Gearing Up For Vacataion

Thankfully this week was less eventful than last, and my mood was helped with the prospect of my upcoming vacation. My legs still felt like lead, the humidity was still oppressive, and mosquitoes still ruined every time it was nice outside, but that’s OK, I’ll be at the beach soon.

Gearing Up For Vacation

It’s amazing how much preparation a vacation takes–even when it’s just a few days at the beach. I made hotel reservations, did a meet-and-greet with Scooby and the dog-sitter, stopped our newspaper delivery, and had that important waxing appointment. I stocked up on sunscreen and snacks to take as fuel for our bike rides. There’s still laundry and packing to be done–beach stuff, bike stuff, running stuff–and I’m sure I’m forgetting something else!

I also got a sports massage this week in an effort to appease my calves. It seems to have helped, although they still need some TLC. I will not be running on the beach although I do plan to log some miles on the boardwalk!

Weekly Run Down

I had the best of intentions to take it easy this week, but all I managed was to sit out some of the standing climbs at Cyclebar and choose the “easier” Old Town Conte’s ride on Saturday.

Monday: Strength Workout
I focused on upper body and core work to give my legs a break.

Tuesday: Cyclebar
My legs were still tired, but Cyclebar was calling my name. I think I use my calves the most on standing climbs, so I sat for some of the longer climbs.

Wednesday:Β 4.5 mile run
I thought the clouds would keep it cool, but it was really humid. This run was a sufferfest and had me thinking it would have been better to take a rest day.

Thank goodness for the views.

Thursday: Corepower Yoga
Our peak pose was tripod headstand, which I usually can do, but struggled with. I decided lack of sleep was to blame–I was up past midnight reviewing a document for work.

Friday: Orangetheory Fitness
I hadn’t been to Brandson’s class in a while, and this was a good one. When I heard the treadmill workout while I was on the rower, it sounded easy, but when my turn came it was pretty tough! I needed every walk break to get my heart rate down from red to orange.

My HRM is still wonky, but not dead yet.

Saturday: 22 mile Old Town Conte’s Ride
It was a steamy morning, but there was a huge turnout–32 riders! I’m so glad I brought 2 water bottles–I only had a few sips left at the end.

OK, my camera lens was foggy,
but it felt this humid!

Thanks to Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down link up
–join in for motivation and encouragement!

What’s your favorite boardwalk treat?

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13 Responses to Gearing Up For Vacataion

  1. Popcorn. Funnel cake. Yum! I rarely indulge in funnel cake, though. Enjoy!

    Yoga is like that. Kind of like running. Which is why we have to be in the now, not comparing ourselves to the past or dreaming about the future — but hey, I didn’t say that was easy!

    Vacation prep can be grueling, but enjoy your beach!

  2. This weekend was pretty brutal w the humidity. I am really over it! Nice job on the bike ride. Isn’t it funny how we complain about running in the heat and then we go to hot yoga πŸ™‚ Have a great time at the beach

  3. Wendy says:

    Looks like you got a lot in even though it was a busy week! Running in the humidity is just gross. I did a 3 miler today and that was all I had in me. 95% humidity is not my friend.

  4. kookyrunner says:

    You got in a lot of great workouts this week. I’m currently on staycation this week and am looking forward to some workouts but other than that I don’t have anything planned, and I like it that way, lol

    Let’s not even discuss the humidity this past weekend – super yuck!

  5. Rabbit Food Runner says:

    What a big group ride! Do you ever get nervous riding in a big pack? I imagine bumping into someone and taking a spill. Enjoy your vacation!

  6. Laetitia says:

    The mosquitos are out in full force right now! I thought it was just me (they do love me a love) but apparently everyone is complaining about them right now….

  7. Cari says:

    Enjoy the beach!
    I feel you on the mosquitoes – I got devoured this weekend after being relatively un tasty all summer
    I’m not sure on a favorite boardwalk treat – probably ice cream

  8. Chaitali says:

    Yay vacation! I hope you have fun πŸ™‚ You’re right, it’s definitely a lot of work getting ready for vacation. We had to have a meet and greet with some new pet sitters last week as well.

  9. I hope those calves feel better! What’s a boardwalk (j/k…we don’t see too many of those in my area). Enjoy your vacation!!!

  10. Woohoo for vacation!! The humidity around here can stop anytime for sure. Ewwww. I just got back from a 16 day trip to Hawaii which I planned myself, so yeah, I know what you mean!! My biggest goal, which was achieved, was to take this trip with just a carry on bag and a backpack for each member of the family. It was so liberating to travel light, I would love to do it on every trip!

  11. Yay for vacation! It is crazy just how much there is to do to before you can get away?! Hope you have a wonderful time at the beach πŸ™‚

  12. Vacation, how fun!!!! It is funny how planning a vacation takes so much work and then we also need a vacation from said vacation. πŸ™‚

  13. Marcia says:

    Have so much fun on vacay! The packing and planning will be worth it. I used to be a funnel cake girl but now they make me sick. It’s a good thing! Haha! The steam in your pics is palpable. I’m so over this tropical humidity. We’re fogged in with it this morning.

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