Five Frustrating Things

While I am an optimist at heart and usually have a positive outlook, I’m not immune to life’s little frustrations. From #bloggerprobs t0 #fitnessprobs to #firstworldprobs — last weekend I experienced them all.

Five Frustrating ThingsLuckily for me (see, I really am an optimist!) the theme for today’s Friday Five 2.0 link up hosted at Running on Happy and Fairytales and Fitness is fitness rants. So, here are five frustrating things that had me pulling my hair out last week.


My frustrations began early Saturday morning, when I opened Facebook to check in with my running group before heading out to meet up for my long run. One of my friends alerted me that the Tweetily plug-in I used to use to share blog posts on Twitter was going crazy again.

It was sharing posts every few minutes and even 
deactivating it and deleting it didn’t make it stop! 

Thanks to a blogging friend, I finally figured out how to make it stop by “revoking access” through my Twitter account. (While I was at it, I revoked access from a lot of other apps I don’t use anymore–if I ever did.) Although Twitter had been happy to let Tweetily post continuously on my behalf, it would not let me post an apology tweet until a few hours had passed. If you were a victim of my blog spam, I apologize again. And if you unfollowed or silenced me, please take me back!

After that, I thought all was well in the blogosphere until Sunday, when I searched for a recipe on my blog and saw this instead:

Now, if that doesn’t scare a blogger, nothing will! 

Luckily I have an account with WP SiteCare, and they were able to restore my posts and patch the vulnerability in WordPress 4.7 that allowed it to happen. 


After sending an SOS to WP Site Care, I hoped to forget about my blogging frustrations by going for a bike ride. While the skies threatened rain, the Weather Channel App promised we had a few hours until the rain rolled in. But just as we parked by the bike path, it started to pour. Since I hadn’t dressed for the rain, we had to head home. That would have been frustrating enough, but in the 10 minutes it took to get home the rain had stopped, and the rest of the afternoon was sunny! ๐Ÿ™ 

This isn’t the first time the Weather Channel App has done me wrong–it usually leaves me caught running in the rain–but I thought looking at the radar instead of just the forecast would make it more reliable. 

My other cycling related frustration this week came when I realized that my CycleBar ride package had expired with two unused rides. I thought I had until the end of the month, but it looks like they expired last week. I’m going to call to beg for mercy as soon as I figure out who to reach out to, but until then I’ll work on using up my ride package at Revolve. 


If you joined us for coffee earlier this month, you know we are remodeling our kitchen. This weekend I started emptying everything out, but now I can’t remember what I put in my won’t-need-until-it’s-all done piles in the guest bedroom upstairs versus the maybe-I-will-try-to-cook-using-the-toaster oven/slowcooker/rice cooker-in-the-basement piles downstairs.

And how did I end up with three French presses?

At least I’m getting lots of exercise running up and down the stairs looking for things. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Has your blog ever been hacked?

When is the last time you emptied out all of your kitchen cabinets?

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27 Responses to Five Frustrating Things

  1. My sister hipped me to Accuweather and its up to the minute precipitation forecaster. Much more accurate than TWC.

    The hacker is scaring me! Glad I have Blogger. Google keeps those guys away.

  2. wow….I would be curling up in a tight fetal position if anything (especially my blog!) got hacked! I wouldn’t even know where to begin on rectifying the problem. And the kitchen remodel? UGH. Been there, done that…in our previous house, with three little kids….

  3. At the moment we’re in the process of cleaning out my parents’ home, which is a herculean task. I need to declutter my own home, but it’s the last thing I want to tackle right now!

    The Weather App drives me crazy. The other day it said snow showers starting at 1, then 2, then 3. What do I see when I look out the winter at 11? Big, fat snowflakes fast & furious. Thankfully it didn’t stick and I was still able to walk the dogs later.

    I’m still not self hosted and after reading your post, maybe I don’t want to be . . .

    • Coco says:

      Yes, being self-hosted has its downsides too! I’ve found that kitchen decluttering has spilled over into decluttering other areas, although there’s always more that could be done.

  4. I have had a few minor blogging issues over the years but usually site care can fix them quickly. The worst part is feeling helpless to fix them myself! The weather is never right but this weekend looks fantastic!

  5. Darlene says:

    I use the free wordpress site and no problems.

    I haven’t cleaned out my cabinets since we moved in….yes, it needs it.

  6. Wow, I didn’t realize that about twitter, I haven’t checked my account in so long, she see what’s going on over there. I don’t get the blog hacking. That’s scary stuff right there. What does someone have to gain by hacking a blog????

    We are doing some remodeling as well and the workers did some banging one day and now every morning my dog is so scared. She won’t even come downstairs. The other day I caught her stuck under the guest bed!

    • Coco says:

      Oh, poor pup! I don’t know how we’d do this if we still had our dog. We’d have to send her to daycare. I think some hackers try to leave viruses – that’s scary stuff!

  7. We had a flood in our kitchen last summer and basically had to live without a kitchen for a month. It was not so much fun! Luckily, we had moved about a month before, so the kitchens were already cleaned out, and it was just the lowers, but man, is it frustrating!

  8. Marcia says:

    I don’t think I’ve been hacked but I have had my content pirated and published as fast as I can write it. I’ve also had pics of my kids stolen and shown on really gross porny sites. Infuriating. Hang in there with that kitchen!

  9. Rachel says:

    OMG that blog hacking business is scary!!!

    Try AccuWeather for a weather app. It’s much more reliable than Weather channel. I use both, actually, and compare to see which one is right. Haha. It’s a fun little game. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. OK the blog hacking thing would have freaked me out! Glad you got it resolved.

    Heaven only knows what lurks in the depths of my kitchen cabinets – that’s just not a project I’m ready to face! LOL!

  11. Oh man! I’ve never been hacked but was considering stopping my WP Site Care account – your story convinces me to not do that. So glad it got fixed quickly.

  12. Oh my goodness I would have freaked out a bit if that had happened to me. I am glad you were able to restore your blog. I hate that some people just have to be jerks and do that sort of thing in the first place

  13. My blog has never been hacked. Ugh. So frustrating.
    I empty my kitchen cabinets often… I am a minimalist.

  14. That blog hacker sounds crazy scary! I am glad you were able to fix it quickly! The hubby and I cleaned out the pantry not to long ago and yeah, that was an experience! WOW, where did all that crap come from and how do we have pantry items that expired more than 3 years ago……… was shameful!

  15. Farrah says:

    I’m sorry to hear that your twitter went insane! Glad it’s back to normal now! Sorry to hear about your kitchen-remodeling container struggles! I definitely had this issue when I was moving all over the place! x_x

  16. Thank the heavens for WP Sitecare – I too have them just because of that type of stuff!

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