Essential Ingredients For A Good Day

You probably know the ingredients for your favorite recipe, but do you know the ingredients for a good day? Kris got me thinking about this when she shared some of the elements of her best days–days when she felt energized and contented. 

Ingredients For My Ideal Day


I realized that if I could identify what makes a day a good day, I could be more intentional about making sure that I follow that recipe, and might even end up with more happiness in my life. 

Here’s what I came up with:

1. Fresh air. I usually start my day by taking Tiger Lilly for a walk, and often follow that up by going for a run. That hour between 5:30 and 6:30 am may be the only time I spend outside, but it is a key ingredient to a good day. 

2. Sweat. Exercise is such an essential part of my day, I feel out of sorts until I get my workout done. I enjoy running early in the morning, but we don’t usually go for a bike ride until mid-day. Even if I know we are going soon, I feel antsy until we are on our way.

3. Social media. Yes, I’m a social media junkie. I enjoy checking in with my friends and seeing what others are up to. I can’t be on-line all the time, but I like to at least check in in the morning and evening. 

4. Laughter. It’s no surprise that laughter is an essential ingredient for a fun day, but it is surprising how little laughter it takes to boost my mood–or how laughing over even a little thing can make my day. Sharing laughs with friends is the best, but laughing about something ridiculous at work or over Tiger Lilly’s latest antics can do the trick too.

5. Accomplishment. This is a hard one to explain, but I feel better when I have accomplished something, whether it’s completing a project at work, crossing some chores off my list, or fixing a good meal. Even when I’m on vacation I prefer to do something active or go sightseeing instead of just relaxing.

Of course, there are lots of other things that can make a day better, but I think these are the main ingredients for a good day. Now that I’ve got my recipe, I need to make sure I follow it more often.

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What ingredient make up your ideal day?

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21 Responses to Essential Ingredients For A Good Day

  1. Farrah says:

    Ah, very much agreed! πŸ˜› I just added short HIIT workouts to my mornings and I feel so much more energized again! :]

  2. Marcia says:

    Totally agree with you on fresh air, a workout, laughter and accomplishment. I could maybe do without the social media. Haha!

  3. I am with you on the working out and fresh air — I have got to have those to make my day. I also feel completly out of it until I can get some exercise in. I can’t believe how I used to function when I wasn’t an exerciser. NOT well lol. Great tips, because we often all spend so much time thinking about what makes a day as being how we nourish ourselves with food, but not all the other pleasures and needs we have. πŸ™‚

  4. I couldn’t agree more with this list! Fresh air is the best!

  5. Chaitali says:

    Interesting topic! I agree on the fresh air and activity. I think my list would also include spending time with my husband, friends, and my kitties πŸ™‚

  6. I love this ! I love starting my day with fresh air, sweat and social media! Add a good cup of coffee and I am set! Nice post! I love marking something off my to-do list and then how about a glass of wine πŸ™‚

  7. HoHo Runs says:

    I think it’s within everyone’s power to choose that it will be a good day. When one of my kids was very little, he would declare it was the best day ever (a LOT). I need to adopt that attitude. Sunshine helps me! Sweat too!

  8. The key ingredient for me is also sweat and no screaming kids, lol πŸ™‚

  9. I love this idea – wonderful reminder that we can choose to have a good day!

  10. All that followed by a deep night sleep and I am the happiest person ever! Lovely list!

  11. I love your recipe. Fresh air is #1 on my list, which is why I run outside all year round. Including the coldest days of winter. I need to breathe…

    • Coco says:

      Me too! Now that I’ve found some others who will run in all weather, it’s really hard to go back to the treadmill.

  12. Sweat- 100%! I have my best days when I complete a nice and sweaty workout.

  13. I would agree with all of those ! I would also add giving & receiving a compliment…. it always makes people feel so good about themselves.

  14. I would agree with all of those! Happy Mother’s Day

  15. getting fresh air makes a huge difference in my day!

  16. Yes to all of these! Can we make it 6 things and add in friends/family.

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