Walking The Dog For Total Mind-Body Fitness

Now that I’ve gotten serious about actually reaching my 10,000 steps/day goal, I’ve had to join my husband on his after-dinner walks with Tiger Lilly.

Tiger Lilly Walk

I usually take the morning shift of walking the dog and let him take her out after dinner while I clean up the kitchen and catch up on Facebook. While I enjoy being able to just relax in the evening, going for an after-dinner walk does so much more for me than just helping me reach my activity goal. (Although I am proud of my June step total!) Getting outside, moving my legs after a day of sitting at my desk, enjoying the sights and sounds of the neighborhood, and spending quality time with my husband are perfect ways to unwind at the end of the day.

The people at DogVacay.com have created a fun infographic of canine-inspired exercises that make a great do-anywhere workout.  


Tiger Lilly doesn’t like to run much, but sometimes it does seem like she is doing “suicides” back-and-forth across our yard.

Does your dog make a good walking, running, or hiking companion?

How often do you take a walk after dinner?

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9 Responses to Walking The Dog For Total Mind-Body Fitness

  1. I don’t have a dog but I imagine that’s a great way to get in your 10,ooo steps a day for anyone of any fitness level. Have a great day

  2. Love the workout!

    I was recently thinking about TL and you not running with her, as I don’t think I knew she wasn’t a big fan. But, she sure loves to walk.

  3. love this. i try to walk my dogs every day and started using the charity miles app to track our walks and do some good!

  4. i love the name of your dog! so cute πŸ™‚

  5. Kim says:

    I rarely take after dinner walks – it is my time to finally sit and veg – TV and laptop!!!

    • Coco says:

      Mine too, but I sacrificed some of that time to make sure I hit 10,000 steps/day in June. Now I’m back to the couch. πŸ˜›

  6. Lisa says:

    That poster is a cute idea (and your dog is adorable!).

    I agree, it’s a nice kind of “zen” to just take the dog for a walk. πŸ™‚

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