Wrapped Up In Work

Last week I was suddenly swamped with … everything. Between family stuff, work stuff, more work stuff, and more work stuff, I barely had any time to relax. It wasn’t all bad, though. Monday we celebrated my husband’s birthday, Tuesday I attended a work function at the National Building Museum, and Wednesday I got this good news in my email. 

NYC Half Entry

Yep, entering the lottery for the NYC Half on my birthday paid off, because I got in! Best of all, a lot of my friends got in, so I am looking forward to a fantastic weekend in March!

Speaking of lotteries, have you entered the Cherry Blossom lottery yet? December 12th is that last day to sign up! If you’ve run the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run before, you know the expo is held at the National Building Museum. Well, that venue had quite a different vibe at the black tie optional work event I attended on Tuesday night. 

National Building Museum

No running gear here tonight!

Weekly Wrap

Weekly Wrap

Since I’m still wrapped up in work,
I’m going to get right to my recap
for the Weekly Wrap Link Up
hosted by Holly and Tricia.

Monday: I started my week at OTF.  We did run/row intervals which really got my heart rate up. It was one of my highest “splat point days ever.


Tuesday: After dropping my son off at the airport at 5:00 am, I headed to my office gym for a strength workout. Not surprisingly, I had it all to myself!

Office Gym Workout

Wednesday: I joined several of my MRTT friends for a 5:30 am class at CycleBar. Francina is one of my favorite instructors, and the 5:30 am start time is perfect. 

cycle bar

Thursday:  By Thursday I was itching for a run. Not many people leave their holiday lights on all night, but I appreciate the houses that do because they brighten my o’dark-thirty runs. 

Holiday Lights December Run

Friday: Since I will miss my OTF class this week, I decided to double up and take a second class last week. The workout theme for the “9th Day Of Christmas” was Jacks Jumping, so we did lots of squat jacks and pop jacks–phew!

OTF Jack Frost

Saturday: I only had the hotel gym to myself for a few minutes, but it was enough time to get this selfie to show off the OTF Hell Week t-shirt. Isn’t it awesome?

Elements Hotel Gym

The gym was a sweltering 76F when I got there, but luckily I figured out how to turn on the A/C so the people who were running on the treadmills didn’t pass out. 

Sunday: Thankfully the hotel gym was still cool when I got there on Sunday morning. I slogged through an hour on the treadmill, taking a tour of Germany and then New Zealand.  Since 3D video games make me sick, I was concerned that these programs might make me nauseated, but I was fine. 

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I was amused when I passed a bicyclist, and grateful that the hikers on a narrow bridge stepped to the side so I could pass. πŸ™‚

I will be on this business trip all week and have to go away again next week, but I’ll have to figure out a way to get wrapped up in Christmas things!

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Do you like to dress up for fancy events? 

Will I see you in Manhattan in March?

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16 Responses to Wrapped Up In Work

  1. Congrats for getting into the NYC half next year! I love getting dressed up for events however it feels like it’s been years since I’ve done so!

  2. I will be in Florida that weekend! I wasn’t planning on a race, but you never know, right?

  3. congrats on getting in to NY that should be lots of fun! I think I am passing on cherry Blossom this year. I am going to focus on doing some early tri races instead.

  4. It’s fun dressing up for fancy events, but I always feel that my fashion choices need work….I always see ladies looking amazing while I’m wearing something I bought 3 years ago HA!

    Great job with your workouts. I have to admit the past few days I’ve been a bit “lazy”, hoping to get back in the groove this week and get in a couple of runs!

  5. Congrats on getting in to the race in NYC. How fun !
    If I get to the gym before others I quickly take a selfie too… else sometimes I feel a little self conscious about it.
    Kudos to you for getting up so early. I don’t know how you do it….

  6. Yes! I love dressing up for fancy events…we’ve been in a bit of dry spell lately, though. Out country club used to have a ritzy Christmas dinner/dance, but that hasn’t happened in several years. Even the New Year’s Eve party has gotten more casual over the years. #buzzkill Congrats on NYC!! I’ll be doing a St. Paddy’s race nearby here (Iowa) that weekend πŸ˜‰

  7. Carla says:

    oh you KNOW KNOW that OTF tee shirt would have been enough to get me into hell week too.

  8. Marcia says:

    Yay for New York! So many people I know got in this year. Exciting! OTF has such fun themes. It has to be hard to travel for work at this time of year. Hard to get stuff done!

  9. Yay – excited for you that you got into NYC Half. Have you decided on a marathon yet?? πŸ™‚

  10. karen says:

    Congrats on getting in the NYC race!
    I am checking out the cherry blossom info now πŸ™‚
    My old gym had a bike with a screen like that and I miss it so much!! It really passes the time.

  11. okay, now I’m jealous of everyone who got into NYC Half! Congrats again!

    We have that virtual tour option on our treadmill and our bike here at home but I never used it since I am always in such a hurry to just get the miles in. I think I should try it out sometime.

    I love a good excuse to dress up and get fancy!

  12. Teresa says:

    My husband and I love the opportunity to dress up for a night out on the town!

    I’m so excited for you and the others who got in to the NYC half, it has always been on my bucket list of races ….I love the course!

    There is an Orange Theory in my new town and I haven’t tried it yet…but you make it sound like a lot of fun..tough, but fun!

  13. I had no idea there was a lottery for the half in NYC! That is cool!
    What yes that OT Hell Week tank is so dang awesome! I love skulls, I think I go overboard on liking them so much! I do like to dress up. For a race and for special occasions.

  14. HoHo Runs says:

    I adore the houses that keep their lights on all night! It’s like my personal light tour each morning. πŸ™‚ That is a very cute OTF tank! Congrats on getting in the NYC half. I realized recently it’s been 8 years since I’ve visited NYC. I need to do something about that! And, there will have to be a race involved. Thanks for linking, Coco! I hope things are less stressful this week.

  15. That OTF shirt is pretty cool! I’m so glad we’re finally going to get to meet in NYC!! Good luck with the rest of your business travel.

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