Hitting The Healthy Reset Button

I’ve given up on making New Year’s resolutions, but by the time January first comes around, I am ready to recommit to my usually-healthy eating and exercise habits. I’ve had my fill of Christmas cookies, peppermint bark, and HoneyBaked ham, and am ready to do what it takes to make my “skinny jeans” fit comfortably again. Since it’s more about getting back into my usual routine than making drastic changes, I like to think of it as hitting the healthy reset button.

Healthy Reset Button
I’m also committed to making 2016 a strong year for running. In 2015 I was sidelined from Memorial Day almost through Labor Day after fracturing my foot hiking. I tried to be smart about my comeback, but I think I pushed too hard for a 5K PR and aggravated my piriformis. Whatever the reason, I was miserable during my last race of the year and don’t want to repeat that experience any time soon!

With these goals in mind, I knew that Laura’s January 21 Day Reset Challenge would be perfect for me, and I was thrilled when she invited me to try the program and share my experience. The challenge starts on Monday, January 11, 2016, and will focus on eating whole, real foods (with delicious recipe ideas), provide workout accountability, and teach us how to incorporate strength training in phases for best results for runners!

21 Day Reset

(click here or on the image to learn more about the challenge)

If it sounds as perfect to you as it did to me, I would love it if you would join me, so we can support and encourage each other along the way. I’ve even got a discount code you can use–blog–for $10 off when you register here

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I’m a so psyched about my New Year’s weekend activities, I’m joining the Weekly Wrap link up hosted by Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia at MissSippiPiddlin to share:

January 1: 6 mile run, 30 min indoor cycling, 20 min bootcamp
I intended to meet some MRTT women for a run at 7:30, but when my alarm went off at 6:00 I accidentally turned it off instead of hitting snooze, and didn’t wake up again until 7:00. There was another group run at 8:30, but the woman whose pace best matched mine overslept until 8:00, so I decided to run on my own from Revolve and do the Bootcamp Ride class at 10:00. It was a fantastic Plan B (Plan C?) after I overslept!

January 1 2016 Run
January 2: 30 min strength, 32 mi bike ride 
I usually do my long run on Saturday and go for a bike ride with my husband on Sunday, but since I ran Friday and he wanted to watch football on Sunday, we switched things up. Since I like to start my day with a workout, I did a 30 min strength routine in the morning, and then put our Christmas decorations away while we waited for it warm up. It was in the upper 40s by the time we started, which ended up feeling warmer than we expected–especially in the sun.

January 2 2016 Ride

January 3: 25 min yoga DVD, 10 mi run
After double workouts Friday and Saturday (plus running up and down the stairs to put decorations away) my body was crying out for some yoga. After four years, I still love my Rodney Yee A.M. Yoga for Your Week DVD (<<Amazon Affiliate Link) and the “twists” program is still my favorite. After riding along the Mt. Vernon trail Saturday, I was craving a run there, so I went to my “old” church in that area and went for a run afterwards. (I wore running tights under my dress so I only had to change my top and shoes in the car. πŸ˜‰ )

January 3 2016 Run

After kickstarting the new year, I’m ready to settle back into my usual routine: 
Strength on Monday and Friday.
Running on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Cycling on Wednesday (indoor) and Sunday.
Yoga on Sunday.

Have you made any New Year’s Resolutions?

How do you get back on track after the holidays?

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18 Responses to Hitting The Healthy Reset Button

  1. Carla says:

    I am so like you are.
    The Child’s winter break has felt interminable :-)and I am more than ready for plain old routine and moving my body.
    This year I vowed yet again to get flexible. This year I need to nail that resolution.

  2. I think having a set number of days really helps stay on track. 21 seems to be the key number for a lot of people! I’m considering the 21 day fix myself…we shall see. Happy 2016!

  3. I’m in the same boat! Cheers to starting 2016 on a healthier foot πŸ™‚

  4. Karen says:

    You had a great week. I love long bike rides.
    I am over the sweets and drinks right now lol I think a 21 day fix sounds good. I never do well sticking to specifics, but I am resetting and trying to get my normal regimen restored πŸ™‚
    I love how you have so many group options for runs.
    No real resolutions, I have a training goal I am working on if I can stay healthy πŸ™‚

  5. Steena says:

    Oh yeah, hitting the reset button over here too! I’m considering next year working more through the holidays so that I can try to better stay in a routine. A three day weekend and a four day weekend killed my skinny jeans fit!

  6. I have not made any resolutions yet, I prefer to set goals, but I’m even at a loss for those this year for some reason! I’m looking forward to doing the reset as well, I’ve been on sugar overload for too long!

  7. I am ready to hit the re-set button too!

    Started with workout planning and meal prepping this weekend. Forgot my snacks today πŸ™ but I will do better tomorrow πŸ™‚

    I am doing the 21 day reset also. Very excited!

    Good job getting your strength, biking and yoga in this week!

    Have a great week!

  8. Marcia says:

    I set some goals for the New Year as well. All the best with the reset!

  9. HoHo Runs says:

    I am definitely ready for a regular routine. It will be a few more weeks before I get there. I have not made any resolutions. I’m not a fan. But I’ll set a few goals after this marathon. I’d like to run in new states. Your week is packed with activities! I couldn’t keep up with you! Good luck with the 21 day reset challenge. Thanks for linking with us Coco. Happy New Year!

  10. I need to hit the reset button. It’s been a rough start to 2016…

  11. That’s so great that you’re doing Laura’s reset challenge! I can’t wait to hear about it. I too am hitting the reset button and I’m kind of excited about it. I’m ready to set a strong and solid foundation for the year!

  12. Elle says:

    Happy New Year and good luck with the reset! I personally love the excitement of January. Everyone is so motivated, setting goals, and really committed to eating better. I know after all the holiday food, that’s a goal of mine as well.

    I know some people are against resolutions and goals, but I personally do like them because I find that it helps me keep on track to staying healthy. I tend to be less motivated and slack off when I don’t make them.

  13. Looks like you’re off to a strong start in 2016! I’m not a fan of resolutions, but I’ve thought about some running goals that I would like to accomplish this year.

  14. GiGi Eats says:

    The new year, while cliche, is always a good time to get back into the SWING of things… And reset if you need to! I cannot wait to start my 2016 πŸ˜‰ Currently still on vacation so I don’t count this as being 2016 yet lol!

  15. So glad you can join us, Coco!! And wow- you got in some impressive workouts!

  16. I too feel like I need a reset or a do-over for these first 6 days. I think everything will settle down after this weekend, I hope anyway and I can focus on goals then. Right now I swear I feel like I’m trying to run through peanut butter! Thanks so much Coco for linking up with us in the Weekly Wrap!

  17. I am going to check out the reset challenge, thanks for the info !

  18. Pingback: Committing To A Healthy Vacation - Got2Run4Me

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