Fitting In Fitness Between Flights

Every year I seem to have once business trip from heck in the fall. I hope I got it out of the way early this year when I spent the last week of August traveling to San Francisco, Austin, Dallas, and home again–all in four days.  

Fitting In Fitness

Instead of using my hectic schedule as an excuse to skip my workouts, I looked forward to fitting in fitness between flights.

On Sunday, I took Tiger Lilly for a walk before heading to the airport. After my 6+ hour flight, my legs appreciated the leisurely walk I took along the Embarcadero in San Francisco before heading to my conference in San Jose. (Step count: 14,662)


The perfect cure for jet lag!

On Monday, I woke up at 1:55 am at The Fairmont in San Jose. Since I was heading back east that afternoon, I decided to just get up, so I piddled around on Facebook did some work until about 5:30 am, when I figured it was an acceptable time to go for a run. 

San Jose

It was still pretty dark, so I stuck to the well-lit streets and saved the river walk for another time. Of course, I planned my 4 mile route to end at the Starbucks near my hotel. (Step count: 17,021, at least half of them looking for the United Lounge at SFO so I could recharge my laptop before my 3 hour flight …)

On Tuesday, I woke up at 5:10 am in Austin. I was staying at the Omni Barton Creek Resort & Spa which was so awesome I’m going to give it its own post next week. πŸ˜‰  For this post, I will tell you that I did a 45 minute strength routine before my client meeting, and a 1/2 mile hike afterwards. (Step count: 11,996)

On Wednesday, I woke up at 5:40 am at The Fairmont in Dallas. I wasn’t excited about running alone in the dark in a strange city again, so I checked out the hotel gym. I didn’t want to risk aggravating my foot for a run on the hotel treadmill, so I opted for 15 min on the elliptical and a 30 min strength routine. (Step count: 10,382)

Free Weights

Have you ever seen such cheerful free weights?

As I was using the hotel gym, I realized what a money saver it could be. 

There were free headphones, which would save me having to pay $3 for headphones on my Virgin America flight home. There were free apples, which would save me at least $1 (the price of a banana at Starbucks). There was a water cooler, which I used to refill my water bottle instead of paying $6 for the water bottle supplied in my hotel room. Fitting in fitness pays for itself! 

On Thursday, I woke up in my own bed, and went out for an easy 4 mile run. The unseasonably cool weather and pain-free laps at the track made the wait worth it. (Step count: 10,647)

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Overall, I’m pleased that I was able to get some exercise –and at least 10K steps–every day. I’m lucky that I was able to stay at nice hotels with nice facilities, but I also chose to pack my exercise clothes, check out the hotel gyms, and get up early enough to workout before I had to start working.

Have you enjoyed any “freebies” at a hotel gym?

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22 Responses to Fitting In Fitness Between Flights

  1. Carla says:

    I read this. I think #wycwyc. And then I forget that whole thing πŸ™‚ and get the SADS we couldn’t connect when you were in town.

  2. Marcia says:

    You did a great job of staying active while traveling! I love running in other cities. That’s a great hotel fitness center with all those amenities!

  3. Chaitali says:

    Wow, that does sound like a crazy trip! Way to go getting those work outs in. I have a hard time getting in the steps on work trips since I feel like I end up sitting in meetings all day. But nice hotel gyms definitely help out with that πŸ™‚

    • Coco says:

      Yes, I actually was able to be more active since I was traveling everyday. Otherwise I do get stuck in meetings and long dinners.

  4. Karen says:

    You did great! I always enjoy running in new places, but in the dark I would not be so eager. Your hotel had nice work out perks πŸ™‚
    The last place we stayed the hotel was nice, but the gym had no A/C it was tough. Strength training is always a great option when you can not run “)

  5. What an awesome way to keep up with your fitness! Those hotel amenities look phenomenal. Love the rainbow colored weights πŸ™‚

  6. What a great way to get it done! My hubby loves checking out the hotel gym when we travel, me not so much. I always ask the front desk about the area and then make a decision on whether or not I can get outside. I love that you got your 10K steps in each day- awesome!

  7. Very impressive! I remember going out for a run in Monterey the day we got there last year. I decided to just go out & run & it was so pretty I ran 6 miles, which is just what happened to be on my schedule that day (which I didn’t check).

    I am totally impressed you got in 17,000+ steps on a travel day! How is that possible? We always leave too early to walk the dogs, who are already at the pet sitter anyway.

    We stayed at the Barton Creek Resort many, many years ago (we lived in Austin for 17 years); easily one of the most impressive places we’ve ever stayed at and even though we’re usually fairly budget, we’ve also stayed in some really nice places, too.

    • Coco says:

      I really did a lot of laps in the airport looking for the @(%*($% United lounge, and then realized my flight was earlier than I thought, so I was only there for about 1/2 hour! (I get free passes with my credit card that I never use ….). A run in Monterey would be a great way to shake off a day of travel.

  8. Liz says:

    YES! This is awesome.. you just gotta make it happen sometimes!! Whenever I’m in the airport and get delayed or I’m waiting for flights.. I walk.. it beats sitting around and doing nothing.. plus it tires me out before the flight πŸ™‚

  9. you’ve been traveling a lot! That spa sounds great except for the 5 am part. πŸ™‚

  10. GiGi Eats says:

    I always make sure that my hotel has a gym in it, wherever I travel!! It’s a HUGE must because I will get my booty up EXTRA early just to get a work out in!

  11. carrie says:

    I try really hard to hit my 10,000 steps when I travel too. It takes a little planning, but great job.

  12. tess says:

    Way to go on the workouts! I try to keep up my walking every day.

  13. jill conyers says:

    I don’t fly very often but if I did for business or whatever fitting in fitness between flights would be a priority. Great post Coco!

    When I travel the first thing we check when booking hotels is a hotel fitness center and running locations close enough to walk to.

    Have an awesome weekend!

  14. Wow, that’s pretty impressive. I think if I traveled without kids I could probably fit workouts in, but add the kids in and no way!! I’m impressed with the gym freebies!

  15. Lucie Palka says:

    Wow, you did very well at finding time to workout despite the travel time and busy schedule!

  16. Pingback: Staying Active At The Omni Barton Creek - Got2Run4Me

  17. Pingback: Why Starbucks Is My Home Away From Home - Got2Run4Me

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