am trying to listen to my body more when it tells me it’s TIRED, and know it will pay off.

  9. Chaitali says:

    I’ve still been getting out there in the Summer but it helps that I’ve been using heart rate training and keeping most of my runs in the easy zone πŸ™‚ Most of my harder runs have been on the treadmill in the AC. Your plan with the increased biking sounds like a good idea for the Summer too.

    • Coco says:

      If I ever tried HR training, summer would be a good time. I’m so impatient with the slower paces it requires, but summer would be the best time to adjust that way.

  10. I’ve been slacking in my strength training as well but that all changes next week when we are home from our vacation. I runfess that I’ve been loving my early morning runs!

  11. I personally love running in the summer heat BUT I do accept the fact that I am going to be slower and I am okay with that. This summer, it has not been *too* hot in Central PA, and the one weekend we had a heat advisory, I was on vacation in CA! So I lucked out on that one!

    • Coco says:

      You did luck out! I like the early light part of summer running, and when the weather is nice it seems extra special in summer.

  12. Kimberly G says:

    I wish I could say I’ve been running less this summer, lol. I’m also getting very bored with my running routes as well. I need to switch things up for my upcoming long runs.

  13. Rachel says:

    Oh girl, I feel bored with my running routes, too. I think I got in a similar funk last summer as well. I’m going to change it up for the rest of my training and hope it will reset me!

    • Coco says:

      It’s amazing how mental roadblocks – like boredome – can impede our training. I hope you find renewed enthusiasm soon.

  14. Typically, I’d be outside logging (running) miles because I love the summer heat…but, as you know, this summer is a far cry from what I know as “typical.” I’m glad to be outside walking, though. DC is SO beautiful…I don’t think I’d ever grow tired of all the attractions πŸ˜‰

    • Coco says:

      You are doing so much walking! You’re probably logging almost the same miles — not including your long runs. πŸ™‚

  15. Fall race has me logging the miles. But I hear ya!

    It’s hard to squeeze in everything we have to do — so far I’m getting in my 3 ST workouts a week, but my midweek runs start getting longer next week. We’ll see if I can keep it up! It helps that 2 of them are relatively short (and then I usually add on another workout!). Summer is my time to try and whip my body back into shape! Before you know it winter will be here and I’ll be getting softer again.

    • Coco says:

      My struggle with combining workouts is that once I start running I want to run longer, and once I start with the strength I want to cover all my usual muscle groups! While 30/30 sounds like a good plan, I end up doing at least 45/45 and getting a late start to work.

  16. I’ve been running way less this summer! I think this happens to me every summer too. I just came off an intense marathon training cycle and taking it easy but with the heat and being more busy, I’m less likely to get out there! I need to sign up for a fall race to get motivated!

  17. I really wish there was a way to run fall races without logging summer training miles! πŸ™‚ I can’t believe your Fondo ride is already here! Have fun – looking forward to hearing about it!

  18. Tamieka says:

    Ooh how I have missed the coffee dates. I hope to join you all!

    Running in the summer ….yuck! Makes me feel like the worse runner ever!!

    Oh how the bike breeze feels amazing!!

  19. It hasn’t been that bad here (Chicago) so we have been living it up! That said, there have been some days where the wind was CRAZY and I’ve been reminded what it was like a) to have headwind in all directions and b) to run in place, but not on purpose!

    • Coco says:

      That Chicago wind can be crazy! I’ve had a few blustery runs along the lakefront that were so ridiculous I just had to laugh!

  20. Karen says:

    I like my relive app too! It really surprised me the first time I saw the photos pop up on route!
    I had high hoped of cycling more this summer, but it has been very hard to breathe here later in the day after work and I have not even pulled my bike out.
    I think it is good to shift focus every so often though, it does help the boredom πŸ™‚

  21. Love these runfessionals! I think I’m going to do a post with these once my foot is healed and I can run again πŸ™‚

    Glad I found your blog – have a great weekend!!

  22. Teresa says:

    Biking has definitely been my saving grace from the summer heat and humidity. It does feel so much cooler on a bike. I really never know how much I’m sweating until I finish and feel my top soaked!

    Can’t wait to hear all about your cycling ride!

    • Coco says:

      Yes, the breeze you make cycling can dry the sweat in place. I notice whenever we stop for a long traffic light or to refuel – then the sweat starts dripping!

  23. Angela @marathonsandmotivation.com says:

    I totally agree with being on the bike during the heat! I hate running in the humidity…way to get it done!!!

  24. Denise says:

    I ran the Napa to Sonoma Half a few wks ago and nearly died from the heat, then went on a 2 wk road trip and ran only twice w my husband’s uncle. When I get home I will start training for 50 mile ride w Bike the Coast. A daily 5 (3) min plank sounds like a great idea!

  25. I too am becoming a bit bored with my usual neighborhood routes. I miss living in Falls Church and having quick and easy access to the Mt. Vernon Trail and the National Mall. I had meant to drive out and log some miles downtown this summer, but sadly the summer has gotten away from me.

  26. I also prefer riding a bike when I cannot run! The hot weather really affects my workout routine. How do you manage being fit in summer?

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