Reach Your Goals In 90 Days!

October 1 is a special day in our house because it’s our anniversary–#24 this year!

(Flowers delivered at work–he’s a keeper!)

Some people see October as the beginning of the end of the year. Sunrise is coming later and later, and it’s noticably dark earlier and earlier. School is in full swing, football season is going strong, and Halloween candy is in the grocery store. Soon we will be planning Thanksgiving dinner, hearing Christmas carols on the radio, and 2012 will be over before we know it!

But it would be a mistake to write off the year already. With three months left in 2012, there is plenty of time to dust off your New Year’s resolutions and make good on your goals.

If you want to lose weight before the holidays, my friend Raphael Calzadilla (an A.C.E. certified personal trainer) has prepared two e-books with detailed nutrition and exercise programs (for home or gym workouts) to get you started on the road to lasting weight loss in 8 weeks. You can learn more about them and purchase them here.

If you want to take small steps to a better Fall, check out the October Yoga Challenge from Grow Soul Beautiful. Founded by my awesome Fitbloggin roomie Amanda, Grow Soul Beautiful wants to help people appreciate their bodies as a work of art and build confidence from inner strength.

Personally, I have three goals for October:

  1. Make it through my insane travel schedule without losing my mind.
  2. Use healthy strategies to cope with stress.
  3. Don’t beat myself up if I succumb to conference food, airport Starbucks brownies or the snooze button.

What are your goals for the last quarter of 2012?

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13 Responses to Reach Your Goals In 90 Days!

  1. MizFit says:

    happy happy happy anniversary. 16 years soon here. IM IN AWE OF YOU.

  2. Happy anniversary!!! Good thing I ate a few brownies yesterday =))

    Thank you so much for spreading the word about the Instagram challenge- it's really taking off! I'm so freaking excited!!

    Have a lovely October- the first day of the month always gets me excited & re-motivated!

  3. SuperBabe says:

    Happy anniversary!

    Yikes, this means I only have 3 months to read 5 books (I challenged myself to read 8 this year!)…

  4. Happy anniversary! I happen to love October since it's my birth month :). Now you're scaring me about how many days are left in the year though since I'm due with baby #2 at the beginning of January. I'm running out of time! 🙂

  5. nhrunner says:

    Happy Anniversary!

  6. Yum Yucky says:

    That's an awesome Yoga calendar. I'm gonna skip right to Oct 11th. I'm doing that pose just as soon as I get home. Then I'll move right into Oct 14th for the rest of the evening. ha!

  7. Happy Anniversary! We're celebrating our 20th on the 11th 🙂

  8. karenclanderson says:

    Ooooo….I love that…the #1 best seller from Fitbloggin! 🙂

    And happiest of anniversaries to you and your hub! 🙂

  9. Carrie says:

    Happy Anniversary! We love October around here – it's my daughter's birthday month and it just feels like the kick off to so many happy events. I do love hearing that there are still 94 days left in the year as it does seem like the year is almost over.

  10. Steena says:

    Happy anniversary!
    You just made the year seem that much longer. Here I thought it was going quickly.

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