Five Summer Workout Tips

Summer weather arrived with a vengeance this week, and along with the change of seasons I am making changes to my workout schedule. Last week I ran my last race until September (did you see my Lawyers Have Heart recap?) and now I am turning my full attention to the hills I will face in Lancaster, Pennsylvania when I do the Farm to Fork Fondo at the end of July.

Summer Workout Tips

Today’s Friday Five theme is Summer Running Tips, so I’m sharing five ways I’m changing things up for summer and my summer workout tips. Visit the link up at Running On Happy and Fairytales and Fitness for more great ideas.

1. Check Out Studio Workouts. Just two weeks ago I skipped out on my indoor cycling class to go for a run because it was SO NICE out, but this week I was glad to be heading to Orange Theory Fitness and Revolve to do my sweating inside. Sure, you can beat the heat by running early, but around here you can’t escape the humidity–even at 5:00 am! This is a great time of year to check out studio workouts because they tend to be less crowded with so many “regulars” going on vacation.

Rowing in the a/c at OTF

2. Adjust Your Workout Program. Unless you’re training for a fall marathon, consider cutting back on your running mileage. Or, do shorter runs on more days to maintain the same weekly mileage without having to spend too much time running in the heat. I am actually considering giving up my weekend long runs for an extra day of cycling–who am I?–although I am reluctant to lose my comfortable-with-8-miles base.

The hilly, shady Custis Trail

3. Choose A Shady Running Route.  This may seem obvious, but there are certain routes I save for the winter when the lack of shade is not an issue because I welcome the extra warmth from the sun. In summer, I am more likely to drive to a shady spot on the Mount Vernon Trail or recruit a friend to join me on the hilly but shady Custis Trail, because it really makes a difference!

4. Hydrate Around The Clock. Staying hydrated is key when you’re exercising in the heat, but you can’t just drink water or a sports drink during your run. Focus on drinking plenty of water around the clock, including a glass before bedtime (if your bladder will let you sleep!) and first thing in the morning. I use Nuun during my runs and bike rides, and love having a watermelon-lime slushy as a recovery drink.

5. Refuel With The Rainbow. Nutrition can make a big difference in how well you can tolerate summer workouts, so hit up the farmer’s market–or your own garden–for a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. I am loving fresh berries and cottage cheese for breakfast, big salads with all sorts of veggies and legumes for lunch, and gazpacho and grilled fish for dinner.

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Are you changing up your workout program for the summer?

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35 Responses to Five Summer Workout Tips

  1. We are lucky — it gets humid here usually only occasionally. If I lived where you do, summer might be my off season. And in an off season (of course this was pre-coach) I typically only run 5-6 miles for my long run. Really, whatever I’m feeling.

    You need to take up swimming so you can try!

    I think one of the biggest things about summer running is not to run during the heat of the day. And shade, as you point out, is SO important!

  2. Great tips. I usually cut out a speed workout a week to give myself more time to recover.

  3. I need to get on my bike! It’s not as much fun right now tho, because my wrists bother me (another RA thing) when I ride. After RnR in July, I’m going to start riding once/week.

    • Coco says:

      Oh, sorry to hear. Could you adjust your bike to a more comfortable position? I’m finally comfortable enough to want to tweak my set up.

  4. The humidity is already killing me! I would so much rather ride in this weather than run. Let’s plan something soon

  5. I need to get on my bike more often. There’s a du (in early July) I”m contemplating doing, so I better get back in the saddle…

  6. Marcia says:

    I’d SO change things up IF I wasn’t training for Berlin in September. I have 15 miles on tap tomorrow and I think I’ll be hitting some shady trails, freezing my drink and hoping for the best.

  7. Kimberly G says:

    I’ve been know to run the same shaded route over and over again just to avoid the intense heat from the sun!

  8. Summer is the time where I have more time to run so it is a shame that I have to adjust my runs to make them shorter now ! That darn summer heat…lol

  9. Rachel says:

    I love refueling with the rainbow. It’s delicious! πŸ™‚

  10. We had such a hot and humid summer in Chicago last year…and it looks like we are in for more of the same this year. Ugh!

    • Coco says:

      Yes, the Chicago summers can be brutal! But so can the winters! Still, it’s one of my favorite cities for running.

  11. I think people forget to hydrate around the clock and try to get in all in right before they workout. It’s so important to keep an eye on your hydration all the time. Great tips!

  12. Lesley says:

    I always ran on the treadmill in Texas because you can’t get away from the heat, even if you’re out early. Due to that, I never got up early in the summer because I didn’t see the point, and I could sleep a little bit more before heading to work.

  13. Karen says:

    I’ll be cutting back running for sure! Shade is so nice but my shady areas are also buggy lol I need a paved running path so bad!

  14. I think the treadmill is going to be my BFF this summer haha.

  15. Teresa says:

    Yes, yes and yes!! Down here in Mississippi, the humidity, and sometimes even the heat, is just brutal at sunrise! My older body just can’t take it anymore. I’d already decided to start cycling more once the Utah Valley half was done. And I’ve already been to the gym more this past week than I have been in weeks! Hello air conditioner!!!

    Good luck with that bike race …it sounds so fun! Holly and I are looking for one as well. πŸ™‚

  16. Denise says:

    We haven’t had much hot weather yet but last year the heat was nearly unbearable. Good idea to bring your workout inside. Although I don’t run on a treadmill, an indoor yoga class would be perfect. Great post.
    I hope it’s okay but I put a link to a post I wrote last year when it was crazy humid around here. I’m fairly new to blogging so if putting my link for you to see is frowned upon feel free to delete it. :-/
    Hope you get some cool days soon!

  17. About eating the rainbow – fruits and veggies tend to have a higher water content too, so you are also helping your hydration.

    I have two routes I like to do in my neighborhood – one is flat but unshaded, one is super hilly but shaded. If I can’t get out early, I suck up the hills to get the shade…

  18. I love the refuel with the rainbow idea! and I don’t stress about my speed either. Summertime is a great time to work on your 5K time but anything longer than that- forget about it!

  19. I’m with you on the shady trails, I just wish that the shady areas in Virginia weren’t also so hilly!

  20. Toni says:

    I try to run early or late during the summer so that the sun is not blazing down on me.

  21. I am of course that idiot who swears she will never sign up for a fall marathon and then does it again!
    I swear next year for MCM will be my 4th and final fall marathon.

  22. I always have to back down from running a bit in the summer and walk or bike ride…I get really bad heat headache’s in the summer. As well as move my runs to early morning is helpful as well. Great blog.

  23. Pingback: Top 25 Running Bloggers to Follow in 2017 - A Smarter Tip

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