Fear Of Missing Out

If you’re a social media junkie like I am, you probably have heard of FOMO — the fear of missing out that comes from seeing how much fun others are having (or seem to be having) based on the pictures they are sharing on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram.

Fear Of Missing Out
I’ve also heard FOMO used in the context of fear of missing out on IMPORTANT! updates if you don’t check your social media accounts every second, but I’ve got too much going on in my own life to stay up-to-the-second up-to-date on what my friends are doing. πŸ˜‰

Although I’ve learned that I am not totally immune to the Facebook comparison trap, I don’t get jealous when I see friends’ vacation pictures or the fantastic dinner or dessert they are enjoying–I enjoy living vicariously once in a while. But, there is one thing I hate to miss out on–sunrises. 

At first it was my schedule that had me running at o’dark-thirty in the morning. But now I love starting my run before dawn, and being outside as the sky lightens.

C&O Canal Towpath

Even a morning that starts out cloudy can put on a pretty show at sunrise.

Tidal Basin SunriseNow that it is getting lighter earlier,
I have to get up even earlier to catch the sunrise,
but it’s worth it. 

Washington Monument Sunrise

I do sleep in every once in a while. Although the view out my bedroom window isn’t too shabby, I usually feel a twinge of disappointment that I’m not outside enjoying the sunrise in all its glory. 

Sunrise At Home

Sunrises seem like a silly thing to fear missing, since there’s always going to be another one tomorrow, but I’m still keeping my alarm set for 5:00 am.

[Tweet “FOMO Sunrise Style”]

Do you suffer from FOMO?

Do you have a favorite time of day?

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19 Responses to Fear Of Missing Out

  1. Carla says:

    OOOH now sunrise FOMO I could get behind.
    all else.
    not at all


  2. I don’t usually suffer from FOMO unless it’s a kid free vacation πŸ™‚ The sunrises around here are amazing, dawn is definitely my favorite time of day!

  3. misszippy says:

    This! Absolutely. I don’t have many FOMO issues on social media. I’m happy where I am and don’t need to compare. But yes, I suffer from the same kind of FOMO as you b/c that’s what matters to me–starting the day the right way for me.

  4. Oh my yes! I can’t keep up with everything and I hate feeling like I am missing a social event or run or race. Fun post!

  5. I occasionally suffer from FOMO but mainly family events as I live 2500 miles away from them. I love waking up in time to see the sunrise. It’s worth the early wake up time.

  6. Hmmmm, I think I’ve always had a form of FOMO, but not on social media — more along the lines of, I don’t want to be the first to leave a party or the first to go to bed because I don’t want to miss out on any fun. Does that count? haha!!

    • Coco says:

      Yes! Although I am so tired — probably from getting up early to the see the sunrise — that I often am the first to leave!

  7. I do have this! and I have been this way since I was a little kid. Up early, and I would tell my mom, I am afraid I will miss something- to funny! I feel much better now, do we need a support group? πŸ™‚

  8. Tamara says:

    Nope. No FOMO here (although your sunsets are pretty spectacular, I’m not willing to get up early enough to see them in person).

    More like JOMO πŸ˜‰ More power to everybody else and their spectacular lives!

  9. Kristen says:

    Now that I live in Alaska, I get FOMO whenever I see people running races back on the East Coast, doing stuff we can’t do here (mostly in the fall, like apple picking and carving pumpkins), and going to eat at places that aren’t in Alaska. But then I look out the window and remember that I live in the most beautiful place on earth and that helps me get through it πŸ™‚ The sun is also doing its crazy things where it rises and sets when most people are sleeping so no more sunset runs for me unless I want to go after 10 PM!

    • Coco says:

      Um, yeah, Alaska looks gorgeous! I can see how it would be difficult to catch the sunrise and sunset now though!

  10. HoHo Runs says:

    Guilty (darn that Disney marathon!) If I sleep late, I feel like the day is over. I like your sunrise FOMO. I enjoy watching the sky explode with color just for me. Beautiful pictures.

  11. Karen says:

    Yes, I definitely suffer from FOMO at times. I’m like you though, I don’t have time to be on social media every second of the day. The sunrise and that view is gorgeous! I love early mornings, it’s my favorite time of day! πŸ™‚

  12. For sure. Especially when I see tons of people at big fun races. I get a bit jealous.

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