Looking Out The Window

I spend way too much time at work.
I usually arrive between 8:00 and 8:30 and leave at 6:30.
That’s 10 hours a day,
most of which are spent sitting on my ass in front of my dual monitors.

Messy Desk

Whenever I visit other offices, I always take the time to take in the views.


This city girl just loves skylines!

In January, I had an opportunity to move to an office with this view.


Although I did think twice about moving
because my assistant would be down the hall and around the corner from me,
I knew that it would be good for my mental health.

And it is.


It didn’t take me long to realize that the kitchenette near my new office
also has spectacular views.


Although sometimes I get jealous of the fun I’m not having!


Do you take time to enjoy looking out the window?

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9 Responses to Looking Out The Window

  1. Miz says:

    I SMILED at the jealousy of the fun youre not having.
    Where my office is now I think that a lot–then I join them–them IM UP LAAATE AND EARLY and pay for the joining…

    • I can't believe I only went skating once! I made plans several times, but weather or work interfered.Now they are tearing it down to restore the fountain until next winter.

  2. Wow, what a great view! I like that you appreciate your surroundings and take it all in…whether you can join in on the fun in that moment in time πŸ™‚

  3. Carrie says:

    I love your views. My office has no view, but when I step outside it's beautiful. It forces me to actually step outside which is good.

  4. beingisbeautiful says:

    haha too funny — I love skylines too, joys of being a city girl. I always look out the window to watch people, I feel like I think clearer when I give my brain a break every now and then :]

  5. Prayers and Apples says:

    The first thing I thought when I started reading was: wow that's a lot of paper work! But then when I saw your new view, I thought maybe it's worth it πŸ˜‰ So pretty! πŸ™‚

  6. christineyu69776410 says:

    I love your views and that you take some time to appreciate them. I would get jealous too. My view from my desk is usually of my sink full of dishes (since I work from home). I like yours better.

  7. Steena says:

    Yesss, yes, yes, yessss I do this a lot! Well, not so much anymore, but when I was a "float" going to different branches I loved peeking at a new view. My new home branch doesn't have a window πŸ™

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