Is Summer Over Yet?

It’s hard to believe that next weekend is Labor Day Weekend. Where did the summer go? They say time flies when you’re having fun, and I have had a lot of fun this summer. No, I haven’t taken a vacation, but things have been pretty good at home. Before I declare summer over, I am going to take one last dip in the pool and come clean with a few runfessions.

Since I’ve got five things to runfess, I’m also linking up with Courtney, Cynthia and Mar for the Friday Five Link Up. Check out both of these great link ups for motivation, support, and camaraderie.

I runfess that I have had to dig deep to get myself out the door for my weekday runs. I’m getting bored with my running routes, I’m over the humid weather, and I have more fun at my favorite fitness classes. I need to get back to running with my MRTT group–that’s always motivating.

I runfess that I hope I just finished my last treadmill workout at the Courtyard Marriott in Downtown Miami for a while. Nothing against this particular hotel gym, but between hearing about how American Airlines is encouraging pilots to fly faster to avoid delays, and how Zika is spreading from Wynwood to South Beach, I’m not anxious to go back to Miami any time soon.

I runfess that I rely on my blog posts to check the age of my running shoes. I really do love Milestone Pods, but I haven’t been using them this year. After my feet hurt towards the end of my long run two weeks in a row, I searched my old posts and confirmed that I’ve been wearing my current Mizunos since March, although I’ve still been using the pair I reviewed in October for Orange Theory Fitness. Note to self: you got these shoes in late August. 

Mizuno Wave Inspire 12 Aug 2016
I runfess that after reading Carla’s post, I decided to go all in with THINX. My periods have been unpredictable and heavy lately, so I mostly plan to use them as back-up, but I probably will try them on their own on lighter days once they prove themselves. A number of women in my MRTT group swear by them–and even trust them during their long runs.

I runfess that I haven’t signed up for my September race yet–the Reston Perfect Ten. It’s the one race I do that doesn’t sell out, but since it’s only a few weeks away it’s time to commit–and get ready for those hills!

[Tweet “August #Runfessions and new #running shoes! #fitness”]

Please join us for coffee next weekend — The Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up will be open September 3-5 for the Labor Day weekend.

Do you track your shoe mileage? 

Is summer over for you?  

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32 Responses to Is Summer Over Yet?

  1. Marcia says:

    The kids have been in school here for 2 weeks already so summer is essentially over, although I was hoping to make it to the pool to swim and then veg out on a lounge chair. Alas it’s been stormy all week so no bueno. I always mean to track my shoe mileage but I kind of just wing it and look at the wear pattern. Thanks for linking!

  2. I hate to see summer end…but the early morning runs are starting off darker and darker, and the evening is coming sooner UGH. Our remaining child at home (youngest daughter) went back to school Wednesday. The son is back at college, and the other daughter is done with school and officially int he real world. The winds of change are blowing like crazy in my world….

  3. Friday is my last “official” weekday of Summer because school starts back for me on Tuesday.

    I have those same Mizunos and I love them. I also have a Septemeber race to sign up for, thanks for reminding me. I want to register before the price increase!

  4. Gina says:

    I have never heard of thinx… Hmmmm. And i myself am a mizunos girl. But this week I may have cheated a bit! πŸ™‚

  5. LOL. I thought I was the only one that relied on old blog posts to calculate the mileage on my shoes!

  6. I’ve considered Thinx, but haven’t quite gone there yet.
    I’m so over this summer. I need cooler weather. I also don’t track my shoes. I have so many pairs that I seem to be able to tell when one of them is not as good as the rest. I’m trying to track miles on my newest pair though.

    • Coco says:

      That’s another approach to running shoes! I would get even more confused. I’m really not sure I’ll trust the THINX but I like the fit at least.

  7. I don’t track my mileage on my shoes at all. I kind of guestimate… usually something starts bothering me and I realize it’s time…

  8. So ready for fall and so over the summer running myself! Thanks for reminding me that I need new shoes. I am curious to hear about the ThinX. See you this weekend

  9. Karen says:

    Go get those hills! You have been having some strong summer runs πŸ™‚
    I do track my mileage in Garmin Connect. Totally love the color of your new shoes!
    I am so glad I had surgery several years ago, when I think about trying to run with a period…UGH, that has got to be tough. I have never missed my cycle not once LOL

  10. Runwright says:

    I don’t track my shoe mileage either. I have a bad habit of keeping them on even after the run is over. Ahh. I have so many bad habits. Somebody please help me.

  11. I track my shoe mileage using Strava and it’s been so good for me because before I would just run and run and run in old shoes! Happy weekend πŸ™‚

  12. HoHo Runs says:

    I usually track my shoes by months and not miles. I also find the ones I wear in the summer don’t hold up as long — all that excessive sweat squishing through. I do like your new color. I just ordered another pair of white (with blue accents this time). I’ve never heard of THINX. Check it out.

  13. vicki says:

    I’m terrible at tracking the mileage on my shoes… I seem to rotate quite a few, so I go by feel/visual wear. I’ve seen something similar to Thinx and have considered… just not ready to take the leap of faith yet.

  14. Ugh, shoe mileage — let’s not go there!

    Can’t say as my summer was much fun. πŸ™ Started out well, tanked quickly, maybe after next week . . . summer isn’t technically over til the end of September, anyway!

    Nothing like a running group to motivate you.

  15. Chaitali says:

    Interesting… I’ve been seeing ads for thinx but I don’t know anyone that’s actually tried them yet.

  16. Irene says:

    This is so inspiring! I love the post:)

  17. I wish summer was over for me- I swear it is going to last forever! I have a 15K coming up in September and I starting to wonder what the hell I was thinking!

    • Coco says:

      I think we forget that September racing means August training! After a few business trips to Miami, I don’t know how you run in Florida at all!

  18. I generally know about how old my shoes are, but I should be more diligent. But it’s hard with walking vs running mileage following my injury!

    • Coco says:

      That messed me up last summer too. I decided that once I was cleared to run I needed new shoes for a fresh start. πŸ™‚

  19. I was fine with summer until this week where it is 100 degrees here in Paris, and most places don’t have air conditioning. I am definitely looking forward to cooler runs….because I still have 2 months left to marathon training.

  20. I also can’t believe how quickly the summer went! I’m not quite ready for it to be over. I just read that post about THINX and Im very intrigued! I have never heard of anything like that before.

  21. I too am over the heat and humidity. However, it will hang on down hear for a while.

  22. I track my shoe mileage using the Nike+ app, so that’s really come in handy. I actually did have some low back pain on my run so I’m wondering if my New Balances are ready for retirement?

    Hopefully the monotony of weekday runs starts to get more interesting!

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