May Runfessions — Running Less And Eating More?

It’s the last Friday of May, which means it’s time to come clean with some runfessions. Since June 1st isn’t until Wednesday, you’ll have to come back next weekend for our Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up–please mark your calendar and join us! 


Since I’ve got five things to runfess, I’m also linking up with Courtney, Cynthia and Mar for the Friday Five Link Up. Check out both of these great link ups for motivation, support, and camaraderie.

I runfess that I still have not assembled–let alone hung up–the medal hanger I got for Christmas. Obviously I am not one of those runners who are in it for the bling, but I’m pretty sure my husband is wondering why the heck I put “race medal hanger” on the top of my wish list! 

Medal Hanger

I runfess that since I’ve added Orange Theory Fitness to my schedule (see my review here!), I am only running two days a week. I’m doing OTF on Mondays, indoor cycling on Wednesdays, strength training on Tuesdays and Thursdays or Fridays, and running Thursdays or Fridays and Saturdays–plus cycling on Sundays if the weather and other obligations permit. I’m also trying to squeeze in an evening Core Power Yoga class once a week. There really are not enough days in the week for all the fitness fun I want to have! 

I runfess that as much as I want to shed the few extra pounds I’ve put on over the winter, I have not been able to resist indulging at all my work-related dinners. Here’s a glimpse of the strawberry shortcake I had at Bobby Flay’s Bar Americain in New York City a few weeks ago.

Seriously, who could resist that?

I runfess that I am on the verge of breaking up with my Garmin VivosmartHR activity tracker, but I’m hooked on the non-fitness related functions. I’ll think about it more over the weekend and try to sort out my thoughts enough for next week’s Friday Five post.  

It’s the “smart notifications” like these that I get the most use out of.

I runfess that I am looking forward to wearing sandals to work this summer, funky runner toenails and all. After I broke my foot on Memorial Day weekend last summer, I couldn’t wear my summer shoes, so it’s been two years since I’ve enjoyed the comfort of wearing summer dresses and strappy sandals to work.


[Tweet “My Memorial Day Weekend #Runfessions #runchat”]

Please head over to my Lawyers Have Heart donation page and make a donation to the American Heart Association–think about it as penance for your own runfessions. πŸ™‚  

Do you like love strawberry shortcake?

Do you wear an activity tracker? 

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34 Responses to May Runfessions — Running Less And Eating More?

  1. There are not enough days in the week for sure! Who doesn’t love strawberry shortcake?? See you for coffee next week

  2. Tamieka says:

    Oh the runfessions….
    The inability to resist the junk food…is REAL!!!I too am struggling.

    I am only running 1 time a week at track and I don’t think my body is liking that to much.

    I wear a jawbone that I have broken up with months ago but wear it mainly for the sleep feature.

    I have my virgin pulse tracker that works pretty well but I do want another more reliable and accurate one.

    I like strawberry shortcake with yellow cake.

  3. Marcia says:

    Mmmmm shortcake. I know I’d be all over that. In my 5:30am haze I thought your band said “energy alert! Flash Food Warning!” Clearly I am nuts. Thanks or linking up!

  4. I runfess that I don’t even have a medal hanger! After Big Sur, I decided I should get one but I still haven’t found one I like. So my medals still sit in a drawer.

    I make a chocolate strawberry shortcake ( the biscuits are chocolate) which is a huge favorite at my house.

    • Coco says:

      I couldn’t decide what type of medal hangar I wanted, so I put it on my xmas list and let my husb decide. There are SO many styles to choose from!

  5. Pam says:

    I think it’s funny about the medal hanger. I do have medals on one huge hanger in my bedroom, but it’s the other race stuff that I care about more, like the AG awards and my stuffed unicorn Spike from the Boston Marathon. That strawberry shortcake dessert looks amazing. This time of year the strawberries are so good. Orange Theory is not working out for me. I plan to post about it next week.

    • Coco says:

      I can see how those race mementos would have more meaning than the medal everyone got. Looking forward to your thoughts on OTF!

  6. My medal hanger is actually a re-purposed coffee mug (accordian-style) rack. Kind of primitive, but I like it because it’s different from everyone else’s πŸ˜‰ I LOVE sandal weather!

  7. Your strawberry shortcake looks yummy!
    I’m looking forward to wearing summer shoes too! I bought some comfy ones this year an my feet are finally “summer ready”!

  8. Your toenails don’t look funky at all! My toes have never been pretty but I do think this may be the first summer they will not come out of hiding. They have just gotten really bad in the past year!

  9. Despite its quirks, I love my vivoactive, but I totally get the not enough time to get in all the fitness you want!

    I had a lot of difficulty reigning in my eating after my half, but the next week I was pretty successful & still gained.

    I’m sure if I had that strawberry shortcake in front of me, I’d eat it too. Unlike the one my MIL served me last night (she didn’t ask if I wanted it) — I just ate the strawberries! Let’s just say cooking/baking is not my MIL’s forte.

  10. Oh, I’ll also be at Lawyers Have Heart – yay! And you run at OTF, so that kinda counts πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      Oh, I’ll look for you at LHH. Will you have a fun shirt? Our firm shirt is pretty ho-hum compared to some of the ones with cute slogans.

  11. Kim W says:

    I always love your runfessions!

    I just got a Garmin 235, and I’ve been wearing it AND my fitbit one to track steps and sleep. I can’t quit my fitbit, but I love the new features on the Garmin (including those smart notifications).

    I have a race medal holder in my basement that hasn’t been hung up yet…at least it came assembled…I’ve had it since before MCM…I’ve lost track of how long it’s been down there gathering dust.

  12. Karen says:

    I gain smelling stuff, so while I want to drop a few pounds, I am not in the right mindset to be that disciplined. I love good food πŸ™‚ Shortcake, cheesecake, pizza…lol
    Having so many things you enjoy is great fitness “problem” ! I could use a dose of that right now πŸ™‚

  13. I’m with you on the over-indulging lately. That strawberry shortcake looks amazing and I wouldn’t be able to resist it either!

  14. I’m with you on the few pounds I’ve found but as much as I want to rid myself of it I can’t give up some of the foods I love! It sure is a double edge sword!
    I love my fitbit I just wish they would hold up better! I guess when you wear something 24/7 pretty much it does wear down!

  15. Sherry says:

    That strawberry shortcake looks so good! The Orange Theory Fitness sounds interesting. I’ll have to check if there’s one near me. I use a Fitbit One as my activity tracker.

    • Coco says:

      I love all the options FitBit has. I still haven’t found the “perfect” one for me, so I keep trying different ones. πŸ˜›

  16. HoHo Runs says:

    I wear a Fitbit Charge HR and the novelty of getting in steps has definitely worn off after a year’s time. However, I’m still infatuated with the HR and sleep information I get. I’ve eaten too many sweets in May. But, I’m always heavier in the summer — when more of my body is exposed. Doh.

  17. All the food! Who doesn’t want to eat it all and I feel like a am starving all the time! πŸ™‚ I love my Fitbit charge HR- we are still an item for now ! Kudos to that exercise schedule- looks pretty intense!

    • Coco says:

      The Charge HR definitely has a slimmer profile than my Vivosmart HR. I think its the size that’s bugging me now that it’s short sleeve weather.

  18. I love Bobby Flay! Don’t think I can resist anything by him πŸ™‚ Wow, you do plenty of workouts throughout the week.
    I have my medals hanging on nails and probably should invest on a medal hanger to organize them.

  19. Wearing sandals is my favorite part of summer. I have recently bought 2 more pair. Because a girl can never have enough sandals….
    You are lucky to have so many fitness options. How fun !

  20. Mile 22 says:

    Strawberry is my favorite one and I also like biscuit. Medal hanger are so beautiful. Very Nice Your Runfessions….!

  21. loooooove strawberry shortcake! just picked up some strawberries and angel food cake over the weekend. Would love to join you sometime for OTF! It’s been on my list to check out for a long while.

  22. Yes I would definitely have a hard time walking away from that shortcake – looks too good! I think it’s great that you’re mixing it up so much on the fitness front – keeps it interesting!

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