Running In Three Time Zones

Once I got a bee in my bonnet to leverage my business trips this week and try to run in three time zones, I only needed the weather to cooperate. Luckily, it did. I ran in EST Monday and Saturday, in CST on Tuesday, and in PST on Wednesday.

Thank you Garmin for this succinct synopis.

Running In Three Time Zones

Running at Home—Eastern Time Zone

Monday: With a 10:30 am flight, I had plenty of time for a short run with Scooby before heading out.

3.3 miles in EST

Saturday: I didn’t feel jet-lagged when the sun woke me up at 6-ish in the morning, so it didn’t take me too long to get out the door with Scooby.

5.0 miles in EST

Chicago Running: Central Time Zone

Tuesday: I only had one morning in Chicago but my meetings didn’t start until 10, so I had plenty of time to run. We were at a different hotel than usual, so I got to run on a different section of the Lakefront Trail.

5.7 miles in CST

I decided to add a loop around the Navy Pier and run back to my hotel on Michigan Avenue, but that last leg was longer than I expected, so my total miles were a bit more than I intended.

The view from Navy Pier

I ran up the steps to the ferris wheel, and was treated to this sculpture—“Reach”.

San Diego Running: Pacific Time Zone

Wednesday: Despite my looong Tuesday—up at 5:00 am CST, presenting at meetings in Chicago, flying to San Diego, entertaining clients at a reception until 11 pm—I had to fight jet lag to stay in bed until 4:30 am PST. After triaging emails until it got light out, I headed out for a run in PST.

If you saw my coffee date post, you know the weather in San Diego was dominated by what they call “June gloom”—a marine layer of clouds that hang heavy over the area. That made it humid, but it was in the 60s and breezy, so it wasn’t unpleasant. My mind wouldn’t let me sleep, but my body was tired, so I decided a 3 mile route would be enough.

I ran to the “Unconditional Surrender” sculpture, and further along the road towards the airport, stopping for photos of The Midway along the way back.

I thought it was fitting to be out running while in town to meet with clients from around the world on Global Running Day. I enjoyed listening to the Peloton Global Running Day class while I ran—it was led by instructors in the NYC and London studios.

3.3 miles in PST

After reaching my goal of running in three time zones, my hamstring demanded a break. Thursday I did a short strength workout in the too-warm hotel gym, and then headed out to Starbucks and a walk along the water. 

So gloomy!

Friday it was finally time to head home. I had an 8:30 flight but I knew I wouldn’t relax until I got to the airport, so I checked out at 6:00 am and killed some time walking in the airport terminal until heading to my gate. 

I’m not sure when I’ll have a chance to run in three time zones again, but I’m glad I was able to do it. While it’s great to be home, I think I enjoyed my run in Chicago the most—I just love the skyline and am spoiled by the vistas along Lakefront Trail.

Do you have a hard time adjusting to a different time zone?

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9 Responses to Running In Three Time Zones

  1. I have had weeks like that as well with the time zones-challenging for sure. (Minus the work presenting) Always worth it! I think exercise helps with jet lag. Nice job fitting it all in this week

  2. Jenny says:

    That sounds fun! And it looks like it was windy in the windy city. It’s been awhile since I’ve traveled any further than one time zone away. But my husband and son went to CA last week and they had some trouble adjusting when they got back.
    Glad your hamstring allowed you to get those runs in!

    • Coco says:

      It was just breezy on the water — it wasn’t too windy otherwise.

      I definitely had a harder time going to bed last night and getting up today. Tomorrow’s alarm is going to be rough!

  3. Catrina says:

    So cool, Coco!
    I don’t think I’ve ever managed to run in 3 time zones in one week! I love how you stick to your fitness routine despite a crazy schedule.

    I’m happy that Cape Town is in the same time zone as Zurich, despite an 11 hour flight. Easier for flying and easier for working remotely with European clients!

  4. Wendy says:

    That’s wild that you did all that traveling in a short time! I don’t have too much trouble adjusting when I travel between time zones, but being in the Midwest, it’s usually only 1 or 2 hours. One of these times I’ll have to meet up with you when you’re in Chicago!

  5. Now that’s a neat conquest! I can imagine the residual fatigue that you’re probably feeling now that all the traveling has gotten you back home. Nice job, though, getting all those runs done!

  6. Debbie says:

    How fun and what a positive way to look forward to your crazy work travel schedule. I can see why you picked Chicago as your favorite of the three places to run. I loved running along the lake in Chicago when our son was attending the University of Chicago.

  7. Jenn says:

    How cool to run in all three times zones! What a fun challenge for you!

    So far, I haven’t struggled too much with time zones. I feel like my sleeping is just enough off that it’s not a huge problem for me.

  8. Jessie says:

    Running in three time zones in one week! That’s a unique accomplishment! Nicely done Coco.

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