The $75 5K That Wasn’t

This week I am at conference in San Diego, staying at a resort hotel that extorts me at every turn. ($4.75 for a cup of Diet Coke? No thanks. $4.25 for a tall Starbucks brewed coffee? Yes, please!)ย  Knowing that I would have to squeeze some work in between conference sessions, the only “acitivty” I signed up for was the 5K. The $75 entry fee is above my price point for a 5K, but it is for a good cause and my law firm will cover it.

I attended this same conference last year and actually “won” the 5K, but this year I had to take a different approach. My physical therapist doesn’t want me running at all, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of a run on the beach on a cool, overcast morning. I decided to treat it like an easy run, and had no goals for a finish time.

I was pretty impressed that the hotel had its own branded race bibs, but that didn’t make the course measurement any more accurate than last year’s course. (In all fairness, since we had a wide swath of flat, hard sand to run on, it’s possible that we didn’t follow the route that was measured.)

I reached the “finish” in under 25 minutes, so I kept running for an extra out-and-back segment to make sure that I ran at least 5K. (If I was going to break my physical therapist’s rules, I wanted it to be worth it!) I ended up covering about 3.6 miles in 33:30 (about a 9 min/mile pace). Even though we ran on packed sand, my shoes managed to get full of dry sand from the short walk to and from the shoreline.

Maybe next year I’ll remember to bring old shoes to use on the beach.

I have to confess that my SI joint has been bothering me since this run, but I can’t say that it wasn’t worth it, or that I wouldn’t make the same choice again.

Do you like to run on the beach?

Have you ever violated “doctor’s orders” about exercise restrictions?

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7 Responses to The $75 5K That Wasn’t

  1. I big puffy heart LOVE running on the beach! Even though I only live 30 minutes from the ocean, I don't get to do it often enough. And yes, I would probably disobey doctor's orders for a run on the beach too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I wouldn't have passed up that chance either. Although I don't usually run on the sand, I do love a beach run. I hope your joints recover so you don't have to admit your transgression to your PT ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Miz says:

    Im such a nerdy rule follower.
    in all facets of my misfit world ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. says:

    The beach just takes my breath away… great for running. Hope your joint be okay so you can enjoy the fun again without the pain!

  5. Pingback: My ITB Is A B*TCH | Running With Perseverance

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