June Java (Coffee Date)

Thanks for stopping by for this month’s Ultimate Virtual Coffee Date hosted by Jill Conyers, Nikki at Grab Your Kicks and Lynda at Fitness Mom Wine Country. Can I get you a cup of coffee or tea before we catch up?

Virtual Coffee Date

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that my May was crazy and my June will be crazier. I was out of town last weekend, have to go out of town tomorrow, and have another business trip that will steal half of my weekend the week after next. Next weekend is my only full weekend at “home” but it’s jam packed with the Lawyer’s Have Heart 10K, a special Moms Run This Town spinning class at Revolve, a friend’s 50th birthday party, and Father’s Day! I really don’t glorify busy, but I can’t seem to avoid it.

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that parenting college-aged children is tough. It is hard not to step in to “fix” their problems, but it so much more rewarding for everyone when we take a step back and support them as they find their own way.

Smashed iPhone

My son’s third smashed iPhone in 18 months.
He’s paying for its replacement–and any others since we’ve been booted
off  the phone insurance. πŸ™

If we were having coffee together, I would tell you that I logged over 400,000 steps in May! I did not enter the contest at work because I wanted to give others a chance to win, but June is the last month and it is game on! πŸ˜‰

May Steps

If we were having coffee together I would tell you that, because of my hectic work schedule, my other goals for June are simple, but probably will be harder to achieve than they seem!

Do you like iced coffee in the summer?

How much sleep do you usually get?

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15 Responses to June Java (Coffee Date)

  1. I hear ya on the parenting of teens-it takes it out of you in a whole new way! That is a lot of travel. My hubby has been on a crazy travel schedule lately and it’s brutal. Have fun at Lawyer’s 10k should be fun! Great catching up over coffee today

  2. I don’t really care for iced coffee per se. And OH he keeps smashing phones? Then perhaps he doesn’t need one. What is going on? LOL. I like your goals for June – actually mine are similar.

  3. I still enjoy my morning cup of coffee but when it gets really hot I love a good iced coffee!! So refreshing! Yeah for summer! Yikes about the phone!!

  4. Nice job with all those steps! I use a pebble to track my steps and I was amazed when I got the email saying I’d reached 1 million steps. Hard to believe how many steps we take over time! Thanks for joining us for coffee!

  5. Rosi says:

    I like iced coffee but I always seem to drink the hot stuff. I typically get around 7 hours of sleep a night. Sometimes it’s a little less but I aim for 7 as often as possible.

  6. Deb says:

    Hot first thing, then sometimes iced in the afternoon, and usually another hot cup in the PM (I drink half-caf, so not QUITE as bad as it sounds, ha!). And I am a firm 8-hourer. I can do less for a night, but more than that and it gets ugly! I’m currently enjoying my soon-to-be-hsfreshmen daughter, so not quite college yet (although a 30-year-old guy cashiering yesterday THOUGHT she was a student of the college whose shirt she was wearing – YOW!), and just got her FIRST PHONE EVER (a simple slide), so we’ll see how it goes! Your son may decide he needs a little LESS of a phone when he has to pay out for the high-grade replacement, ha! Have a good one.

  7. jill conyers says:

    Love ice coffee! Unfortunately, now that I no longer eat/drink dairy I haven’t found a good dairy free option. 3rd smashed iPhone? I had to read that twice just to be sure I read it right. Yowsa! WTG with the 400,000+ steps!

  8. Kim says:

    HaHa – your son NEEDS an otter box!! I drop my iPhone about 5-10 times a day and every time I say, “good thing I have an otter box!”
    I don’t sleep nearly enough – one of those things!!!

    • Coco says:

      Yep, he has one now, but they don’t make a waterproof version for the 5c πŸ™

      • Carina says:

        Otterbox was going to be my comment too. My phone has been dropped down an entire flight of stairs at our house, onto our slate tile entryway, and not a scratch. Even if it’s not waterproof, it might at least stop the cracked screens?

  9. Lindsay says:

    Hope you find some rest soon friend.

  10. I don’t get much sleep as I tend to have insomnia. I am a morning person, so waking up around 5:30 is my normal {I do take a nap during the day} love my naps. What is with the Iphones and our teenagers? I have seen so many young teens with cracked phones and our son is 23 and he has worked his way through 4 phones!! Seriously???

  11. I almost always drink hot coffee. It’s more a ritual of a slow thing. If I drink iced coffee, it’s gone in a short minute.

    Good luck on your crazy month. I know the feeling. And good luck with your races!!

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