Wrapping Up May On A High Note

It feels good to be wrapping up May on a high note. I’m still babying my hamstring—keeping my mileage low, minimizing hills—but it’s rewarding me with pain-free runs, even when I push my pace. The smile on my face isn’t just endorphins, it’s also gratitude that’s giving me a runner’s high.

Scooby’s pretty happy too!

Wrapping Up May On A High Note

I wrapped up May with 68 running miles. If I looked earlier in the week I might have fit in 2 more miles, but it’s probably better that I didn’t. As it was, it’s the most miles I’ve logged since last June—literally a high note in my Garmin graph!

Hopefully that June blip will grow even taller.

I also rolled through my 2700th Peloton strength workout. I briefly checked the live schedule, but didn’t bother to plan for a live class for a chance of a shoutout. Maybe I’ll care more when its my 3000th.

Weekly Wrap

I finished the Breakthrough Crew Muscle MAYhem challenge, but think I’ll be sitting out the June challenge. It’s lower body focused, which is still scary for me, and I’ve got two business trips that will throw off my schedule.Unlike last week, this week brought amazing running weather with morning temperatures in the upper 50s/low 60s—another way May ended on such a high note.

Sunday: Core + 32 Cycling Miles
I finally got out for my one and only outdoor bike ride of May! It was really lovely.

Monday (Memorial Day): Core + Upper Body + 5.1 Scooby Miles
It was a humid morning after some overnight rain, and I wish I’d brought some water. With keeping to short runs, I’ve gotten out of that habit but will need to dust off my Hydraquiver so I can stay hydrated as it gets warmer.

Tuesday: 45 min FB Strength
I was in the mood for a solid strength workout, and Jess Sims’s newest 45 min class did not disappoint!

Wednesday: Core + Lower Body + 4.4 Scooby Miles
I meant to grab a short-sleeve t-shirt but reaching in my dresser drawer in the dark I grabbed this tank top instead—with temps in the low 60s I was almost chilly!

Thursday: Core + Upper Body + 20 min Peloton Ride

Friday: Core + Lower Body + 4.0 Scooby Miles

What is up with my hair?

Saturday: Strength For Runners + 5.1  Scooby Miles
I dusted off an old Strength For Runners class to do as a warm-up before taking Scooby out. It’s been so long since I’ve done a class with Becs Gentry—this is a good one!

The weather Saturday morning was gorgeous and everything felt good on my run, so I guess I’m also staring June on a high note!

A huge thank you to Deborah and Kim for hosting the Weekly Run Down link up.

Do you have any big plans for June? Make sure they include joining us for our coffee date on Friday!

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14 Responses to Wrapping Up May On A High Note

  1. We definitely had better running weather this week but still over all this rain. I got caught in it twice this week! Looks like you are off to a strong start to June

  2. Jenny says:

    Hooray!!!!!!! So glad to hear the hamstring is better. Just out of curiosity, what would you attribute the recovery to? Or is it impossible to pick any one thing. One way or another, these things always heal. And I’m very glad for Scooby, he has his running partner back.
    Here’s to starting June on a high note. I’ll be seeing you on Friday for the coffee date!

  3. Melissa says:

    Looks like a great month, indeed! Our weather has been pretty good for running and I love it. Way to end May on a high!

  4. Catrina says:

    So glad the hamstring is continuing to be quiet!
    You will have a busy June with a lot of business trips – hang in there! So glad you have running as a de-stressor!

  5. We’ve had our first “official” touch of humidity this weekend. It was steamy at the D2D yesterday (but the temps were moderate, so it wasn’t unbearable) and there was a definite dampness in the air (and a balmy breeze) on my ride this morning. That said, you know I love the summer, so I’m totally alright (at the moment, LOL) with the humidity. That’s such great news on the hammy happiness!

  6. Yay to hear you are starting out June on a high note! We had a week of cooler temps which would have been perfect for running too. I did take advantage of the earlier sunrises for biking though!

  7. Wendy says:

    So glad to see your hamstring continues to behave! We’ve been having a lot of rain–I’m so over it!

  8. Jenn says:

    Sounds like a fabulous week! And hello, Scooby!

    Love your temps… I miss being almost chilly!

    It’s going to be a good month. I have some events planned, as well as a little travel. A starts his new job and camp. It’s all good things.

  9. San says:

    I am so happy to hear your hamstring is better. And congratulations on the 2700th strength milestone. That’s huge! I love Becs Strength classes, I wish she’d do more of them!

  10. Jessie says:

    Oh, so so glad the hamstring is finally not bothering you, even when you pick up the pace. I wonder what treatment was the one that helped! Or maybe it was all the things…

    Sweet Scooby! He got lots of runs in.

  11. Cari says:

    2700. WOW.
    And yes, morning and sleeping weather were the best

  12. Darlene S Cardillo says:

    Hooray!! Love this post!!

  13. Debbie says:

    That’s great that you were able to get outside for a ride. The weather was really nice last Sunday. It’s great to hear that your hamstring isn’t complaining after running. It’s been a long time coming.

  14. Farrah says:

    Yay! I’m glad you’re having pain-free runs now (hooray for Scooby too!)! I’m planning on getting back into strength training this month — it’s been too long!

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