Ten Minutes To A Stronger Core

When I looked over the workouts for Laura’s 21-Day Runner’s Reset, I didn’t think the core workouts would be a big deal. I usually do a strength workout 2-3 times a week, and it usually includes a few minutes of planks. I was looking forward to the variety of the workouts, but I wasn’t expecting them to be so challenging. Little did I know how much work I need to do to have a stronger core!

Exercises For A Stronger Core

For a stronger core, do each move for one minute
then collapse when you’re done. πŸ˜‰ 

The main core workout for the Runner’s Reset is this 10 minute workout from Allison at SweatFlexShine:

I was appalled at how difficult the double leg lifts were!

Laura also included a 12 minute circuit from Running Competitor that has several core moves. When I was on vacation, I combined 3 rounds of the circuit with the 10 minute core routine for a solid workout I could do without any weights. Now that I’m home I’m doing other workouts Laura has suggested, but I want to keep working on my core, so I combined the different core moves into one 10 minute routine (above).  

Since I’m joining the Weekly Wrap link up hosted by Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia at MissSippiPiddlin, I’ll give you a quick run-down of my workouts this week:

Monday: 20 minute HIIT workout from Laura’s Runner’s Reset (lunges, mountain climbers, etc.) plus my 10 minute core workout.

Tuesday: 45 minute treadmill interval program from Laura’s Runner’s Reset program.

Wednesday: 45 minute indoor cycling class. 

Thursday: Three rounds of this circuit from WheresTheBeachFitness.com and two rounds of my 10 minute core workout.

Friday: Hilly 9 mile run before the blizzard hit.

Saturday: Three rounds of the WheresTheBeachFitness circuit, two rounds of my 10 minute core workout, and hours and hours of shoveling snow!

shoveling snow garmin

Almost all of these steps were shoveling snow!

Sunday: 25 minutes yoga (the Standing Poses program from my Rodney Yee A.M. Yoga For Your Week DVD) and more shoveling. 

Blizzard 2016

Our snow pile got taller than I am!

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Is there a core exercise you find particularly challenging?

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36 Responses to Ten Minutes To A Stronger Core

  1. Wow, impressive workout week! I’m glad you’re enjoying the workouts. I feel the same way with the core- I used to do a few planks and call it good. It’s nice to feel sore and know that you’re getting stronger!

  2. I am crazy tired from all that shoveling but of course when. Just got this. Had to do the ab routine. lol thanks

  3. Karen says:

    That is so much snow! I can not believe you got so much more than we did. I love new core work outs, I am going to watch your video choices πŸ™‚
    My sore foot is making some of these challenging but I hope I find a few new moves I can work on.

    • Coco says:

      Plank moves can be hard with a sore foot, since you balance on your feet! Maybe you can try some of these moves on your knees? Or on one foot to make them even harder! πŸ˜‰

  4. Carla says:

    Im still so so so stuck on all your snow and the driveway plowed to no where πŸ™‚
    Heres hoping you can snag a snow day today? A COREWORK DAY TODAY?!

    • Coco says:

      It’s a work-at-home day today. And hopefully a shovel-out-the-driveway-after-the-plow-comes day, but I can work at home again tomorrow if I need to ….

  5. Kelli says:

    My abs hurt just from reading that workout! I’m sure you’ll see results from that! The current strength program my coach has me doing is basic front and side planks in between the leg exercises. Great work with the training and the adjusting for Snowmageddon!

  6. Yes, Laura’s reset has showed me my core weaknesses as well! I’m glad I’m addressing them now though. Great job working out this week. I ran long before the storm too! πŸ™‚

  7. Working the core is NO joke! I’ve got some fitness goals for later this year, and to achieve them, I will need an awesome strong core. Keep up the good work!

  8. Maureen says:

    I can already see my six pack from following this plank routine…hardcore!
    Good thing you barely got any snow this past week. πŸ˜‰

  9. HoHo Runs says:

    You had an awesome week! I’m betting your best workout was the snow shoveling! It makes me want to go snow skiing. Planks are hard, but I will choose those over strength training and day. I know I need to add some core training so I’m going to try this 10 minute workout. I’m sure I’ll be a wobbly noodle at the end. Ha. Thanks for linking with us Coco.

  10. Margo says:

    I am always telling my students to work on their planks. Best workout for the entire core.

  11. Helly says:

    I love planking. It’s so hard but I def feel it doing its job, lol! I just need to be more consistent about doing them. This looks like a great, challenging workout!

  12. So much snow! Loved seeing our fitness community making the best of it across social media.

  13. Ha collapse would be the key word here after all that! It is a great workout an wouldn’t take a lot of time! I think we as runners forget just how much the core helps us. Thanks for this Coco and thanks for linking it up with us for #WeeklyWrap!!

    • Coco says:

      Yes, I learned a few years ago when I had recurring ITB and piriformis issues and the physical therapist started me working on my core.

  14. Marcia says:

    Great workout week! I’m pretty good about keeping up on my corework but side planks with one leg extended up are still a mega challenge for me.

  15. This looks like a great workout! Planks are the best.

  16. What a tough core workout. I’ll have to give it a try since I’m definitely in need of strengthening my core as part of my postpartum recovery.

  17. Jenn says:

    Shoveling is one hell of a cardio workout!

    That core workout looks incredibly intimidating. Planks are tough as heck, especially when they start getting fancy. Great work on getting it done!

  18. I’ve been getting a heck of a core workout from shoveling – all of the snow has to be lifted on top of tall piles. But some day when I don’t have to shovel anymore (that day will come, right???), I need to try these.

    • Coco says:

      Yeah, when I was shoveling on Saturday I wondered why the heck I had bothered with the “woodchop” move – I was just about doing the same thing in reverse heaving snow onto the pile.

  19. jill conyers says:

    Great workout week! I’m loving short and sweet core workouts. It’s so easy to find the time.

  20. I have a soft spot for ab workouts…soon to be a hard spot with this WO! Pardon my pun!

  21. We do a lot of those different plank moves in my yoga class, I love to hate them but man do they make a difference!!

  22. When double leg lifts stop hurting, throw a physio ball in between your calves for an extra challenge. Rough! I’m glad to see you got a bunch of good workouts in before the blizzard!

  23. I totally blew the reset. I did the first few days and then totally pushed it aside. I definitely don’t think I was ready and it showed. This core workout does sound awesome. I hate the traditional plank so being able to switch it up is huge for me!

    • Coco says:

      I set loose nutrition goals for myself so I wouldn’t be able to say I “blew it” and give up. I’m really trying to keep at it. You have the plan – you could start again for Lent. πŸ˜‰

  24. Pingback: 12 Quick and Effective Core Workouts for Runners | Run With No Regrets

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