Why I Didn’t Run Drenched

Are My Reasons Lame or Logical?

I was supposed to do the Run Drenched 5K this weekend, but I didn’t.

My plans started falling apart on Thursday, and had evaporated by Friday night.

Here are my reasons:

  • Logistics. I knew when I signed up for the “D.C.” event that it wasn’t really being held in Washington, D.C., but as race day drew near my desire to drive an hour for a 5K waned. It didn’t help that we got record rainfall on Thursday night and Friday. One reason I signed up for the Drenched 5K in the first place was because I don’t do mud runs. Between the rural location, soaking rains, and water theme, I was afraid there would be more mud than I was up for, especially at the start and finish areas.

Run Drenched

  • Loneliness. I couldn’t get any of my friends to do this race, and I couldn’t find a single person in any of my running forums who was planning to go. While I don’t mind doing a race on my own, this event clearly was designed for groups of friends, with water gun filling stations and water balloon battles.

Garmin Data

  • Long run. I didn’t think I’d mind sacrificing a long run day for a fun 5K, but I was getting antsy for a long run–and no wonder! When I checked my Garmin data, I saw that it’s been over a month since I ran longer than 6 miles. Shorter long runs fit with my summer training plan, but when life was offering lemonade in the form of a cooler, overcast Saturday morning in mid-July, I had to guzzle it down and go for a long run.

Garmin Data

So what do you think, are my reasons lame or logical?

Have you ever done a “fun” run by yourself?

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8 Responses to Why I Didn’t Run Drenched

  1. Miz says:

    you know I think LOGICAL.
    but Im an introvert and all ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I think your reasons are totally logical!!!
    I've never done a "fun" run either with friends or alone.

  3. I'll be doing a colour run with the family next month ๐Ÿ™‚ Looking forward to it!

    If it didn't feel right..it didn't. There will be many more ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. nhrunner says:

    logical.. and nice long run! But yes, I have done a lot of runs and races by myself, and made new friends that way..but this race does seem designed more for groups.. (sigh, why do i always have to log in.. and then I have trouble doing so??)

  5. Steena says:

    When I got to your 2nd reason, I totally understood. I know that lonely feeling at races! It's not fun, and we do these things FOR FUN!

  6. I think logical. All the reasons you listed were well thought out and very applicable to you. Plus you did something active which you enjoyed and contributed to your future success. All in all I'd say it was a win.

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