My Valentine To Myself

This is the 44th Valentine’s Day that we’ll be spending together, but I’ve never asked you to be my Valentine. I don’t know why. I guess we tend to overlook those who are close to us, and take for granted those who love us most.


There is so much about you that I admire.

You love your husband deeply and truly, rivaled only by your love for your children. You are a loyal friend who enjoys sharing a good laugh (often with wine and/or chocolate) and is always willing to offer a shoulder to cry on (or more wine and chocolate) or be a sounding board for ideas, worries, or new life plans.

You are passionate about your work, and you have earned respect as you achieve your goals. While you continue to develop your career, you take time to mentor others and build broader platforms for success.

You have a strong belief in God, but you understand the different faiths (or lack thereof) of your friends.

You have learned (finally) to take care of yourself, even as you give so much of yourself to others. By nurturing and nourishing body, mind and spirit, you really are enjoying the best years of your life, and it shows in your confidence, your energy, and your smile.

I’m sorry that it had taken me so long to realize what a wonderful person you are.
I hope I’m not too late.

Will you be my Valentine?

** Thanks To Colleen at (Twitter: @Tryn2Bfit) for sharing the idea of writing Valentines to ourselves.

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8 Responses to My Valentine To Myself

  1. This has got to be one of my favorite blog posts ever…in the whole blogosphere! πŸ™‚

  2. Cathy says:

    Ditto what she said πŸ™‚
    I'm trying…thank you Coco.

  3. Colleen says:

    Love this!!!!!
    It is never to late to start loving yourself πŸ˜‰

  4. Brittany says:

    Great post! Glad you could join our movement πŸ™‚

  5. Lisa says:

    I love this! What a great idea. Even if it's not something to be shared on the internet, I think everyone should write a valentine to themselves. πŸ™‚

  6. Bryanna says:

    L0ve this idea of a later to oneself on valetines. Loving ourself is so important in order to be a better person in all other relationships with others.

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