Five Things Every Airport Needs

Fall is “conference season” for me, which means a lot of business trips through various airports. I try to allow myself plenty of time to get through security, but whether I’m  dashing to my gate or have time to kill before boarding my flight, there are certain amenities I always appreciate.  

5 Things Every Airport Needs
Here are five things every airport needs to make travel less tiresome. 

1. Water Bottle Filling Stations. I first saw one of these at ORD, but now they have them at DCA (my home airport) and many other airports. They are so much easier to use than trying to fill a water bottle at a drinking fountain! 

Water Bottle Filling Station

2. Charging Stations. I don’t think an airport could have too many charging stations but sometimes I still find myself hunting for a quiet gate with an empty outlet. A charging station is prime real estate when flights are delayed and everyone’s phone is dying. 

Charging Station

3. Free Wi-Fi. Many of the aiports I use have free wi-fi now, so I’m always surprised–and disappointed–when I’d have to pay for wi-fi. I now have a “favorite” restaurant at DEN because it has free wi-fi and power outlets at most of the tables. 

4. Starbucks. If I have an early morning flight, I NEED my grande bold coffee as soon as I get through security. If I have a midday flight, I often grab a sandwich and a tall coffee if I’ve got a business dinner in a different time zone to stay awake through. If I have an evening flight, I try to steer clear so I won’t be tempted by a double chocolate brownie. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Airport Starbucks

5. Shopping. When I get to the airport early or have to wait out a flight delay, it’s nice if there are shops besides the usual newsstand/snack places. I’ve picked up earrings at MIA and shoes at DEN, but even a real bookstore is a great place to pass the time. Of course, a cool art installation is always a bonus!

Rolling Ball Sculpture by George Rhoads at SJC

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What’s your airport must-have?

What’s the most unusual airport amenity you’ve enjoyed?

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13 Responses to Five Things Every Airport Needs

  1. Deb Mills says:

    Thanks for this post. All those are also important to me. Another which you mention in #5 but I’d like to elaborate on is decent food places. I fly through Atlanta often and they have this down. Ranging from actually cheap food (considering the prices will be higher being in an airport, but still cheaper) to more high-end sit-down restaurants. I also love that the Atlanta Airport (and some others) have local food venues so you can have a taste of the city. Happy flying through your conference season.

    • Coco says:

      Yes, I do love good food options when I have time for more than Starbucks, but I don’t want a heavy meal right before I fly.

  2. Shocked to hear there are some airports that don’t have free Wi-Fi! Admittedly, I’m not doing as much travelling as I used to…

  3. I agree with all of these, ESPECIALLY free wifi! That can turn a layover form boring to productive!

  4. I whole heartedly agree! I like those little massage places where you can have a 15 min massage.

  5. I love the water station. That is brilliant. I don’t travel enough to really know what an airport needs and when I do fly, I need to have a strong cocktail to relax. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I like free wi-fi and charging stations too! I don’t always find wi-fi though ๐Ÿ™ I have never seen that water station like that – super nice! TGIF!

  7. Jamie King says:

    I agree with EVERYTHING on this list!

  8. Yum Yucky says:

    You are the airport authority!

  9. Charging stations are a must! I love the idea of the water bottle filling station – I’ll have to look for those the next time I travel.

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