Pedaling And Planking

Last weekend I prioritized cycling over running. Who am I? Partly it was was because I wanted to do something fun with my husband over the holiday weekend, but partly it was because I was more excited about cycling than running. Who am I?

Pedaling and Planking
I haven’t completely lost my running mojo. I’ve got two short business trips this week and I’m looking forward to running in Central Park and Chicago. But I have lost my mojo for dark-o-clock neighborhood runs. Maybe when the weather breaks again I will be more excited about heading out the door …. In the meantime, I am having fun pedaling and planking with the #MakeMyPlank challenge that Kim (Running On The Fly) is leading.

Pedaling And Planking

Monday: After our flat 50-mile ride to Harpers Ferry on Saturday, I was ready to face some hills on Labor Day. We parked at our usual place along the George Washington Parkway and rode past Roosevelt Island to pick up the Custis Trail. It was only my second time on that hilly route, but after the hills of Lancaster, I knew I could make it up the steep, twisty climbs–as long as I didn’t end up behind a BAMR pushing a double stroller. πŸ™‚ 

pedaling and planking

The  first and last lumps of the elevation profile is the Custis Trail.
The middle section is a more gradual climb
–with one steep hill– along the W&OD Trail.

Tuesday: I did a strength workout at home, and joined the #plankchallenge. There are lots of #plankinggirls so I won’t try to name them all, but you can find us on Instagram! 

pedaling and planking

Wednesday: I went to Orange Theory Fitness and surprised myself by selecting 8.5 mph as my push pace. I only held it for a minute at a time, but I’ve never run that fast! I also bumped up the incline to level 2-3 to try to get my heart rate up, but still only earned 5 splatpoints (orange heart rate zone) for the whole class. As Coach Brandon said, my heart is just too fit!

Pedaling and Planking

I forgot to do my plank before I got dressed,
but remembered before I left the house!

Thursday: I pushed myself out the door for a run. It was sticky again, and while my legs were tired from OTF, they cooperated for a decent run. 

Pedaling + Planking

It’s still so dark outside after my run–this even was under a street light.

Friday: I did my strength routine at home with another elevated plank variation. 

pedaling and planking

Saturday: Since I had to head to NYC on Sunday, we did our bike ride on Saturday. We opted for the “shady” section of the Mt. Vernon Trail towards Mt. Vernon, but there was still plenty of sun.

potomac river mt vernon trail

I won’t go fast on this section of the trail. It’s much narrower than the W&OD, and has lots of twists and turns. I spend a lot of time coasting or applying my brakes, but there are enough hills and straight stretches to make it a good ride.

Mt. Vernon Trail Elevation Profile

You’ve got to love that hill up to Mt. Vernon!

pedaling and planking

Pedaling and planking on Saturday!

Sunday: I set my alarm in time to do some yoga at home before going to church, packing, and heading to the train station. I did two programs from Rodney Yee’s A.M. Yoga for Your Week–Standing Poses and Twists. Twists is my favorite! I finished with a 2 minute forearm plank–it really gets hard 90 seconds in.

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Weekly Wrap

Whether you need to find your mojo
or have some to spare,
you won’t go wrong with 
the Weekly Wrap Link Up
hosted by Holly and Tricia


Have you transitioned from one favorite activity to another?

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30 Responses to Pedaling And Planking

  1. Carla says:

    whatever it says about me I love the MOST MOST MOST you dd the Yee before church.
    I need to start doing a DVD before sunday services as well.
    I ave the YEE.
    Ive convinced myself I hate DVDs for some reason…BUT it’s my only optipn that day.

  2. I am enjoying my running at the moment because I have a big goal race in November, but I am already looking forward to taking a break after that. I have no races on my schedule for the spring, not even thinking about any. I need something new, and think I am going to take golf lessons with my husband.

    Running at O dark thirty has no appeal to me either !

  3. I love the Mt. Vernon Trail. Since moving further out 66 two years ago I haven’t gotten to enjoy it much. Maybe sometime this fall my husband, son, and I can drive over to it and go for a run or walk on it.

  4. I’m so happy that you joined us in the plank challenge! Isn’t it fun? And you’re getting stronger, so there’s that..

  5. I love all the planks! I am definitely doing them more frequently than ever thanks to the challenge, but they still don’t feel easy! Cycling is a lot of fun and a great workout that I’d love to do more often. I say enjoy the change of pace!

  6. Carmy says:

    I have yet to hit 2 minutes on my plank!

  7. The heat is definitely a factor in how I feel about running by the end of summer. I’m just so over it! I love Rodney Yee. His were the first yoga DVDs I ever did!

  8. Chaitali says:

    I’m feeling you on the neighborhood run thing. I had a horrible one on Saturday and it’s just hard to motivate for doing the same neighborhood route again. But your upcoming travel runs sound fun!

  9. I did more cycling last week then ever before, it helps that I’m not allowed to run though. I’m actually debating on getting a trainer for the winter as I’m loving the workout that much! Your planking is inspiring!

    • Coco says:

      It’s great to find something you enjoy when you can’t run. I just got a spin bike but need to explore youtube classes to pedal along with!

  10. Sharon says:

    Way to go on the biking and planking! That’s some serious distance on the bike! Great job pushing it at OTF!!! Great job on the planking too!

  11. teresa says:

    I’ve been cycling a bit more this summer as well! I even got lost on some single track trails this week while trying to get some mountain bike miles in…won’t be doing that again anytime soon! Haha. I’m loving your elevated planking variations…will have to try some of those this week. Thanks for the motivation!

  12. #yaytotheplank You’re doing awesome!!!! Look at your legs in the Elevated Plank pic. WOW! Major definition!!

  13. The planking is fun I am trying to think up new ways to plank myself. It’s been so hot the last week I bet cycling was much more enjoyable.

  14. So I have been trying to increase the amount of time I plank from 2 up to 3 minutes non-stop. Do you think that it helps at all or is not necessary to hold that long?

    • Coco says:

      I get too bored holding planks for longer than 2 minutes. I’d rather make them more challenging instead of trying to hold them longer. Right now a 60 second forearm plank isn’t hard, so I raise my feet. On the other hand, a 60 second side plank is hard with my feet on the ground, but I can make through with my feet elevated. I think the important thing is to challenge your muscles one way or the other, since that’s how they get stronger.

  15. You are so creative with your plank poses- I have to step up my game! Have a great week!

  16. MCM mama says:

    I hate planks. I keep trying to make them a regular part of my routine, but nope, just doesn’t happen. Nice job on all the biking. I wish I enjoyed it but I’d need to get a decent bike and that’s not happening any time soon.

  17. Jenn says:

    That’s a lot of great cycling! Awesome!

    Running has consistently been my main exercise, but I do rotate in cycling, spinning, yoga and HIIT workouts.

    Love that planking in your fancy clothes! So cute and way to get it done!

  18. Great job on all the planking and I think you should get bonus points for doing it in work clothes!
    I’d choose to ride with my husband over a run too.
    Yes running is my thing but I have really enjoyed more strength training this past summer!

  19. HoHo Runs says:

    I’ve kept cycling in my training routine all summer. I’m envious of the nice trails you have to ride, though. Doing the Tris were a nice diversion from the heat (at least until you get to the run). I look forward to that again next summer. You have the most creative captions for your planking. I haven’t done as many as I should — I get major upper body DOMS from waterskiing. Thanks for linking, Coco.

  20. I don’t consider planking to be “fun” – but it sure is effective!! Atta girl πŸ˜€

  21. I think it’s great that you’ve been enjoying the cycling! September seems to be plank month – there seem to be challenges going on everywhere! Great job getting yours done – even when dressed for work!

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