No More Buying Cigarettes At CVS

Why I Appreciate The CVS/pharmacy Decision

By now I’m sure you’ve all heard the news–CVS/pharmacy has decided to stop selling tobacco products by October 1 of this year.

No More Buying Cigarettes At CVS

As someone who is interested in promoting health and fitness, this was welcome news to me. As someone who bought her first pack of cigarettes at her neighborhood CVS store, the news hit close to home.

That’s right. I used to smoke. Shudder!

I bought my first pack of cigarettes when I was 14 or 15, at a CVS that was about two blocks from my house (although it might have still been a Peoples back then). I remember being worried that I would be “carded.” I’m pretty sure I bought a menthol flavor, although I can’t remember the brand. Later I switched to Marlboro Lights after hearing that menthol “made holes in your lungs”–never mind all the other damage smoking any kind of cigarettes does! I smoked throughout the rest of high school and college, but quit cold turkey as soon as I got pregnant with my first child. I’ve never missed smoking and see now what a nasty habit it is, but back then it was part of my struggle to be “cool,” and balance my otherwise goody-goody reputation.

If that neighborhood drugstore never sold cigarettes, would I have still started smoking?

I can’t so “no” for sure, but it was definitely the only convenient place for me to get them. Not only was it within walking distance from my house, but I could legitimize my “errand” by buying something else from the vast array of candy, magazines, and personal items that they also sold. Of course, cigarettes were much cheaper back then. I’m not sure I would have spent my hard-earned baby-sitting money on a pack of smokes at today’s prices, but if that drugstore didn’t sell them, I wouldn’t have even faced that dilemma.

I know the CVS/pharmacy decision probably won’t make anyone quitย smoking–nicotine is too addictive to be thwarted by mere inconvenience–but maybe it will prevent a teenager like me from buying her first pack of cigarettes.

For that reason, I am grateful for the CVS/pharamcy decision to stop selling tobacco products, and I challenge other drugstores to follow their lead.

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35 Responses to No More Buying Cigarettes At CVS

  1. Carla says:

    I never smoked but all my friends who did got them from places just like CVS—when we were in middle school (!).

  2. I remember when cigarettes were sold in vending machines even! I can see this as a good thing.

  3. Andrea says:

    Way to go quitting cold turkey! It’s incredible how many people still smoke even though we all know how bad they are for us! I think every step we take in making them less convenient or harder to buy is a good step ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Coco says:

      Exactly. Although seeing people at work smoke in the garage shows just how much inconvenience die-hard smokers will put up with!

  4. I also applaud the decision. Making unhealthy and dangerous habits difficult to access is definitely a step in the right direction. Congrats on making that habit part of your long ago past.

  5. Great point- if it takes work, we’re much less likely to make it happen. I hope it does help cut back on smoking- especially among youth!

  6. Yum Yucky says:

    Kudos to CVS for sure! There was a troll article about despite CVS not selling tobacco anymore, they still sell unhealthy stuff like candy and chips. Stupidest article ever.

  7. I quit cold turkey too. Everyone in my friends group in High School smoked, so I did too. When I transferred colleges I decided I was going to make friends with people who never smoked and would quit. Best decision I ever made.

  8. Christine says:

    I applaud CVS! I have lost 2 people to lung cancer (They were smokers) and I always remember how easy it used to be to get cigarettes. Vending machines, etc. While the company will lose a ton of money, the fact that they are willing to go that drastic shows me that they actually care. Follwing from #SITSBlogging

  9. Christie says:

    YES! I love what they’re doing to show that health does matter! Totally agree with you! #SITS

  10. I agree that this is a wonderful decision! As an ex-smoker, I love that cities, restaurants, bars, and many stores now are making it harder to smoke or get cigarettes. I just hope that all these changes help my extended family because my daughter needs these people in her life. The same to other families out there as well…

  11. Cindy says:

    I always said it was funny that at CVS you could buy cigarettes in the front, but the pharmacy is way in the back.

  12. christine says:

    Now lets hope other stores will follow in their footsteps! #SITSBlogging

  13. This really is a step in the right direction. I think it is great that such a large company has decided to take a stand for health rather than money. #SITSBlogging

  14. Christine says:

    I think this is a great idea. I’m surprised CVS would want to miss out on all that money though!
    It’s so sad, I think that everyone who starts smoking does it to fit in or be cool, I know when I started smoking as a teenager, I would have denied that to the ground, but looking back now, that was exactly why I started. Although when I started, one person would have a box of cigarettes and share them, and some people would steal them from their parents, so although CVS stopping selling cigarettes will be inconvenient, I think kids will always find a way!

    • Coco says:

      Well, that’s true, but it might as well not be easy! Plus, I do think fewer parents smoke these days, so they aren’t as easy to come by. I don’t think any of my kids’ friends’ parents smoke, while several of my friends’ parents’ did.

  15. Cynthia L says:

    I am impressed with the CVS decision. I am sure it was a very hard one for them to make. I know people will always find cigarettes if they want them, but I don’t think it should be in a store that sells products to keep us healthy. I am stopping by from #SITSblogging!

  16. Good for them! I hadn’t heard that. Most of my friends and family are non-smokers and I find it hard to be near a smoker! I just can’t handle the smell. #SITSblogging

  17. I was like you. I started smoking just out of high school . It was also to offset my “goody goody” persona. I smoked through college, but stopped the year after I graduated.

    I’ve heard this story, but haven’t looked into in in further detail, however a major retailer taking a stand like that is a big thing especially because it can mean a big loss in sales.

  18. I agree wholeheartedly! I really hope other retailers begin to take the lead of CVS and stop carrying cigarettes. It’s so ridiculous that any of us would smoke (and I used to, as well, when I was in my 20’s) now that we all have proof that it causes cancer. I’ll be more prone to go to a CVS now, knowing about this. #SITSblogging

  19. That’s great that they’re doing this!!
    I didn’t hear about it.
    Visiting via #sitsblogging

  20. Dena says:

    That is great! I never smoked but I believe that if it is harder for those that do to purchase at the least they may not smoke as much. #SITSBlogging

  21. Colette says:

    I never did smoke, but grew up in a house of smokers, couldn’t escape it when I was younger. I love seeing initiatives like this one & my local mall being tobacco free zones, makes me feel like I can breathe & don’t have to worry about walking through a cloud of smokers outside the door. Relief. #SITSblogging

  22. It’s nice to see a blog post about this- that CVS isn’t selling cigarettes anymore is so, so fantastic! (Also, the fact that you were able to quit cold turkey- wow!). I smoked socially in my late teens to mid twenties, usually when drinking, and it was definitely a matter of being influenced by my friends. Oy. I hope other businesses follow CVS’s lead!

  23. Courtney says:

    I completely agree with you– I think this was a great decision by CVS. (Not to mention an EXCELLENT marketing move.) Thanks for sharing your thoughts– interesting how close to home this hit for you. #sitsblogging

    Courtney @ Little Miss MBA

  24. Daphne says:

    What a bold decision but I support it 100%

  25. I was very surprised — seems like a big risk for them, but happy to hear.

  26. jo says:

    I would never have pegged you as an ex smoker! I agree with you about CVS- it seems like a great move to promote healthy choices for kids who don’t have the mobility to get cigarettes elsewhere!

    • I think I’m glad that this surprises you! It’s been a looooong time! I think it does help them with “branding” as a healthcare store — they have the minute clinics in their stores around here.

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