September Runfessions

How can it be the end of September already?! Luckily I have until next weekend to get ready to host the Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up again–please mark your calendars and plain to join Deborah and me as we catch up over coffee. Today it’s time to share our monthly Runfessions. Make sure you give an extra-special shout out to our host Marcia for her great Berlin Marathon last weekend! 

I’m also joining the Friday Five link up hosted at Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness.

I runfess that I was not inspired by this motivational poster in the Marriott hotel gym.

Is jogging really what we aspire to?

I runfess that I washed my HyrdaQuiver and Nathan for the first time ever last weekend–and I’ve had both for years. 

I’ve always air-dried them between uses …. 

I runfess that while I do think spending long hours standing in dress shoes is more to blame for my PF than running, I have not been stretching my tight calves or foam rolling like I should. Now that the injury is undeniable, I’ve broken out all the recovery tools in an effort to nip this in the bud.

Do you have this particular torture recovery device?

I runfess that after missing OTF for two weeks, I wasn’t really looking forward to getting up at 4:15 to make my 5 am class. When my PF felt much better after my treatment Monday (stim on my calves and cupping on my foot) but reemerged towards the end of the day Tuesday, I decided to play it smart and cancel my class. I runfess that I wasn’t too sad about turning this first alarm off! 

As if 4:40 is that much more civilized …

I runfess that I am nervous about the century ride we are doing on Sunday. Even at a 15 mph pace, 100 miles will take almost 7 hours! Of course, we will be stopping at all the rest stops, so the whole ride probably will take us at least 8 hours. I’ve enjoyed hearing about how Holly and Teresa made it through a #holottamiles last weekend! 

What better way to spend your anniversary? 

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How frequently do you wash your hydration pack?

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37 Responses to September Runfessions

  1. Marcia says:

    My hydration pack is pretty new so no washing yet, although I noticed the pocket where I keep my gel wrappers is a little sticky. But the old one? Um….never….
    Have a great century ride! You’ve so got this!

  2. You almost lost me at “I was looking forward to getting up at 4:15…” LOL!

    Good luck on the ride this weekend! I can’t wait to hear about it.

  3. I am glad that our coffee date is next week too! 7 hours is a very long time to be on a bike for sure. Looks to be gorgeous weather. Make sure to eat enough that is always my down fall on the long bike rides. Can’t wait to hear all about it!

  4. It’s really awesome that you & your husband bike together. At least now I can get mine out for the occasional hike! Of course not during winter. I don’t think I could interest him in snow shoeing.

    Ah, a girl after my own heart. On not washing out your hydration stuff. πŸ™‚ People worry about cleanliness all too much!

  5. Have a great time at the Century. I can’t imagine biking for that long, but then again, my distance record for biking is 5 miles LOL.

    Hope the PF goes away quickly!

  6. Kimberly G says:

    Ohh that Roll Recovery is so awesome – I’ve been spending a lot of time with it the last few weeks. I hope that it helps you feel better.

    Have an awesome century ride!!!

  7. Happy Anniversary and have fun on your century ride! I have always wanted to do one of those but biking bothers my ITB. I don’t like when people call running jogging, or runners joggers. I know that sounds snobby, but I swear that is the only running thing I am snobby about! I runfess I have NEVER cleaned my hydration pack… I have had it for at least 8 years. πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      I think most runners don’t like the term “jogger” although it seems more common in Europe. Glad I’m not the only one not obsessed with cleaning her gear. πŸ˜‰

  8. Those hydration packs look challenging to wash. I admit I don’t wash my water bottles as much as I should ( one of them I take to work with me every day), but I only keep water in them, so I’m good, right?!?!?

    • Coco says:

      Actually, I just tossed them in the washing machine on the gentle cycle, once I heard I could! I wash my sports bottles regularly, but I have a cup I use at work that I need to bring home and clean ….

  9. Good luck on your Sunday ride! I’d love to do one of those distance rides. They sound like such a great and fun challenge!

  10. Rachel says:

    You’re going to do great on your century ride! My first marathon was 6 hours, so I feel your pain with the whole 7 hour thing. It’s a long time. But you’re going to have a blast!!!

  11. That poster is quite busy for a gym. Do they want you to spend more time trying to read it than actually working out?!?

  12. Michelle says:

    Oh wow, I cannot imagine riding 7-8 hours. I do an hour and it feels plenty challenging enough for me. Have a great time! πŸ™‚

  13. Karen Bayne says:

    I hope you have a wonderful ride, at least the temps are going to be kinder this weekend than last!!
    I have washed my Nathan pack about once a week in a bag in the washer over the summer, I am an epic sweater! Now I will do a quick handwash after my long runs.

  14. Elle says:

    4:15! I can’t. Only for travel. Hope you have a terrific October.

  15. Lesley says:

    I haven’t washed either of my packs, but I haven’t had them very long. I do wash out my water bottles for the water belts to keep those clean. Even though I only put water in them, I don’t want them getting funky.

  16. Good luck on your century this weekend! I suspect there’ll be one of those in my future as well!

    I hope to join you and Deborah next weekend. πŸ™‚

  17. Good luck on those 100 miles in the saddle! (sorry, I’m not jealous…much LOL) Your series of wake-up alarms resembles mine πŸ˜‰

  18. Good like with your ride this weekend, how exciting! I don’t wash my hydration pack enough as well.

  19. I don’t know what they were thinking with that “jogging” sign! LOL!

    Good luck with your ride – you’ll do great! And I hope that PF doesn’t stick around long πŸ™

  20. Jenn says:

    I don’t use a hydration pack – I had one and I didn’t love it. I’m not sure where it even is LOL.

    Your ride is going to great – and it’s a fabulous way to spend your anniversary! Seven hours on a bike is a long time but you’re ready!

    Hope that PF feels better soon!

  21. Kim W says:

    That sign from the Marriott is not cool. How does that even happen?!

  22. Wow a century ride! I really admire people who do that. I can’t even imagine being on a bike for more than an hour…let alone 8 hours.

  23. Karen @ Fit in France says:

    Good luck on the century ride ! That is amazing !

  24. mmmmmm I’ve never washed my hydration pack… whoops!! Haha. Good luck at the century ride!

  25. I go to OTF at 4:15 too, pm, after work:)
    I get out of bed at 5:30 and that is the best I can manage.
    That is an early alarm

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