How To Workout Before Work

I am an early morning exerciser, mostly because it’s the only time of day that I can call my own. I usually workout at home, but once a week I go to an indoor cycling class, and every once in a while I run from a place close to my office, so I have had to figure out how to workout before work. Like most things, a little planning and preparation go a long way.

workout before work
When I first started attending a 6:00 am spinning class, I loved everything about it except getting all my shit stuff together the night before. It was such an ordeal to pack everything I needed to shower and get ready for work afterwards, and I hate deciding what to wear even one day in advance. For a while, I forgot something important every week–face lotion, deodorant, hairbrush–although at least I never forgot the same thing twice. πŸ˜‰

I finally figured out that it would be worthwhile to keep my gym bag packed with the essentials so I wouldn’t have to worry about what I was forgetting. That meant buying an extra set of toiletries, but I assured my frugal self that they wouldn’t go to waste. Here’s a look at what I now keep in my gym bag:

Gym Bag

For the shower: face wash, body wash, shampoo, shower puff

For my (minimal) make-up routine: face lotion, foundation, eye liner pencil

To style my hair: comb, brush, mousse, hairspray

With all this ready to go, I only have to pack my clothes (still a pain, but I’ve gotten used to planning simple outfits on spinning days) and my hair dryer (there is one at the gym, but with my baby-fine hair I would be so screwed if it ever was broken, I try to remember to bring my own). 

 (To see what others keep in their gym bags, check out the Friday Five link up hosted by Eat Pray Run DCMar on the Run and You Signed Up for What!) 

The other thing I had to figure out about working out before work was what to have for breakfast afterwards.

My favorite thing to have is a Starbucks breakfast sandwich:

Starbucks Breakfast

but when I don’t want to spend that much money or consume that many calories at once, I pack a hard boiled egg and some Triscuits for my second-favorite breakfast at work: 

Hardcoooked Eggs And Triscuits

Of course, if it’s waffle day at the cafeteria, I might succumb to that temptation. πŸ˜‰

I’d still rather get ready at home where I can enjoy a pot of coffee before I have to face the world, but having my gym bag ready to go and knowing what I can pack for breakfast make working out before work so much easier. 

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What’s the most unusual thing in your gym bag? 

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27 Responses to How To Workout Before Work

  1. Carla says:

    the most unusual thing?

  2. Annmarie says:

    Great tips! I find having all my things in order and being in a routine helps too- even though I workout at home, haha!

  3. unusual item in my gym bag? I don’t think I have one. Maybe the fact that I keep 2 tampons in there just incase?

    I don’t have much in my gym bag, because I don’t work outside the home, so I go there and then come home to shower. I kind of have an aversion to locker rooms…

    • Coco says:

      Being nearly blind without my glasses on has its advantages — I can’t see how clean (or not) the gym showers are ….

      • I’ts not how clean or dirty it is that bugs me, it’s naked women everywhere that bothers me! I am a very private person and I use the bathroom stalls to change clothes. I could never do it in the general area.
        Our gym is brand new so it’s very clean, thankfully.

        • Coco says:

          Ah, I use the locker room for my office building’s gym, which is pretty small. I used to cross paths with one or two others, but lately I’ve had it to myself.

  4. Unusual? I always have an array of lip gloss bc you never know! Def helps to be organized and have all the toiletries in my bag. Swimming lately so it requires lots more gear.

  5. jill conyers says:

    Early morning before work is the best time to workout! From a #morningperson πŸ™‚

  6. Great tips. Trying to get myself out of bed earlier to go to the gym at our work. Food is the hardest to remember. We have instant oatmeal at work that will work in a pinch, but the gym is located next to the cafe, which leads to runger temptation, haha.

  7. I work super early in the morning so there’s no way I can work out before work! Great tips!

  8. right now i have a sticker from my church in my bag – kind of random! love your tips – have a great weekend πŸ™‚

  9. Great tips! Early morning is definitely the best time to workout before the day gets crazy. I just cleaned out my gym bag a week ago so nothing too unusual in there right now.

  10. I like hard boil eggs and triscuits but never thought of combining those two. I will have to try this some morning. I am getting sick of the scrambled eggs I always make.

  11. I don’t have a gym bag…don’t go to the gym. What can I say?

  12. Kim says:

    I’m fortunate that I work out at home and don’t have to pack a bag or do anything about getting ready somewhere else.

  13. Steena says:

    I buy two sets of shampoo/conditioner, one to keep in my gym bag for after swimming, and one for in my own shower. Before I bought two sets I had the same problem, always forgot my shampoo/conditioner somewhere!

    • Coco says:

      For a while I was using my travel sizes, but that seemed to be a waste since those small bottles are so expensive – it’s almost cheaper to buy full-sized ones!

  14. hmm, I don’t carry anything unusual in my gym bag. Sometimes I’ll throw in a washcloth if I know it’ll be a bit before I get home to shower!

  15. Most unusual thing in my gym bag……a bamboo roller that my massage therapist gave me πŸ™‚

  16. HoHo Runs says:

    Great tips! I’m an early morning exerciser too, running before daylight. But, it’s important for me to lay out my running clothes the night before. It keeps me more accountable.

  17. I absolutely love your breakfast idea of boiled egg slices on triscuits! My running and workouts usually happen after I get home from teaching 3rd graders!

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