Anatomy Of A Treadmill Workout

Last year I barely used my treadmill at all. I ran in the rain and the cold, and almost always had the company of other bad-ass mother runners from my Moms Run This Town group. This year, I find myself opting for a treadmill workout more frequently. There are still plenty of bad-ass mother runners braving the weather, but I am not one of them. Maybe I’m whimpier this year. Maybe I’m getting older and wiser. Maybe I’m just not in the mood to figure out which layers I need to fend off frostbite without getting over-heated. 

Anatomy Of A Treadmill Workout

While the treadmill keeps me safe from the elements, I am more worried about getting injured doing a treadmill workout than I am doing hill repeats in my neighborhood or doing speed workouts at the track. When I’m running outside, my body controls my pace and my cadence, but on the treadmill my pace is forced into a constant rhythm by the treadmill settings. Because of that, I think it’s even more important to warm-up and cool-down properly when doing a treadmill workout. This is the routine that has been working for me. 

1. Walking Warm-Up. I always start a treadmill workout with a few minutes of walking. If I basically rolled out of bed and hopped on the treadmill–without taking the dog out for a walk first–I will spend at least 5 minutes walking. 

2. Dynamic Stretching. If I am doing a treadmill workout with tough speed or incline intervals, I will pause the treadmill and hop off for a few minutes of dynamic stretching. This sequence that Tony Horton led us through before the Beat The Deadline 5K is a good one, as is this quick dynamic warm-up routine from Amanda at Run To The Finish.

3. Running Warm-Up. Even if I am planning a steady-state treadmill workout at a moderate pace, I take a few minutes to ramp up to my target pace, starting at 5.7 mph, then 6.0 mph, and then 6.2 or 6.3 mph. Without a gradual ramp-up, even a moderate pace seems tough to me on the treadmill. 

4. Treadmill Workout. After about 5 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of running, I start my workout. I usually do about 30 minutes of intervals–speed, incline, or some combination of both. I usually change the settings every minute, but also include longer 2 minute intervals every so often to build endurance.

5. Cool-Down. I end every treadmill workout with a few minutes of easy running and a few minutes of walking to let my heart rate come down and wipe the sweat off my face!

6. Stretch. I am not good about stretching after an outdoor run, but I usually do a few minutes of stretching after a treadmill workout–maybe because my mat is right there. I try to include stretches for my ITB, hamstrings, and hip flexors, and always like to spend a few moments in downward facing dog before I get up to face the rest of my day. 

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I put this “routine” into practice during the treadmill workouts I did last week. Here’s my recap for the Weekly Wrap link up hosted by Holly and Tricia. Make sure you check it out for motivation and encouragement.

Monday: Full-body strength workout (45 min).

Tuesday: Incline treadmill workout, with incline intervals working up to incline level 5, at 6.0 or 6.3 mph (45 min).

Wednesday: Indoor cycling (45 min Real Ride class at Revolve).

Thursday:  Morning: Full-body strength workout (45 min).
Evening–Yoga (60 min Hot Vinyassa Flow) at CorePower Yoga.

Friday: Steady-state treadmill workout with incline varying up to level 3, at 6.3 mph (45 min).

Saturday: Indoor cycling (60 min Extended Real Ride class at Revolve). 

Sunday: Morning: Steady-state treadmill workout, with incline varying up to level 2, at 6.5 mph (45 min). 
Afternoon: Yoga (60 min Hot Vinyassa Flow) at CorePower Yoga with Deborah.

  CorePower Yoga with Deborah

Sweaty post-class tree pose!

So, yeah, I totally wimped out on my long run this weekend. With temperatures in the teens, wind chills in the single digits, and dangerous wind gusts, I opted for indoor cycling on Saturday, and I could only talk myself into 45 minutes on the treadmill on Sunday. Now I’m trying to convince myself to bundle up for a snowy run tomorrow.

Do you ease into your treadmill workouts or hit the ground belt running?

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33 Responses to Anatomy Of A Treadmill Workout

  1. Karen says:

    That is a great week!
    I have not been on the treadmill in 2015 at all. (2016 I have barely run) I used all the time in 2014, it is funny how we go through phases. I was always bad about barely warming up, but it does lend itself to extra stretching πŸ™‚ I would spend more time holding my stretches inside.
    All that incline is tough stuff!

  2. HoHo Runs says:

    You’ve had some very brutal weather lately. I would absolutely be on the treadmill. Where I live, I haven’t needed one in over a year (the last time we had ice). In fact, I gave mine away because I was convinced it aggravated an old Achilles injury. I can still use one in a pinch at the Y. I once enjoyed doing speedier runs on my lunch breaks there. I hope your weather moderates soon. Thanks for linking with us Coco!

  3. Kelli says:

    Great post. I use my treadmill pretty faithfully, especially in winter. My coach always has me do 10 min walking warmup unless I’m running off the bike. I think it helps. Hope you have a good week – glad to see you and Deborah caught up!

  4. So great to see you we must get together more often I usually start w a walk on treadmill but not when I am outside don’t know why though.

    • Coco says:

      We definitely should meet up more often! If I’m running at home I start with a walk down my hill, but if I’m somewhere else, I just run, although I do like to walk at the end before I hop in my car.

  5. Christy says:

    I run in most weather conditions, but I don’t have a tread mill, when I do wimp out I have an elliptical which helps but is so not the same as running. Some day I hope to have a tread mill, I hate running in the super windy cold.. those are the days I wimp out the most.

  6. Yeah, there was no way the treadmill was happening for that long run. But I won’t lie, I was questioning my sanity yesterday. That had to be one of the toughest runs I’ve done in a long time!

  7. Today I could have used a treadmill. It was raining and it messed up my normal morning run. But on most occasions, our weather does allow us to run outside often. I am very thankful for that! Since I don’t run on one that much I really had not thought about these tips! Great post Coco! Thanks for linking and I’m adding this to my share list! πŸ™‚

  8. Elle says:

    When I lived where there was Winter, I gave in after many years of running in snow and on ice and slush, and bought a treadmill. I found that I was using it more and more even when the weather wasn’t too bad.

    I honestly don’t miss it!

  9. I braved the winter weather on Sunday for 5 miles, it was all I could convince myself to do. There is a loop near my house that the Park Service keeps pretty damn clean & snow free & for that I am grateful. But there was no WAY I was going to run past my car & not hop right in & drive home for a warm shower. NOPE. I try to remind myself 5 > none & that in the scheme of my training this will not derail me.

  10. Kristen says:

    I was on the treadmill this week too! Although not for temperatures – it’s been in the 30s here in Anchorage – but because it’s so icy from all the rain we’ve been getting and I hate running outside in the dark alone when everything is covered in ice! I am still recovering and taking 1 minute walk breaks while I run, but I’m hoping to start varying my treadmill speeds while I’m on there so I don’t get so bored. I’m so grateful for the TVs at my gym to keep me distracted while I’m on there!

  11. RFC says:

    Great post! I typically walk for a few minutes on the treadmill to get started (and to untangle my earbuds from the ipod, haha). Then a gentle run for a few minutes, THEN I dive into the workout!

  12. I’m always concerned about injuring myself on the mill too, which is one of the reasons I usually do everything I can to avoid it. But, I haven’t been feelin’ those outdoor runs in the frigid temps so I’m embracing the mill. I always walk to warm up and to cool down.

  13. I am so not a runner, but I think you are 100% spot on when you talk about the importance of warming up and really thinking before you run (no matter which terrain you’re on!) Love this post – tweeting it out now because I know all of my runner friends will totally benefit!

  14. I usually ease into treadmill workouts with a fast walk into a slow run and then get into my speed intervals or hit tempo.

  15. I too try to ease into my treadmill runs. I gradually increase the speed of the belt, especially for longer runs.

  16. I usually try to do a warm up before I run on the treadmill. Lately I’ve done some time on the elliptical before I hit the ‘mill at the gym. I don’t know what I’ll do once I have a treadmill at home again.

  17. Nice pic with Deborah! I need to make sure I follow your steps for a good treadmill workout. I probably should spend more time on walking and the running warming up. I’m really surprised that I’ve been using the treadmill so much lately, but it comes in handy when I’m short on time.

  18. Kim Hatting says:

    ugh. I don’t know if you’ve seen some of my older posts, where I refer to my treadmill as Duh’Mill. I probably offended a lot of peeps, so most days (now) I just call it the ‘mill. It is too mechanical and robotic for me…but I have actually been using it more than usual this winter. I usually have to mix up the speeds every mile or half mile to fool myself into thinking it’s a “workout” and not a “run.” #mindgames

    • Coco says:

      Oh, I have to play with the settings or else choose a program that changes them for me. I think it’s better for your body too, since you’re always varying your pace/incline at least a bit when you’re outside.

  19. Farrah says:

    I used the crap out of treadmills when I was studying for boards! It was great for watching videos, doing practice questions + memorizing things whilst speed-walking at a super-steep incline, haha. I reallyyyy need to get better about warming up, cooling down, and stretching though!

  20. I am a huge fan of dynamic stretching!! Have to do it before every run. I don’t run on the treadmill very often but when I do I started a little slower and then speed up as I get warmed up. So fun that you and Deborah got to hang out!!

  21. I love having a treadmill. With my work schedule, I rely on my treadmill so that I don’t have to take to the roads when it is dark outside. And, with the amount of ice and deep freezes that occurred this winter, I’m even more thankful to have it!

  22. Toni says:

    Great post, I have learned to ease into all my runs, dynamic warm ups and walking are a must.

  23. I’ve been easing into my workouts too. I usually slowly increase my pace for the first 2-3 minutes before I settle in!

  24. rachel says:

    Yes. I am glad to see that my workouts on the treadmill look similar to this. πŸ™‚

  25. Lara says:

    I have a treadmill that has been sitting in my garage for over a year. I really need to whip it out and give it a whirl LOL.

  26. I always try to ease into all running workouts as I have learned the hard way. I am better at getting my dynamic warm-up in on the road though and it certainly helps!

  27. jill conyers says:

    That’s so cool you took a class with Deborah. Meeting other bloggers in real life is one of the best things about blogging.

    Thanks for sharing with friends at Fitness Health & Happiness. Have a great weekend!

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