Your Speed

There’s a radar speed limit and your speed sign setup like this along my neighborhood running route:


The first time I ran by it and saw it read “06” I thought I was imagining things.

The next time, I was amused and oddly excited.

Now, I always hope that my approach is from the right angle to trigger a reading.

Maybe I should see if I can get it to flash “07” by sprinting.

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10 Responses to Your Speed

  1. LOL! I would totally try sprinting past it!

  2. Coco says:

    I did it! This morning I sprinted and got it to flash "07"! I wonder if the approachng cars noticed.

  3. Awesome!!! I love that you can trigger it. Nice on the 7!!

  4. Tina @ Faith Fitness says:

    I have secretly always wanted to run by one of those. I have a feeling I could entertain myself way too much with that. And I say go for the sprint!

  5. Yum Yucky says:

    I won't be happy with you until you make it flash at least an "8".

  6. Carly D. @ CarlyBana says:

    I love that you were running past the speed sign. I hope drivers saw you and thought "That is one awesome runner!" 😀

  7. Jen & Jess (@iru says:

    We have one in my neighborhood….I will definitely be trying this out tomorrow!

  8. FindingMyHappyPace says:

    bhahahahaha that's hilarious! Nice speed!

  9. David H. says:

    I've gotten one to do 8, but I've never been able to take a picture to prove it!

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