Fitness Is Better With Friends

I used to workout alone, but between getting to know local fitness bloggers, joining Moms Run This Town, and encouraging colleagues at work, I have developed a circle of friends who enjoy being active. Knowing a friend is going to meet me for a dark o’clock run keeps me from hitting the snooze button and makes a long run feel easy as we chat away the miles. Friends have convinced me to try workouts that I didn’t think I’d really enjoy but quickly fell in love with–like indoor cycling and hot yoga. There are so many reasons that fitness is better with friends!

fitness is better with friends
Sometimes business travel interferes with my workouts and my social life, but on my last trip to Chicago I actually got to run with–and run into–some good friends. 

Fitness Is Better With Friends In Chicago

On my first morning, I ran by myself, but when I spotted another tourist/runner trying to take a selfie with this skyline in the background, I offered to take his picture and he returned the favor. 

Chicago April 2016

It was cloudy and windy but still lovely!

Then, as I was walking back to my hotel with my post-run Starbucks in hand, I saw this girl come running down the street!

Courtney Fitness is better with friends

How random was that?! I knew Courtney was in Chicago for a business trip of her own, but didn’t know she was staying a few blocks from my hotel, or that her firm’s Chicago office is next door to mine. We didn’t get to run together this time, but we have met up closer to home. πŸ˜‰

The next morning my “best running friend” from work dragged me out again. This was the week before the GW Parkway Classic and I already had run more than I “should” have, but she promised we could take it easy and keep it short. Well, you know how that goes–especially on a gorgeous morning with views like this.

Fitness With Friends Chicago Sunrise My friend doesn’t do selfies, but she did let me stop to take this picture. 

Fitness Is Better With Friends At Home

I took two days off from cardio after that, but thought my body might appreciate a not-too-hard yoga class the day before the race. Amazingly, my schedule, Deborah‘s schedule and the Core Power Yoga schedule all lined up for a Hot Power Fusion class–which Mar had told me was her favorite. 

Fitness With Friends - Deborah

Smiling because hot yoga feels good on a rainy Saturday morning. 

I was on my own for most of my workouts this week, but it was good to catch up with my favorite instructor at Revolve, and on Thursday I ran to the track knowing some of my MRTT friends were there. 

Fitness Is Better With Friends

I ran 2 miles to the track, 1 hard mile at the track, and then ran home again.

On Saturday I met some other MRTT friends for a long run. We didn’t get a group picture, but I did get them to stop so I could take this one of the Wilson Bridge. 

Fitness Is Better With Friends Wilson Bridge

As we were running, we exchanged greetings with a very cheerful power walker–seriously, her “Good Morning!” would brighten any day. I complimented her on sounding so energetic so early on a grey morning, and she said that while she wasn’t thrilled that she still had to go back across the bridge, she wasn’t going to give up because she had lost 35 pounds and was still at it. We congratulated and encouraged her, and found her positive attitude to be contagious as we finished our last 2 miles.  

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Even if you can’t workout with friends, you can share encouragement and find motivation through the Weekly Wrap link up hosted by Holly and Tricia

Speaking of friends, please join us for the Ultimate Coffee Date Link Up on Saturday!

Do workout with friends?

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29 Responses to Fitness Is Better With Friends

  1. LOVE!! and glad you enjoyed the hot yoga class! I just activated my unlimited membership for the next month so let me know if you want to meet up for a class!!

    • Coco says:

      Yes! I’ve done HPF as a pre-race ritual twice now! I’ll be out of town this week, and next week will be crazy with my free week of OTF, but after that I hope to get back to the mat. πŸ˜‰

  2. Fitness is always better with friends and glad to be able to meet up every once in a while with you!

  3. Darlene says:

    I don’t work out but I think if I had a friend to go with, that might motivate me.

  4. You know I agree with this 100%! Wish I had more local running friends to share the road!

  5. HoHo Runs says:

    Good point!! Sometimes you just have to take the first step (like a simple greeting) in order to connect with these people who will become our friends, motivators and supporters. It’s often hard to make that initial contact. Tricia and I are a good example of virtual blogger acquaintances that met and developed a true friendship. I think it’s about being open to it as well because you never know when that great connection will happen! Thanks for linking with us Coco.

    • Coco says:

      Yes, that’s so true. I met some of my closest friends on-line and then solidified our friendships “in real life.”

  6. It’s so nice that you have so many fitness friends to workout with! I miss my running buddy who’s been out with an injury for quite a while. I keep saying I need to find a running group.

    • Coco says:

      I bet she said the same thing when you were sidelined. Hopefully you both will be running together soon!

  7. Karen says:

    I love this πŸ™‚ I thought it was so funny you saw Courtney in another city.
    I do enjoy that I have my hubby to go the gym with, but he doesn’t walk or run, I really need another buddy in the area but haven’t found one yet.
    My only run buddy here has young children, so we see each other very limited, our schedules are so different.
    You got some pretty pics!

    • Coco says:

      Thanks! It took me a while to find some friends to run – and do other things with – but now it’s great.

  8. Nicole says:

    I agree fitness is better with friends. I am hoping that I can find some peeps here in Northern nj to run with. I hate running outside alone i get so bored. That is why I usually run on the treadmill so I want be so bored.

  9. Marcia says:

    How fun you ran into Courtney in Chicago! What are the chances! You’re so right: the running/fitness community is amazing.

  10. Pam says:

    You had such a fun week with varied workouts and time spent with fitness friends. I love that you ran into Courtney while you were both on a business trip. So random. This morning I am trying Orange Theory Fitness with several friends and I can’t wait. I know it will be hard, but so fun with others I know.

    • Coco says:

      I’m so interested in seeing what you think about OTF – maybe you will make some new friends there. πŸ˜‰

  11. Ha, that is so random that you saw Courtney (and even so far from home)!

  12. It has taken me quite a few years to find some running friends. I have no doubt yesterday’s run would have really suck (cold and raining) by myself, but with my friend it pretty much flew by! Even if we were slow. πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      Isn’t it amazing how the miles just tick by as you’re chatting? It makes solo runs that much harder though.

  13. I do have a friend that will do my long runs with me and it is super- I always look forward to them no matter if it is 6 miles or 12! Funny who you can run into when you are out and about you have had some great luck!

  14. Ana says:

    I have a running friend who I met through Instagram, and she is so awesome! she introduced me a local running group that I love, and have met so many other like minded runners! It’s always nice to have somebody tell you that the are running the same distance, instead of a “You are crazy” from family or friends.

  15. Liz says:

    I fell back in love with running with friends two years ago. My roommate was training for a trail running half marathon, and I joined in on some of her runs. We lived at 9600′ so training runs were NOT easy! πŸ˜‰ I love running with Jamie now because she pushes me, while we’re having a blast together!

  16. I’m so with you on meeting friends that are active, it just makes it so much better and hey it is less likely I’ll ditch on them than myself!
    It is so awesome to find another person willing to take your picture in return for theirs. We took advantage of this several times this past weekend and hey you sometimes learn so much about someone too!
    Who would have guessed you’d run into Courtney in Chicago!!

  17. I totally agree with you, and I’m realizing that I really do miss my running buddies. We’re going to start running together again on the weekends and I’m really looking forward to it!

  18. I am always more motivated, and less likely to skip out, if I have friends to workout with.

  19. That’s so crazy that you ran into Courtney in Chicago! I agree- having friends to meet helps so much. I’m slowly building up my network of active friends here but still miss my TX running buddies!

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