Favorite Beverages Summertime Or Anytime

Today’s Friday Five topic is Favorite Summer Drinks,  but my favorite beverages don’t really change with the seasons. You can find me enjoying these five drinks almost any day of the year. Favorite Beverages1. Water. My most favorite thing to drink is water. I usually drink cold tap water (no ice) but when I feel like treating myself I’ll have club soda or seltzer water. I laughed when I got upgraded to a first class seat on a shuttle to New York City, because that just meant I would get to enjoy my club soda from a glass. 

Favorite Beverages -- Club Soda

I’m not too picky about my fizzy water–the store brand is fine!

I wasn’t always a water drinker. I drank a 6-pack of Coke a day in college (breakfast, lunch, afternoon break, dinner, studying, relaxing), and switched to Diet Coke in law school to be “healthier”. Now that I’ve kicked the soda habit, I honestly prefer water. 

2. Coffee. After water, Starbucks bold coffee is my next favorite beverage. I usually start my day with 1-2 cups brewed at home, and keep it going with another cup at work. I enjoy it most in this ceramic mug–even though it caused a months’ long spat with the baristas.

Favorite Beverages -- Starbucks Coffee

3. IPA. The other beverage I enjoy almost every day is an IPA. I tend to like high alcohol content Belgian-style beers the most, so I stick to a small glass. Right now the Double D IPA from Dominion Brewery is my favorite. 

Favorite Beverages -- Double D IPA

4. Nuun. If I am going for a run or a bike ride, I use Nuun for calorie-free electrolytes. I pretty much like all the flavors, but I steer clear of the caffeinated ones. 

Favorite Beverages -- Nuun

5. Iced-Tall-Skim-One-Pump-Vanilla Latte. I don’t usually have coffee after breakfast, and I don’t usually get any fancy hand-crafted drinks from Starbucks, but if I’m out and about on a hot day, or if I’m really dragging at work, my favorite Starbucks summer beverage is an iced-tall-skim-one-pump-vanilla-latte (did I get that right?). I don’t like my drinks super-sweet, and find that one pump of syrup in a tall or grande is just right.

Favorite Beverages -- Starbucks Iced Latte

It even looks refreshing!

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See what others are drinking this summer at the Friday Five link up hosted at Eat Pray Run DCMar on the Run and You Signed Up for What?!

What drink do you treat yourself with?

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23 Responses to Favorite Beverages Summertime Or Anytime

  1. I am a big seltzer girl too. Do you have a sodastreaam? They are the best πŸ™‚

  2. Don’t drink coffee or beer, hate seltzer, but I do like water. πŸ™‚

    During the winter I treat myself with hot chocolate. Nothing really comes to mind for summer.

  3. Substitute the beer with wine and I think our lists are the same. So, if you have a small glass of beer, can you keep the rest for the next day? Can you seal up a beer bottle like a wine bottle?

    • Coco says:

      Yes, I save the rest for another day. Sometimes I use a bottle stopper and sometimes I don’t – maybe because of the kind of beer I like it stays pretty fresh regardless.

  4. I”m a big water and iced tea drinker, but after a hot run or bike, there’s nothing better than a beer…

  5. Chaitali says:

    I’m a big fan of the nuun too!

  6. Yes!! IPA’s and Nuun all day every day!!

  7. HoHo Runs says:

    I like my water without ice too! People thing I’m strange. You make me feel normal. LOL. I always order my Starbucks with half the syrup. Full on is way too sweet for me.

  8. I start every day with coffee since I can’t really function without it. I don’t like ice in my water either. Nuun is amazing!

  9. I usually only take water w me when I run bc when I have fuel during my run it is way too sweet of a combination. I usually refuel w Nuun when I return.

  10. Lime-a-Rita is my go to summer beverage, along with water and nuun also!! I don’t do coffee, can you believe it?

  11. Water is definitely my go to drink but boy am I loving Nuun… just discovered it about a month ago !

  12. Love your basket of Nuun. I love must flavors I’ve tried too. I have my favorites but I love being able to mix it up with all the variety.

  13. I like good old regular water no seltzer here! No beer either, but I do love a nice chilled white wine!! πŸ™‚

  14. Bubbly flavored water is my favorite!
    Target makes a Cherry Limeade Sparkling Water that is awesome.

  15. Carla says:

    late to the soiree but I was tooo busy installing πŸ™‚ my new birthday SODA STREAM.
    Ive gone through two already.

  16. Jennifer says:

    This past month I decided to drink less diet coke and add seltzer water (even dropping in Nuun tabs occasionally). Oh where did you get the sample size Nuuns?

  17. Emily says:

    Favorite drink for me would definitely be chocolate milk. It not only tastes good but it has a lot of childhood nostalgia for me.

    • Coco says:

      Oh, chocolate milk is a great one – I learned to love it as a post-race drink at the Rock & Roll Half, and sometimes I choose that at Starbucks to supplement a snack.

  18. Steena says:

    margarita, margarita, margarita, margarita, margarita! ha!
    I’m a big fan of Nuun too!

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