Fitting Gifts

I’ve been running for almost 10 years, but it didn’t take me long to learn that the best way to be motivated for a holiday workout is to get cool running gear for Christmas. Even though I am pretty well-equipped now, my family surprised me with some great stuff.

  • Two new pairs of gloves:

One is medium weight and perfect for most of my runs. The other is heavier and with “touch” fingers that actually work with my iPhone–perfect for cheering my son on during those early season lacrosse games.

  •  Two new running tops:

The one on the left is thick and fuzzy and has those thumb-hole sleeves. I wore it today and it was awesome! The other is bit lighter and has a little LED light near the right cuff. You can use it as a flashlight or set it to flash to make yourself more visible. Perfect for my o’dark-thirty runs.

  • And, I won’t show you the purple Patagonia panties my daughter picked out for me. 😉

The other thing motivating me is my “new” (refurbished) Garmin. After 3 1/2 years my Garmin just wouldn’t hold a charge anymore. When I finally got around to calling customer support, they said I could get a refurbished one for $89. It has a 90 day warranty, so I need to put it to the test!

In the two weeks since I’ve had it, I’ve taken it out for 5 runs:

  1. 12/16: 4.5 miles, 44:44 minutes
  2. 12/20: 5.0 miles, 50:23 minutes
  3. 12/22: 5.16 miles, 51:25 minutes
  4. 12/24: 6.6 miles, 1:06 hour/minutes
  5. 12/26: 8 miles, 1:14 hour/minutes

Not a bad record for this hectic time of year, especially considering that weather has been a complicating factor.

Do you have any awesome new fitness gear? Have you tried it out yet?

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6 Responses to Fitting Gifts

  1. Rita @ Fitblogger says:

    Oh I have the same one in blue! I love him to bits. And really anything with thumb holes makes me happy 🙂 Great fitness haul.

  2. workout mommy says:

    the fact that you are out running in this crazy cold means you are one dedicated woman!!! 🙂
    no fun running gifts for me this year. Santa must have had me on the naughty list! 🙁

  3. iRun2BeFit says:

    lucky! You had a great Christmas! I had to steal my mom's swiss ball as a xmas gift to myself, haha.

  4. Lisa says:

    That looks like my Polar Heart Rate Monitor! I love it. I've had it over 2 years now and it's just now needing a new battery. I am dragging my feet replacing the battery because it won't be waterproof anymore when I do (and I sometimes use it swimming).

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